Short description
@author: Moritz F P Becker
- class[50., 50., 50.]), dt=0.1, Temp=293.15, eta=1e-21, stride=100, write_trajectory=True, file_path='Files/', file_name='PyRID', fig_path='Figures/', boundary_condition='periodic', nsteps=10000, sim_time=None, wall_force=100.0, seed=None, length_unit='nanometer', time_unit='ns', cells_per_dim=None, max_cells_per_dim=50)[source]
The Simulation class takes care of most of the user communication with PyRIDs numba compiled functions that are the core of the PyRID simulator. The Simulation class thereby represents the biggest part of the user API. By creating an instance of the Simulation class and calling its methods, the user can define molecule types, setup the simulation volume, define reactions etc. and, last but not least, start the simulation.
- Attributes
- Systemobject
Instance of the System class
- Particlesobject
Instance of the Particles class
- RBsobject
Instance of the RBs class
- file_pathobject
Directory for simulation results. Uses the pathlib library.
- file_namestring
Project name for the simulation files.
- fig_pathobject
Directory for any figures created with PyRID. Uses the pathlib library.
- write_trajectoryboolean
If false, PyRID will not save any molecule trajectory data. Default = True
- strideint64
Stride used for saving molecule trajectories to the hard drive.
- current_stepint64
Current simulation time step.
- release_events = `list`
List of molecule release events
- nstepsint64
Number of simulation steps.
- sim_timefloat64
Instead of a number of simulation steps, the user can also define the simulation time/duration. This option is useful, e.g., when running PyRID on a cluster with maximum runtime for users.
- Observerobject
Instance of the Observables class.
- Measureslist
List of all measures / observables supported by PyRID.
- length_unitsdict
Dictionary assigning written out unit name and unit short form.
- unitsdict
Dictionary containing for each system property / observable the corresponding unit.
- time_unit‘ns’, ‘mus’, ‘ms’, ‘s’
Unit of time
- checkpointarray like
Structured array that contains fields for different checkpoint parameters (stride, directory, maximum number of saves).
- Timerdict
Dictionary that saves the runtime for different parts of the simulation loop such as integration, reaction handling and writing data to files.
- progress_propertieslist
List of simulation properties to print/log while the simulation is running. Supported are ‘it/s’ (iterations per second), ‘pu/s’ (particle updates per second), ‘Time passed’, ‘step’, ‘N’ (Number of molecules), ‘Pressure’, ‘Volume’ (Simulation box volume), ‘Vol_Frac’ (Volume fraction per molecule type), ‘Bonds’ (Number of particle-particle bonds).
- hdfobject
hdf5 file that PyRID writes all observable data to.
- HGridarray like
Hierarchical grid represented by a numpy structures array.
- particles_left_boxlist
List of particles that have left the simulation volume. If this list is not empty this is always a sign that some system parameters need to changed because the simulation is unstable.
Prints the runtime of different parts of the simulation loop such as integration, reaction handling and writing data to files.
k_micro(self, mol_type_1, mol_type_2, k_macro, R_react, loc_type = ‘Volume’)
Calculates the microscopic reaction rate from a given macroscopic rate, reaction radius and the educts´ diffusion coefficients. Calls
.k_macro(self, D1, D2, k_micro, R_react)
Calculates the macroscopic reaction rate from a given microscopic rate, reaction radius and the educts´ diffusion coefficients. Calls
.add_checkpoints(self, stride, directory, max_saves)
Registers the parameters for saving checkpoints.
add_barostat_berendsen(self, Tau_P, P0, start)
Adds a Berendsen barostat. Calls
.set_compartments(self, Compartments, triangles, vertices, mesh_scale = 1.0, adapt_box = False)
Sets up 3d mesh compartments.
register_particle_type(self, Type, radius)
Registers a particle type. Calls
.add_interaction(self, interaction_type, type1, type2, parameters, bond = False)
Assigns a particle-particle interaction potential to a particle type pair. Calls
.add_up_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types = None, product_loc = None, product_direction = None, radius = None)
Registeres a Uni-Particle (UP) reaction for an educt particle. Calls
.add_um_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types = None, product_loc = None, product_direction = None, radius = None)
Registeres a Uni-Molecular (UM) reaction for an educt Molecule. Calls
.add_bp_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, rate, radius, interaction_type = None, interaction_parameters = None)
Registeres a Bi-Particle (BP) reaction for an educt particle. Calls
.add_bm_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, particle_pairs, pair_rates, pair_radii, placement_factor = 0.5)
Registeres a Bi-Molecular (BM) reaction for an educt molecule. Calls
.register_molecule_type(self, molecule_name, particle_pos, particle_types, collision_type = 0, h_membrane = None)
Regsiters a molecule type. Calls
.set_diffusion_tensor(self, molecule_name, D_tt, D_rr)
Checks whether a given diffusion tensor is valid (physically meaningful) and sets the diffusion tensor for a given molecule type. Calls
.fixed_concentration_at_boundary(self, molecule_name, C, comp_name, location)
Sets the fixed concentration boundary given a concentartion for each defined molecule type and for each compartents volume and surface. Calls
.add_molecules(self, Location, Compartment_Number, points, quaternion, points_type, face_ids = None)
Places molecules in the simulation box given their location, orientation, type, and compartment number.
distribute(self, Method, Location, Compartment_Number, Types, Number, clustering_factor=1, max_trials=100, jitter = None, triangle_id = None, multiplier = 100, facegroup = None)
Calculates the distribution of molecules in the simulation box / the surface or volume of a compartment using one of several different methods.
observe(self, Measure, molecules = ‘All’, reactions = ‘All’, obs_stride = 1, bin_width = None, n_bins = None, stepwise = True, binned= False)
Sets up an observer for a certain system property / measure.
observe_rdf(self, rdf_pairs = None, rdf_bins = 100, rdf_cutoff = None, stride = None)
Sets up an observer for the radial distribution function.
add_release_site(self, Location, timepoint, compartment_id, Number = None, Types = None, origin = None, jitter = None, Molecules_id = None, Positions = None, Quaternion = None, triangle_id = None)
Adds a molecule release site that releases a number of molecules at a defined time point into the system.
progress(self, sim_time, nsteps, j, time_passed, it_per_s, Np, Pressure_total, N_bonds, Volume, out_linebreak, N, width=30)
prints / logs several different simulation parameters such as iterations per second, molecule number and pressure.
load_checkpoint(self, file_name, index, directory = ‘checkpoints/’)
Loads a system state from a checkpoint file.
run(self, progress_stride = 100, keep_time = False, out_linebreak = False, progress_bar_properties = None, start_reactions = 0)
Simulation loop. Runs the simulation.
- add_barostat_berendsen(Tau_P, P0, start)[source]
Adds a Berendsen barostat. Calls
.- Parameters
- Tau_Pfloat
Time constant of berendsen barostat
- P0float
Target pressure of berendsen barostat
- startint
Simulation step from which to start simulating in NPT ensemble.
The Berendsen barostat is frequently used in molecular dynamics simulations due to its simplicity and fast equilibration. While the Berendsen barostat results in the correct particle density, it does not correctly sample from the (NPT) thermodynamical ensemble, i.e. the fluctuation in the pressure are not 100% accurate. Therefore, one needs to be carefull when to use this Barostat. However, if the barostat is used in the preparation step but not during sampling, e.g. when doing LLPs simualtions where the barostat is used to relax the system’s shape but afterwards one simulates in the NVT ensemble Muller et al. [32], this should not be a problem. Note: Baruffi et al. [33] introduced a barostat for overdamped Langevin dynamics that settles to the correct thermodynamic equilibrium distribution.
- add_bm_reaction(reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, particle_pairs, pair_rates, pair_radii, placement_factor=0.5)[source]
Registeres a Bi-Molecular (BM) reaction for an educt molecule. Calls
.- Parameters
- reaction_typestr {‘fusion’, ‘enzymatic_mol’}
Name of the reaction type
- educt_typearray_like
Names of the educt molecule types
- particle_pairsarray_like
List of educt particle pairs belonging to each of the two educt molecules
- pair_ratesarray_like
List of reaction rates for each particle pair
- pair_Radiiarray_like
List of reaction radii for each particle pair
- placement_factorfloat64 [0,1]
Only for fusion reactions: Affects where between the educt molecules the product molecule is placed. A factor of 0.5 means in the middle. A smaller factor will shift the product towards the first educt, a larger value towards the second educt molecule. A value different from 0.5 may increase accuracy in the case of a strong size difference between the two educts (a strong difference in the diffusion tensors). Default = 0.5
Bi-molecular reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius. PyRID only evaluates the eucludean distances between particles but not molecule centers. Thereby, also for bi-molecular reactions educt particles need to be set. Since molecules can consist of several particles, a list of particle pairs can be passed and for each particle pair a reaction rate and radius is defined. If one of the pair particle reactions is successful, the corresponding molecule that the particle belongs to is converted as defined by the reaction type. If the molecule cosnsists of a single particle, the reaction will be handled just as the bi-particle reactions. The user needs to take care of calculating accurate reaction radii and rates such that the desired reaction dynamics are simulated, which can become difficult for large molecules. Therefore it is sometimes more convenient to place an interaction free particle at the origin of the molecule and execute the bimolecular reaction via this particle. This method is equivalent to the case where one would evaluate reactions based on the distance between molecule centers. As for the uni-molecular reactions, several reaction paths can be defined. Each reaction path may involve different particle pairs of the educt molecules. On a side note: Thereby, orientation dependent bimolecular reactions are in principle possible. However, since the reaction probability does not scale with the distance, directionality is only really accounted for if the reaction radius is small compared to the molecule size.
- add_bp_reaction(reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, rate, radius, interaction_type=None, interaction_parameters=None)[source]
Registeres a Bi-Particle (BP) reaction for an educt particle. Calls
.- Parameters
- reaction_typestr {‘bind’, ‘absorption’, ‘enzymatic’}
Name of the reaction type
- educt_typearray_like
Names of the educt particle types
- product_typesarray_like
List of products (only used for binding reactions)
- ratefloat64
Reaction rate
- radiusfloat64
Reaction radius.
- interaction_typestr
Name of the energy potential function in case ‘reaction_type’ is a binding reaction.
- interaction_parametersdict
Parameters for the interaction function in case ‘reaction_type’ is a binding reaction.
Bi-particle reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius.
Binding Reactions
A particle pair will only enter a bound state if the binding reaction was succesfull. Otherwise two particles won’t experience any pairwise interaction force! A reaction occurs if two particles for whose type a binding reaction has been defined are within the reaction radius. The reaction probability is evaluated as:
\[1-exp(\lambda \cdot \Delta t),\]where \(\lambda\) is the reaction rate and \(\Delta t\) is the integration time step.
- add_checkpoints(stride, directory, max_saves)[source]
Registers the parameters for saving checkpoints such as stride, maximum number of saves and target directory.
- Parameters
- strideint64
Stride for making checkpoints.
- directorystring
Target directory for the checkpoint files.
- max_savesint64
Maximum number of files that are saved. Old files will be overwritten to keep the number of checkpoint files at the value of max_saves.
- add_interaction(interaction_type, type1, type2, parameters, bond=False)[source]
Assigns a particle-particle interaction potential to a particle type pair. Calls
.- Parameters
- interaction_typestr {‘harmonic_repulsion’, ‘PHS’, ‘harmonic_attraction’, ‘CSW’}
Type of interaction potential
- type1str
Names of the educt particle type 1
- type2str
Names of the educt particle type 2
- parametersdict
Parameters for the interaction potential function.
- bondbool
True if interaction is initialized as part of a bindign reaction. (Default: False)
- breakablebool
If set to True, bonds that have been formed by a binding reaction are deleted if the interparticle distance is above the cutoff radius of the interaction potenial.
Bi-particle reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius.
- add_molecules(Location, Compartment_Number, points, quaternion, points_type, face_ids=None)[source]
Places molecules in the simulation box given their location, orientation, type, and compartment number.
- Parameters
- Location‘Volume’ or ‘Surface’’
Determines whether the molecules are surface or volume molecules.
- Compartment_Numberint64
The number of the compartment in which to place the molecules
- pointsfloat64[:,3]
Molecule coordinates
- quaternionfloat64[:,4]
Orientation of the molecules represented by rotation /orientation quaternions.
- points_typeint64[:]
Molecule type ids.
- face_idsint64[:]
Indices of the mesh triangle/faces on which the molecules are placed. Default = None
- Raises
- raise IndexError(‘Compartment number must be a positive integer!’)
Compartment number must be an integer value.
- raise IndexError(‘Compartment number must be greater zero!’)
Compartment numbers must be greater than zero.
- raise TypeError(‘Missing required argument face_ids’)
In the case of Location = ‘Surface’ face_ids must be passed.
- NameError(‘Location must be either Volume or Surface!’)
There are only two locations a molecule can assigned to: the surface or the volume of a compartment.
- add_release_site(Location, timepoint, compartment_number, Number=None, Types=None, origin=None, jitter=None, Molecules_id=None, Positions=None, Quaternion=None, triangle_id=None)[source]
Adds a molecule release site that releases a number of molecules at a defined time point into the system. The molecules are distributed normally around a point in the volume or a mesh surface.
- Parameters
- Location‘Volume’ or ‘Surface’
Determines of whether the molecules are released on the compartment surface or in its volume.
- timepointint64
Time step at which to release the molecules.
- compartment_numberint64
Number of the mesh compartment. 0 means simulation box, i.e. outside any mesh compartment.
- Numberint64[:]
Number of molecules per molecule type.
- Typeslist of strings
List of molecule types to release.
- originfloat64[3]
Only if Location = ‘Volume’. Position around which to distribute the molecules upon release.
- jitterfloat64
Initial width of the molecule distribution. Molecules are distributed normally around the origin.
- triangle_idint64
Only if Location=’Surface’. Index of the triangle around whose centroid the molecules are distributed.
- Molecules_idint64[:]
Only for Location=’Volume’. In case you want a custom distribution of molecules this list contains the type id of each molecule.
- Positionsfloat64[:,3]
Only for Location=’Volume’. In case you want a custom distribution of molecules this list contains the coordinates of each molecule.
- Quaternionfloat64[:,4]
Only for Location=’Volume’. In case you want a custom distribution of molecules this list contains the orientation of each molecule.
- add_um_reaction(reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types=None, product_loc=None, product_direction=None, radius=None)[source]
Registeres a Uni-Molecular (UM) reaction for an educt Molecule. Calls
.- Parameters
- reaction_typestr {‘production’, ‘fission’, ‘conversion_mol’, ‘decay’}
Name of the reaction type
- educt_typestr
Name of the educt molecule type
- ratefloat64
Reaction rate
- product_typesarray_like
List of products
- product_locarray_like
List specifying whether the individual products are volume (0) or surface (1) molecules
- product_directionarray_like
Specifies whether, in case of a surface molecule releasing products into the volume, the realease occurs inside (-1) or outside (1) the mesh compartment.
- radiusfloat64
The radius within which molecules are distributed upon a successfull release reaction.
Uni-molecular reactions are evaluated using the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm. Thereby, for a molecule type, the time point of the next uni-molecular reaction occuring is calculated in advance and executed when the simualtion reaches the respective time point. A uni-molecular reaction can consist of several reaction paths. Each molecule type has exactly one uni-molecular reaction id registered for which the time point is drawn randomly based on the total reaction rate which is the sum of all path reaction rates. At the time point of the reaction occuring, a path is randomly drawn from the set of possible paths weighted by the individual path reaction rates. To illustrate the above by an example: For Molecule ‘A’ a we may define two convcersion reactions where A -k1-> B, A -k2-> C. In addition, we define a fission reaction A -k3-> D+E. The next reaction will occur at a time point T that is calculated based on the total rate k1+k2+k3. At time T, one of the three reactions is executed. The probability for each reaction to be selected being k1/(k1+k2+k3), k2/(k1+k2+k3), k3/(k1+k2+k3).
- add_up_reaction(reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types=None, product_loc=None, product_direction=None, radius=None)[source]
Registeres a Uni-Particle (UP) reaction for an educt particle. Calls
.- Parameters
- reaction_typestr {‘relase’, ‘conversion’}
Name of the reaction type
- educt_typestr
Name of the educt particle type
- ratefloat64
Reaction rate
- product_typesarray_like
List of products
- product_locarray_like
List specifying whether the individual products are volume (0) or surface (1) molecules
- product_directionarray_like
Specifies whether, in case of a surface particle releasing products into the volume, the realease occurs inside (-1) or outside (1) the mesh compartment.
- radiusfloat64
The radius within which molecules are distributed upon a successfull release reaction.
Uni-particle reactions are evaluated using a variant of the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm. Thereby, for a particle type, the time point of the next uni-particle reaction occuring is calculated in advance and executed when the simualtion reaches the respective time point. For unimolecular reactions we can draw the time point of the next reaction from a distribution using a variant of the Gillespie Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) Stiles and Bartol [11], Erban et al. [12]. For a single molecule having \(n\) possible transition reactions/reaction paths each having a reaction rate \(k_i\), let \(k_t = \sum_i^n k_i\) be the total reaction rate.
Now, let \(\rho(\tau) d\tau\) be the probability that the next reaction occurs within \([t+\tau,t+\tau+d\tau)\) and let \(g(\tau)\) be the probability that no reaction occurs within \([t,t+\tau)\). The probability that a reaction occurs within the time interval \(d\tau\) is simply \(k_t d\tau\). Thereby
\[\rho(\tau) d\tau = g(\tau) k_t d\tau\]where \(g(\tau) = e^{-k_t \tau}\) (see also Poisson process). From the above equation we easily find \(P(\tau) = 1-e^{-k_t \tau}\) by integration. To sample from this distribution, we can use the inverse distribution function.
\[\tau = P^{-1}(U)\]where \(U\) i uniformly distributed in \((0,1)\). Given that \(U = P(\tau) = 1-e^{-k_t \tau}\), we find \(P^{-1}(U) = \frac{-log(1-U)}{k_t}\). Since \(U\) is uniformly distributed in 0,1, so is \(1-U\). Thereby, we can draw the time point of the next reaction from:
\[\tau = \frac{1}{k_t} \ln\Big[\frac{1}{U}\Big],\]With the above method, we accurately sample from the distribution of expected molecule lifetimes \(\rho(\tau) = k_t e^{-k_t \tau}\).
A uni-particle reaction can consist of several reaction paths. Each particle type has exactly one uni-particle reaction id registered for which the time point is drawn randomly based on the total reaction rate which is the sum of all path reaction rates. At the time point of the reaction occurring, a path is randomly drawn from the set of possible paths weighted by the individual path reaction rates. To get the reaction path we compare a second random number, uninformly distributed in (0,k_t), with the cumulative set of reaction rates \((k_1, k_1+k_2, ..., k_t)\). The comparison is done via a bisection algorithm (see rand_util.random_util.bisect_right()).
To illustrate the above by an example: For particle ‘A’ a we may define two convcersion reactions where A -k1-> B, A -k2-> C. In addition, we define a release reaction A -k3-> 2*D+5*E. The next reaction will occur at a time point T that is calculated based on the total rate k1+k2+k3. At time T, one of the three reactions is executed. The probability for each reaction to be selected being k1/(k1+k2+k3), k2/(k1+k2+k3), k3/(k1+k2+k3).
- distribute(Method, Location, Compartment_Number, Types, Number, clustering_factor=1, max_trials=100, jitter=None, triangle_id=None, multiplier=100, facegroup=None)[source]
Calculates the distribution of molecules in the simulation box / the surface or volume of a compartment using one of several different methods. The available methods are:
‘PDS’: The ‘PDS’ (Poisson-Disc-Sampling) method does resolve collisions based on the molecule radius but can only reach volume fractions of <30% for mono-disperse systems. Note that computation times can become very long if the target number of molecules is much larger than would fit into the compartment. The molecule density can also be increased by increasing max_trials at the cost of longer runtimes.In additions one can play around with the clustering factor that affects the distribution of molecules. A larger clustering factor will result in a more uniform distribution of molecules. See
‘PDS_unfiform’: The same holds true for ‘PDS_unfiform’ method, however, with the addition that the molecules are uniformly distributed. The method first creates a large number of uniformly distributed points (using the ‘MC’ method). From this sampling pool only those points that are a minimum distance apart from each other are kept. The molecule density can be increased by the multiplier parameter at the cost of longer runtimes.See
‘Gauss’: The ‘Gauss’ method can be used to normally distribute molecules around the centroid of a triangle (given by triangle_id) on a mesh surface. The distribution width can be set by the jitter parameter. See
‘MC’: The ‘MC’ (Monte-Carlo) method is fast and can reach arbitrary molecule densities, however, it does not resolve any collision. See
- Parameters
- Method‘PDS’, ‘PDS uniform’, ‘Gauss’, ‘MC’
Method for calculating the molecule distribution.
- Location‘Volume’ or ‘Surface’
Determines of whether the molecules are distributed on the compartment surface or in its volume. Note that the method ‘pds_uniform’ is only available for Location=’Volume’ and the method ‘Gauss’ only for Location=’Surface’.
- Compartment_Numberint64
Number of the mesh compartment. 0 means simulation box, i.e. outside any mesh compartment.
- Typesint64[:]
List of molecule type ids.
- Numberint64[:]
Number of molecules to distribute per type.
- clustering_factorfloat64
Only for Location=’Volume’ and Method=’PDS’. The clustering factor affects the distribution of molecules. A larger clustering factor will result in a more uniform distribution of molecules.
- max_trialsint64
Only for Location=’Volume’ and Method=’PDS’. Increases the number attempts to randomly place a molecule in the vicinity of another molecule.
- jitterfloat64
Only for Location=’Surface’ and Method=’Gauss’. Width of the normal distribution.
- triangle_idint64
Only for Location=’Surface’ and Method=’Gauss’. Index of the triangle around whose centroid molecules are normally distributed.
- multiplierint64
Only for (Location=’Volume’ and Method=’PDS_uniform’) or (Location=’Surface’ and Method=’PDS’). Increases the sampling pool size.
- facegroupstring
Only for Location=’Surface’ and Method=’PDS’ or ‘MC’. Name of the face group on whose triangles to distribute the molecules.
- Returns
- dtype
Some information
- Raises
- raise NameError(‘Method {} does not exist!’.format(Method))
Available methods are ‘PDS’, ‘PDS uniform’, ‘Gauss’, ‘MC’.
- raise IndexError(‘Compartment number must be a positive integer!’)
Compartment number must be an integer value.
- raise IndexError(‘Compartment number must be greater zero!’)
Compartment numbers must be greater than zero.
- raise TypeError(‘Missing required argument face_ids’)
In the case of Location = ‘Surface’ face_ids must be passed.
- NameError(‘Location must be either Volume or Surface!’)
There are only two locations a molecule can assigned to: the surface or the volume of a compartment.
- fixed_concentration_at_boundary(molecule_name, C, comp_name, location)[source]
Sets the fixed concentration boundary given a concentartion for each defined molecule type and for each compartents volume and surface. Calls
.- Parameters
- molecule_namestr
Name of the molecule
- Cfloat
concentration of molecule type outside simulation box (‘virtual molecules’)
- comp_namestr
Name of the compartment
- locationint {0,1}
Location of the molecule. 0: Volume, 1: Surface
fixed_concentration_at_boundary() calculates some properties that are necessary to properly distribute molecules inside the simulation box that hit the simulation box boundary from the outside (Thereby, ‘virtual molecules’ become real molecules in our simualtion). The number of hits per time step a boundary of area A experiences is \(N = l_{perp}*A*C\). Where \(C\) is the concentration in molecules per volume and \(l_{perp}\) is the average net displacement in one tiem step towards or away from any plane, where \(l_{perp} = \sqrt{(4*D*\Delta t/\pi)}\) Stiles and Bartol [11].
- k_macro(D1, D2, k_micro, R_react)[source]
Calculates the macroscopic reaction rate from a given microscopic rate, reaction radius and the educts´ diffusion coefficients. Calls
.- Parameters
- D1float
Translational diffusion coefficient of educt 1.
- D2float
Translational diffusion coefficient of educt 2.
- k_microfloat
Microscopic reaction rate.
- R_reactfloat
Reaction radius.
- Returns
- float64
Macroscopic reaction rate
- k_micro(mol_type_1, mol_type_2, k_macro, R_react, loc_type='Volume')[source]
Calculates the microscopic reaction rate from a given macroscopic rate, reaction radius and the educts´ diffusion coefficients. Calls
.- Parameters
- mol_type_1string
Name of educt moelcule 1.
- mol_type_2string
Name of educt moelcule 2.
- k_macrofloat
Macroscopic reaction rate.
- R_reactfloat
Reaction radius.
- loc_typestring
Location type of the educts (‘Volume’ or ‘Surface’).
- Returns
- float64
Microscopic reaction rate
The method used here is only valid for volume molecules, i.e. diffusion in 3D. For surface molecules a value is also returned, however with a warning.
- load_checkpoint(file_name, index, directory='checkpoints/')[source]
Loads a system state from a checkpoint file.
- Parameters
- file_namestring
Checkpoint file name.
- indexint64
Index of the checkpoint file (index goes from 0 to maximum number of saves).
- directorystring
Directory of the checkpoint files. Default = ‘checkpoints/’
- observe(Measure, molecules='All', reactions='All', obs_stride=1, stepwise=True, binned=False)[source]
Sets up an observer for a certain system property / measure.
- Parameters
- Measure‘Position’, ‘Energy’, ‘Pressure’, ‘Volume’, ‘Virial’, ‘Virial Tensor’, ‘Number’, ‘Orientation’, ‘Bonds’, ‘Reactions’, ‘Force’, ‘Torque’
System property which to observe.
- moleculeslist or ‘All’
List of molecule types. Default = ‘All’
- reactionslist or ‘All’
List of reaction types to observe. Default = ‘All’
- obs_strideint64
Stride by which observables are saved to the hdf5 file.
- stepwiseboolean
If True, observables are saved in a stepwise manner, i.e. the current value at the respective timestep is saved. Default = True
- binnedboolean
If True, observables are binned where the bin size is equal to stride.
- Raises
- warnings.warn(‘Warning: Binning is not supported for property {0}. PyRID will instead sample {0} stepwise!’.format(Measure))
Binning is not supported for ‘Force’, ‘Torque’, ‘Orientation’, ‘Position’.
- observe_rdf(rdf_pairs=None, rdf_bins=100, rdf_cutoff=None, stride=None)[source]
Sets up an observer for the radial distribution function.
- Parameters
- rdf_pairsnested list
List of molecule type pairs for which to calculate the radial distribution function. Example: [[‘A’,’A’],[‘A’,’B’]].
- rdf_binsint64[:]
Number of bins used for each respective molecule pair (resolution of the rdf histogram).
- rdf_cutofffloat64[:]
Cutoff distance for each respective molecule pair (choose wisely).
- strideint64
Stride by which radial distribution function is sampled and saved to the hdf5 file. Note: calculation of the rdf is computationally expensive!
- print_timer()[source]
Prints the runtime of different parts of the simulation loop such as integration, reaction handling and writing data to files.
- progress(sim_time, nsteps, j, time_passed, it_per_s, Np, Pressure_total, N_bonds, Volume, out_linebreak, N, width=30)[source]
prints / logs several different simulation parameters such as iterations per second, molecule number and pressure. Also prints a progress bar.
- Parameters
- sim_timefloat64
Target simulation runtime.
- nstepsint64
Target number of simulation steps.
- jint64
Current time step.
- time_passedfloat
Current simulation runtime.
- it_per_sfloat64
Iterations per second.
- Npint64
Number of particles / beads in the system.
- Pressure_totalfloat64
Current pressure.
- N_bondsint64
Current number of particle-particle bonds.
- Volumefloat64
Current simulation box volume.
- out_linebreakboolean
If True, after each progress print there is a line break.
- Nint64
Current number of molecules in the system.
- widthint64
Width of the progress bar.
- register_molecule_type(molecule_name, particle_pos, particle_types, collision_type=0, h_membrane=None)[source]
Regsiters a molecule type. Calls
.- Parameters
- molecule_namestr
Name of the molecule.
- particle_posint[:,3]
Positions of each of the molecule’s particles.
- particle_typesarray_like (dtype = ‘U20’)
Array of names for each of the molecule’s particles.
- collision_typeint {0,1}
Collision type of the molecule (Default = 0). 0: Collisions with compartments are handled via interaction force. 1: Collisions with compartments are handled by raytracing algorithm (recommended for molcules whose diffusion speed and/or interaction radius is small compared to the chosen integration time step).
- h_membranefloat64
Distance of the molecules´ center of diffusion from the membrane surface. Default = None
- register_particle_type(Type, radius)[source]
Registers a particle type. Calls
.- Parameters
- Typestr
Name of the particle type.
- radiusfloat
radius of the particle.
- release_molecules(release_event)[source]
A brief description of what the function (method in case of classes) is and what it’s used for
- Parameters
- parameter_1dtype
Some Information
- parameter_2dtype
Some Information
- Returns
- dtype
Some information
- Raises
- NotImplementedError (just an example)
Brief explanation of why/when this exception is raised
- run(progress_stride=100, keep_time=False, out_linebreak=False, progress_bar_properties=None, start_reactions=0)[source]
Simulation loop. Runs the simulation.
- Parameters
- progress_strideint64
Stride by which the progress bar is updated. Default = 100
- keep_timeboolean
If true, different parts of the simulation loop are timed such as integration of the equations of motion or writing data to files. Default = False
- out_linebreak
If True, after each progress print there is a line break. Default = False
- progress_bar_propertieslist of strings
List of properties to print/log with the progress bar during simulation. Available are: ‘it/s’, ‘pu/s’, ‘Time passed’, ‘step’, ‘N’, ‘Pressure’, ‘Volume’, ‘Vol_Frac’, ‘Bonds’ or ‘All’.
- start_reactions = `int64`
Set the time step from which reactions are allowed. Default = 0
- Raises
- raise ValueError(‘progress_bar_properties must be a list of strings!’)
If progress_bar_properties is not None or ‘All’ a list of strings must be passed.
- raise ValueError(str(prop)+’is not a supported property to be displayed in the progress bar!’)
A progress bar property has been passed that is not available.
- set_compartments(Compartments, triangles, vertices, mesh_scale=1.0, adapt_box=False)[source]
Sets up 3d mesh compartments.
- Parameters
- Compartmentsdict
Dictionary containing for each compartment number the triangle indices and face groups. Also see
.- trianglesint64[:,3]
List of vertex indices (3) per triangle.
- verticesfloat64[:,3]
List of vertex coordinates.
- meshscalefloat64
Factor by which to scale the 3d mesh. Default = 1.0
- adapt_boxboolean
If true, the simulation box size is adapted such that the mesh fits exactly in the simulation box. Default = False
- set_diffusion_tensor(molecule_name, D_tt, D_rr)[source]
Checks whether a given diffusion tensor is valid (physically meaningful) and sets the diffusion tensor for a given molecule type. Calls
.- Parameters
- molecule_namestr
Some Information
- D_ttfloat[3,3]
Translational diffusion tensor ()
- D_rrfloat[3,3]
Rotational diffusion tensor
PyRID offers a module for the calculation of the diffusion tensors of rigid bead models (see molecules_util.hydro_util). It uses the Kirkwood-Riseman calculation with modified Oseen tensor as introduced by Carrasco and de la Torre [2], Carrasco and de la Torre [16]. The same method has been implemented in the HYDRO++ tool, which is free to use but not open source! As such, you may also use HYDRO++ for the calculation of the diffusion tensors. Or even better, use both and tell me if you you get inconsistent results ;) !
Diffusion tensor should be a real positive semidefinite matrix!
Converts a python dictionary to a Numba typed dictionary.
- Parameters
- untyped_dictdict
Untyped python dictionary
- Returns
- nb.types.DictType
Numba typed dictionary
- Raises
- NotImplementedError (just an example)
Brief explanation of why/when this exception is raised
Returns a random rotation quaternion.
- Returns
- float64[4]
Unit quaternion representing a uniformly distributed random rotation / orientation.
The method can be found in K. Shoemake, Graphics Gems III by D. Kirk, pages 124-132 [28] and on
\[\boldsymbol{q} = [\sqrt{1-u_1} \, \sin(2 \pi u_2), \sqrt{1-u_1} \, \cos(2 \pi u_2), \sqrt{u_1} \, \sin(2 \pi u_3), \sqrt{u_1} \, \cos(2 \pi u_3)] ,\]where \(u_1,u_2,u_3 \in [0,1]\) are uniformly distributed random numbers. \(\boldsymbol{q}\) is a uniformly distributed, random rotation quaternion.
Calculates the pressure from the virial tensor.
- Parameters
- Simulationobject
Instance of the Simulation class.
- Returns
- tuple(float, float64[3,3])
Total pressure and pressure tensor.
When doing rigid body molecular dynamics or Brownian dynamics simulations, we need to be careful how to calculate the virial tensor. Taking the interparticle distances will result in the wrong pressure. Instead, one needs to use the pairwise distance between the centers of mass of the rigid bodies [35] :
(31)\[P_{mol} = P_{mol}^{kin} + \frac{1}{6 V} \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j \neq}^{N} \langle \boldsymbol{F}_{ij} \cdot (\boldsymbol{R}_i - \boldsymbol{R}_j) \rangle,\]where \(V\) is the total volume of the simulation box, \(\boldsymbol{F}_{ij}\) is the force on particle i exerted by particle j and \(\boldsymbol{R}_{i}, \boldsymbol{R}_{j}\) are the center of mass of the rigid body molecules, not the center of particles i and j! In Brownian dynamics simulations, \(P_{mol}^{kin} = N_{mol} k_B T\), where \(N_{mol}\) is the number of molecules. Also, the origin of molecules is represented by the center of diffusion around which the molecule rotates about, which is not the center of mass [15]! The net frictional force and troque act thorugh the center of diffusion. This is because when doing Brownian dynamics (and equaly for Langevin dynamics), we do account for the surrounding fluid. Different parts of the molecule will therefore interact with each other via hydrodynamic interactions/coupling. As a result, the center of the molecule (around which the molecule rotates in response to external forces) is not the same as the center of mass, which assumes no such interactions (the molecule sites in empry space). However, for symmetric molecules, the center of mass and the center of diffusion are the same!