

PyRID is still in early development!

  1. Install Anaconda python distribution (recommended):


  2. Download PyRID-0.0.1.tar.gz from the GitHub repository and extract it:

    PyRID on GitHub

  3. Open Anaconda Prompt on your computer.

  4. Go to the directory to which you downloaded PyRID-0.0.1.tar.gz:

    >>> cd <your directory>
  5. Create a new environment:

    >>> conda create -n pyrid-env python=3.9
    >>> conda activate pyrid-env
  6. Pip install PyRID:

    >>> pip install PyRID-0.0.1.tar.gz

To run your PyRID python scripts you can use, e.g., Spyder or Jupyter Lab, which both come with the Anaconda distribution.