Source code for pyrid.data_structures.cell_list_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker

import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from numba.experimental import jitclass
from ..geometry.intersections_util import triangle_cell_intersection_test, point_inside_AABB_test

listtype_1 = nb.float64[:]
listtype_2 = nb.int64
listtype_3 = nb.types.ListType(nb.int64)
listtype_4 = nb.int64[:]
listtype_5 = nb.types.ListType(nb.int64[:])


item_t_CL = np.dtype([('next', np.int64), ('id', np.int64)],  align=True)

spec_CL_array = [
    ('n', nb.int64),
    ('capacity', nb.int64),
    ('item_t', nb.typeof(item_t_CL)),
    ('Data', nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_CL))),
    ('head', nb.int64[:]),

class CellListMesh(object):
    """Dynamic array keeping a cell list for the triangles of a triangulated mesh.
    n : `int64`
        Number of elements in the dynamic array
    capacity : `int64`
        Capacity of the dynamic array
    item_t : `np.dtype`
        dtype of the structured array that is the cell list.
    Data : `array_like`
        Structured array with fields conatining a free linked list and the triangle ids.
        dtype: np.dtype([('next', np.int64), ('id', np.int64)],  align=True)
    head : `int64[:]`
        Head vector of the cell list.
        Allocates a new slot.
    _resize(self, new_cap)
        Resize internal array to new capacity.
    make_head(self, Ncell)
        Creates the head vector.
    make_array(self, new_cap)
        Returns a new array with new capacity
    get_triangles(self, cell)
        Returns a list of triangles intersecting a cell.


[docs] def __init__(self): self.n = 0 # Count actual elements (Default is 0) self.capacity = 1 self.item_t = item_t_CL self.Data = self.make_array(self.capacity) self.head = -np.ones(self.capacity, dtype = np.int64)
def __getitem__(self, k): """ Return element at index k. Parameters ---------- k : `int64` Index Returns ------- array like Data at index k """ return self.Data[k] def __setitem__(self, k, value): """ Set value of item at index k. Parameters ---------- k : `int64` Index value : `array like` Value to which the element at index k is set to. """ self.Data[k] = value
[docs] def allocate_slot(self): """ Allocates a new slot. Returns ------- int64 slot index """ if self.n == self.capacity: self._resize(2 * self.capacity) self.n += 1 return nb.int64(self.n-1)
[docs] def _resize(self, new_cap): """ Resize internal array to a new capacity (new_cap). Parameters ---------- new_cap : `int64` New array capacity. """ Data_resized = self.make_array(new_cap) # New bigger array for k in range(self.n): # Reference all existing values Data_resized[k] = self.Data[k] self.Data = Data_resized # Call A the new bigger array self.capacity = new_cap # Reset the capacity
[docs] def make_head(self, Ncell): """ Creates the head vector. Parameters ---------- NCell : `int64` Number of cells. """ self.head = - np.ones(Ncell, dtype = np.int64)
[docs] def make_array(self, new_cap): """ Returns a new array with new_cap capacity Parameters ---------- new_cap : `int64` New array capacity. Returns ------- array like cell list array of dtype self.item_t. """ return np.zeros(new_cap, dtype = self.item_t)
[docs] def get_triangles(self, cell): """ Returns a list of triangles intersecting a cell. Parameters ---------- cell : `int64` Cell index at which to look for any intersecting triangles. Returns ------- list List of triangles intersecting the cell. """ triangles_list = nb.typed.List() head = self.head[cell] if head != -1: # print('id: ', self.Data[head]['id']) triangles_list.append(self.Data[head]['id']) next = self.Data[head]['next'] while next!=-1: # for _ in range(5): # print('id: ', self.Data[next]['id']) triangles_list.append(self.Data[next]['id']) next = self.Data[next]['next'] return triangles_list
[docs]@nb.njit def reverse_cell_mapping(cell, cells_per_dim): """Calculates the indices of a cell in 3 dimensions given the flattened 1D cell index and the total number of cells per dimension. Parameters ---------- cell : `int64` Cell index of the flattened array (1D). cells_per_dim : `int64[3]` Number of cells in each dimension. Returns ------- tuple(int64, int64, int64) Indices of the cell in 3 dimensions cx, cy, cz """ cz = int(cell / cells_per_dim[0]/ cells_per_dim[1]) cy = int(cell / cells_per_dim[0])-cz*cells_per_dim[1] cx = cell-cy*cells_per_dim[0]-cz*cells_per_dim[0]*cells_per_dim[1] return cx, cy, cz
[docs]@nb.njit def create_cell_list_points(rc, sample_points, Compartment): """Creates a cell list for a set of points. Parameters ---------- rc : `float64` cutoff radius sample points : `float64[:,3]` Some Information Compartment : `object` Instance of the Compartment class Returns ------- tuple(list, int64[:], list, int64, int64[3]) cell list, array with the number of samples in each cell, list with all indices of nonempty cells, Total number of cells, cells per dimension """ cells_per_dim = (Compartment.box_lengths / rc).astype(np.int64) if np.any(cells_per_dim<3): print('error: Cell division <3') cell_length_per_dim = Compartment.box_lengths / cells_per_dim # Total number of cells in volume Ncell = # print(Ncell) cell_list_samples = nb.typed.List.empty_list(listtype_3) for _ in range(Ncell): cell_list_samples.append(nb.typed.List.empty_list(listtype_2)) N_samples_cell = np.zeros(Ncell, dtype = np.int64) nonempty_cells = nb.typed.List.empty_list(listtype_2) for sample_index, sample in enumerate(sample_points): cx = int((sample[0]-Compartment.origin[0]) / cell_length_per_dim[0]) cy = int((sample[1]-Compartment.origin[1]) / cell_length_per_dim[1]) cz = int((sample[2]-Compartment.origin[2]) / cell_length_per_dim[2]) # Determine cell in 3D volume for i-th particle cell = cx + cy * cells_per_dim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim[0] * cells_per_dim[1] N_samples_cell[cell] += 1 cell_list_samples[cell].append(sample_index) if cell not in nonempty_cells: nonempty_cells.append(cell) return cell_list_samples, N_samples_cell, nonempty_cells, Ncell, cells_per_dim
[docs]@nb.njit##(cache=True) def create_cell_list_mesh(System, Compartment, cells_per_dim, cell_length_per_dim, triangle_ids, centroid_in_box = False, loose_grid = False): """Creates a cell list for a triangulated 3D mesh. Parameters ---------- System : `object` Instance of the System class. Compartment : `object` Instance of the Compartment class. cells_per_dim : `int64[3]` Cells per dimension. cell_length_per_dim : `float64[3]` Length of a cell in each dimension. triangle_ids : `int64[:]` List of triangle indices. centroid_in_box : `boolean` If True, a test is run of whether a triangle's centroid is inside the Compartment AABB. Default = False loose_grid : `boolean` If True, a loose grid approach is used. Default = False Returns ------- tuple(object, float64[:,3]) An instance of the CellList class keeping the cell list of the 3D mesh, a list of each cell's center coordinates. """ # box_lengths = Compartment.box_lengths origin = Compartment.origin Ncell = CellList = CellListMesh() CellList.make_head(Ncell) for t in triangle_ids: triangle_index = System.Mesh[t]['triangles'] p0 = System.vertices[triangle_index[0]] p1 = System.vertices[triangle_index[1]] p2 = System.vertices[triangle_index[2]] triangle = [p0, p1, p2] c_tri = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = np.int64) for i, vertex in enumerate(triangle): c_tri[i][0] = int((vertex[0]-origin[0]) / cell_length_per_dim[0]) if c_tri[i][0]<0: c_tri[i][0] = 0 elif c_tri[i][0]>cells_per_dim[0]-1: c_tri[i][0] = cells_per_dim[0]-1 c_tri[i][1] = int((vertex[1]-origin[1]) / cell_length_per_dim[1]) if c_tri[i][1]<0: c_tri[i][1] = 0 elif c_tri[i][1]>cells_per_dim[1]-1: c_tri[i][1] = cells_per_dim[1]-1 c_tri[i][2] = int((vertex[2]-origin[2]) / cell_length_per_dim[2]) if c_tri[i][2]<0: c_tri[i][2] = 0 elif c_tri[i][2]>cells_per_dim[2]-1: c_tri[i][2] = cells_per_dim[2]-1 cx_start = np.min(c_tri[:,0])-1 if cx_start<0: cx_start=0 cx_end = np.max(c_tri[:,0])+1 if cx_end>cells_per_dim[0]-1: cx_end=cells_per_dim[0]-1 cy_start = np.min(c_tri[:,1])-1 if cy_start<0: cy_start=0 cy_end = np.max(c_tri[:,1])+1 if cy_end>cells_per_dim[1]-1: cy_end=cells_per_dim[1]-1 cz_start = np.min(c_tri[:,2])-1 if cz_start<0: cz_start=0 cz_end = np.max(c_tri[:,2])+1 if cz_end>cells_per_dim[2]-1: cz_end=cells_per_dim[2]-1 for cx in range(cx_start, cx_end+1): for cy in range(cy_start, cy_end+1): for cz in range(cz_start, cz_end+1): AABB_extents = cell_length_per_dim/2 AABB_center = np.array([(cx+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[0], (cy+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[1], (cz+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[2]]) AABB_center += origin c = cx + cy * cells_per_dim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim[0] * cells_per_dim[1] # Currently, a fine grid is used. Here, we iterate over many cells for larger molecules. The fine grid is more performant for the fast voxel traversal algorithm. #TODO: However, a loose grid would still make sense for particle - Triangle interactions via an energy potential function! if loose_grid: mult = 2 # We take 2*AABB_extents because we want to have a loose grid, such that cells overlap. else: mult = 1 if triangle_cell_intersection_test(p0, p1, p2, AABB_center, mult*AABB_extents) == True: inside_box = True if centroid_in_box: inside_box = point_inside_AABB_test(System.Mesh[t]['triangle_centroid'], Compartment.AABB) if inside_box: slot = CellList.allocate_slot() CellList[slot]['next'] = CellList.head[c] CellList.head[c] = slot CellList[slot]['id'] = t AABB_centers = np.zeros((Ncell,3)) for cx in range(cells_per_dim[0]): for cy in range(cells_per_dim[1]): for cz in range(cells_per_dim[2]): AABB_extents = cell_length_per_dim/2 AABB_center = np.array([(cx+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[0], (cy+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[1], (cz+0.5)*cell_length_per_dim[2]]) AABB_center += origin c = cx + cy * cells_per_dim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim[0] * cells_per_dim[1] AABB_centers[c] = AABB_center return CellList, AABB_centers