# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
fontLgd = FontProperties()
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
def calc_MSD_population(time_steps,position):
"""Calculates the Mean Squared Distance (MSD) from the position data (one dimension x, y or z) of a molecule population.
time_steps : `int64[:]`
Time steps.
position : `float64[t,N]`
Position vectors for t timesteps of a molecule population of size N (one dimension x, y or z).
MSD in one dimension (x, y or z).
for t in time_steps:
# if t%100==0:
# print(t)
count = 0
for i in np.arange(0,len(position[:,0])-t,1):
MSD_t0 += np.mean((position[i+t,:]-position[i,:])**2)
count += 1
return MSD
[docs]def MSD(position_trace, Delta_t, time_interval, stride, molecule):
"""Calculates the MSD for each dimension (x,y, and z) of a molecule population.
position_trace : `float64[t,N,3]`
Position data for a molecule population of size N at t different time steps.
Delta_t : `int64`
Time step.
time_interaval : `int64`
The time step until which the molecule positions are sampled for the MSD calculation. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0.
stride : `int64`
Stride with which the molecule positions are sampled.
molecule : `string`
Name of the molecule type.
tuple(list(float64[:],float64[:],float64[:]), float64[:])
MSD in each dimension and the corresponding time vector.
time_steps=np.arange(0,time_interval, stride)
pos_x = position_trace[:,:,0]
pos_y = position_trace[:,:,1]
pos_z = position_trace[:,:,2]
MSD_x = np.array(calc_MSD_population(time_steps, pos_x))
MSD_y = np.array(calc_MSD_population(time_steps, pos_y))
MSD_z = np.array(calc_MSD_population(time_steps, pos_z))
return [MSD_x, MSD_y, MSD_z], time_steps*Delta_t
# ------------------------------------
# P2
# ------------------------------------
def calcP2_anisotropic(time_steps,orientation_trace):
"""Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 regarding one rotation axis from the orientations of a molecule population.
time_steps : `int64[:]`
Time steps.
orientation_trace : `float64[t,N]`
Orientations regarding one axis of a molecule population of size N at t different time steps.
P2 regarding one rotation axis.
# <P2(t)> = 3/2 <u(t0)*u(t0+t)>_t0 - 1/2
stride = 1#int(len(orientation_trace)/100)
P2=np.zeros(len(time_steps), dtype = np.float64)
for j,t in enumerate(time_steps):
# if t%100==0:
# print(t)
count = 0
for i in np.arange(0,len(orientation_trace)-t,stride):
P2_t0 += np.dot(orientation_trace[i+t], orientation_trace[i])**2
count += 1
P2[j] = 3/2*P2_t0/count-1/2
return P2
def calc_orientation_quat(q):
"""Calculates the rotation matrix from a rotation / orientation quaternion.
q : `float64[4]`
Rotation quaternion.
Rotation / Orientation matrix.
orientation_quat =np.zeros((3,3))
orientation_quat[0][0] = 2*(q[0]**2+q[1]**2)-1
orientation_quat[0][1] = 2*(q[1]*q[2]-q[0]*q[3])
orientation_quat[0][2] = 2*(q[1]*q[3]+q[0]*q[2])
orientation_quat[1][0] = 2*(q[1]*q[2]+q[0]*q[3])
orientation_quat[1][1] = 2*(q[0]**2+q[2]**2)-1
orientation_quat[1][2] = 2*(q[2]*q[3]-q[0]*q[1])
orientation_quat[2][0] = 2*(q[1]*q[3]-q[0]*q[2])
orientation_quat[2][1] = 2*(q[2]*q[3]+q[0]*q[1])
orientation_quat[2][2] = 2*(q[0]**2+q[3]**2)-1
return orientation_quat
def calcP2_anisotropic_Population(time_interval, stride, orientation_trace):
"""Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 around each of the three rotation axis of a molecule population.
time_interaval : `int64`
Target time step. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0.
stride : `int64`
Stride with which the molecule orientations are sampled.
orientation_trace : `float64[t,N,4]`
Orientations (in quaternion representation) of a molecule population of size N at t different time steps.
tuple(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])
P2 for each rotation axis.
time_steps = np.arange(0,time_interval, stride)
P2_1 = np.zeros(len(time_steps), dtype = np.float64)
P2_2 = np.zeros(len(time_steps), dtype = np.float64)
P2_3 = np.zeros(len(time_steps), dtype = np.float64)
ni = orientation_trace.shape[1]
for i in range(ni):
orientation_1 = np.zeros((orientation_trace.shape[0],3), dtype = np.float64)
orientation_2 = np.zeros((orientation_trace.shape[0],3), dtype = np.float64)
orientation_3 = np.zeros((orientation_trace.shape[0],3), dtype = np.float64)
for j,q in enumerate(orientation_trace[:,i,:]):
orientation_quat = calc_orientation_quat(q)
ex =np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0])
orientation_1[j][:] = np.dot(orientation_quat,ex)
ey =np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0])
orientation_2[j][:] = np.dot(orientation_quat,ey)
ez =np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])
orientation_3[j][:] = np.dot(orientation_quat,ez)
P2_1+= calcP2_anisotropic(time_steps,orientation_1)
P2_2+= calcP2_anisotropic(time_steps,orientation_2)
P2_3+= calcP2_anisotropic(time_steps,orientation_3)
P2_1 /= ni
P2_2 /= ni
P2_3 /= ni
return P2_1, P2_2, P2_3
[docs]def calc_A_B(u, Drot, D_rr, Delta):
"""Calculates the parameters A (F) and B (G) used in the theoretical prediction of the rotational time correlation function P2.
u : `float64[3]`
Basis vector.
Drot : `float64`
Rotational diffusion constant.
D_rr : `float64[3,3]`
Rotational diffusion tensor.
Delta : `float64`
tuple(float64, float64)
A (F) and B (G).
Sum = 0
range_3 = np.array([0,1,2])
for alpha in range(3):
beta = range_3[alpha-2]
gamma = range_3[alpha-1]
Sum += D_rr[alpha][alpha]*(u[alpha]**4+2*(u[beta]*u[gamma])**2)
A = -1/3+np.sum(u**4)
B = 1/Delta*(-Drot+Sum)
return A, B
[docs]def calc_P_theory(t, u, D_rr):
"""Theoretical prediction of the rotational time correlation function P2.
t : `float64[:]`
Time vector
u : `float64[3]`
Basis vector
D_rr : `float64[3,3]`
Rotational diffusion tensor.
P2 (Theory)
reference: Torre J G et al. 1999, "Calculation of NMR relaxation, covolume, and scattering-related properties of bead models using the SOLPRO computer program", Eur Biophys J.
Drot = np.trace(D_rr)/3
w, v = np.linalg.eig(D_rr)
D_1 = w[0]
D_2 = w[1]
D_3 = w[2]
Delta = np.sqrt((D_1-D_2)**2+(D_3-D_2)*(D_3-D_1))
Ti = np.zeros(5)
Ti[0] = 1/(6*Drot-2*Delta)
Ti[1] = 1/(3*(Drot+D_1))
Ti[2] = 1/(3*(Drot+D_2))
Ti[3] = 1/(3*(Drot+D_3))
Ti[4] = 1/(6*Drot+2*Delta)
A,B = calc_A_B(u, Drot, D_rr, Delta)
ai = np.zeros(5)
ai[0] = 3/4*(A+B)
ai[1] = 3*(u[1]*u[2])**2
ai[2] = 3*(u[0]*u[2])**2
ai[3] = 3*(u[0]*u[1])**2
ai[4] = 3/4*(A-B)
P = 0
for i in range(5):
P += ai[i]*np.exp(-t/Ti[i])
return P
[docs]def P2(orientation_trace, Delta_t, D_rr, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False):
"""Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 from the orientation traces of a molecule population
as well as the corresponding theoretical prediction for validation purposes.
orientation_trace : `float64[t,N,4]`
Orientations (in quaternion representation) of a molecule population of size N at t different time steps.
Delta_t : `float64`
Time step.
D_rr : `float64[:,:]`
Rotational diffusion tensor.
time_interaval : `int64`
Target time step. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0.
stride : `int64`
Stride with which the molecule orientations are sampled.
Simulation : `object`
Instance of the Simulation class.
molecule : `string`
Molecule type
theory_only : `boolean`
If True, only the theoretical prediction of P2 is returned. Default = False.
tuple(list(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:]), list(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:]), float64[:])
P2 (Simulation), P2 (Theory), time vector
time_steps = np.arange(0,time_interval, stride)
P2_1_t = []
P2_2_t = []
P2_3_t = []
ex = np.array([1.0,0.0,0.0])
ey = np.array([0.0,1.0,0.0])
ez = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])
for n in time_steps:
P2_1_t.append(calc_P_theory(n*Delta_t, ex, D_rr))
P2_2_t.append(calc_P_theory(n*Delta_t, ey, D_rr))
P2_3_t.append(calc_P_theory(n*Delta_t, ez, D_rr))
if theory_only == False:
P2_1, P2_2, P2_3 = calcP2_anisotropic_Population(time_interval, stride, orientation_trace)
if theory_only == False:
return [P2_1, P2_2, P2_3], [P2_1_t, P2_2_t, P2_3_t], time_steps*Delta_t
return [P2_1_t, P2_2_t, P2_3_t], time_steps*Delta_t