Source code for pyrid.evaluation.rdf_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker

import numpy as np
import numba as nb


[docs]@nb.njit def update_rb_level(RBs, System): """Updates the level h of rigid bead molecules in the hierarchical grid. Parameters ---------- RBs : `object` Instance of RBs class System : `object` Instance of System class """ for i0 in range(RBs.occupied.n): i = RBs.occupied[i0] mol_type = RBs[i]['name'] RBs[i]['h'] = System.molecule_types[str(mol_type)].h
[docs]@nb.njit def update_rb_hgrid(HGrid, box_lengths, N, System): """Updates the hierarchical grid for the rigid bead molecules. Parameters ---------- HGrid : `array like` Hierarchical grid box_lengths : `float64[3]` Simulation box lengths N : `int64` Number of molecules System : `object` Instance of System class """ eps = 1.0 + 1e-8 # We scale the overall grid size by this factor relatove to the simulation box size. This way, the cell grid is slioghtly larger than the simulation box. If we don't do this, we can get out of bounds errors for points that lie exactly in the plane of a positive box boundary! N_Levels = len(HGrid[0]['L']) hstart = 0 for i in range(N_Levels): HGrid[0]['head_start'][i] = hstart HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][0] = box_lengths[0]/(2*HGrid[0]['cutoff'][i]) HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][1] = box_lengths[1]/(2*HGrid[0]['cutoff'][i]) HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][2] = box_lengths[2]/(2*HGrid[0]['cutoff'][i]) if np.any(HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i]>System.max_cells_per_dim): min_radius = max(System.box_lengths)/System.max_cells_per_dim HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][0] = int(System.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][1] = int(System.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][2] = int(System.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) HGrid[0]['sh'][i][0] = box_lengths[0]*eps/ HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][0] HGrid[0]['sh'][i][1] = box_lengths[1]*eps/ HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][1] HGrid[0]['sh'][i][2] = box_lengths[2]*eps/ HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][2] HGrid[0]['NCells'][i] = HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i].prod() hstart += HGrid[0]['NCells'][i]
[docs]def create_rb_hgrid(Simulation, RBs, RB_Types, box_lengths, N, System): """Creates the hierarchical grid for the rigid bead molecules. Parameters ---------- Simulation : `object` Instance of the Simulation class RBs : `object` Instance of the RBs class RB_Types : `list of strings` List of molecule types. box_lengths : `float64[3]` Simulation box lengths N : `int64` Number of molecules System : `object` Instance of the System class Returns ------- array like Hierarchical grid """ eps = 1.0 + 1e-8 # We scale the overall grid size by this factor relatove to the simulation box size. This way, the cell grid is slioghtly larger than the simulation box. If we don't do this, we can get out of bounds errors for points that lie exactly in the plane of a positive box boundary! Radii = [] Types = [] for mol_type in RB_Types: Radii.append(Simulation.System.molecule_types[mol_type].radius) Types.append(mol_type) R_T=zip(Radii,Types) Radii, Types = zip(*sorted(R_T, reverse=True)) #sort by Radii Level = [] Cells = [] Cutoffs = [] current_level = -1 current_cells = None N_Levels = 0 for i, radius in enumerate(Radii): if radius>0.0: cells = np.array(box_lengths/(2*radius), dtype = np.int64) if np.any(cells>System.max_cells_per_dim): # cells = np.array([50,50,50], dtype = np.int64) min_radius = max(System.box_lengths)/System.max_cells_per_dim cells[0] = int(System.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) cells[1] = int(System.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) cells[2] = int(System.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) else: if System.current_step == 0: print(f'Note: {Types[i]} lacks any bimolecular reactions or interactions!') if current_cells is not None: cells = current_cells else: # cells = np.array([50,50,50], dtype = np.int64) cells = np.empty(3, dtype = np.int64) min_radius = max(System.box_lengths)/System.max_cells_per_dim cells[0] = int(System.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) cells[1] = int(System.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) cells[2] = int(System.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) current_cells = cells current_level += 1 Level.append(current_level) Cells.append(cells) Cutoffs.append(radius) N_Levels += 1 NCells = np.empty(N_Levels, dtype = np.int64) cells_per_dim = np.empty((N_Levels,3), dtype = np.int64) Cutoff_HGrid = np.empty(N_Levels, dtype = np.float64) for h, cell, ptype, cutoff in zip(Level, Cells, Types, Cutoffs): Simulation.System.molecule_types[mol_type].h = h NCells[h] = cells_per_dim[h][:] = cell Cutoff_HGrid[h] = cutoff item_t_hgrid = np.dtype([('L', np.int64, (N_Levels,)), ('sh', np.float64, (N_Levels,3)), ('head', np.int64, (np.sum(NCells)*2,)), ('head_start', np.int64, (N_Levels,)), ('ls', np.int64, (2*N+1,)), ('NCells', np.int64, (N_Levels,)), ('cells_per_dim', np.int64, (N_Levels,3)), ('cutoff', np.float64, (N_Levels,))], align=True) HGrid = np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_hgrid) hstart = 0 for i in range(N_Levels): HGrid[0]['head_start'][i] = hstart HGrid[0]['L'][i] = i HGrid[0]['sh'][i][:] = box_lengths*eps/cells_per_dim[i] HGrid[0]['cutoff'][i] = Cutoff_HGrid[i] HGrid[0]['NCells'][i] = NCells[i] HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][i][:] = cells_per_dim[i] hstart += NCells[i] update_rb_level(RBs, Simulation.System) return HGrid
[docs]@nb.njit(fastmath=True) def radial_distr_function(System, RDF_types, RBs, HGrid, RDF_cutoff, rdf_bins, rdf_hist): """Samples the radial distribution function from the positions of a molecule population. Parameters ---------- System : `object` Instance of the System class RB_Types : `list of strings` List of molecule types. RBs : `object` Instance of the RBs class HGrid : `array like` Hierarchical grid RDF_cutoff : `float64` Cutoff distance for the rdf sampling. rdf_bins : `int64` Number of bins (resolution). rdf_hist : `float64[:]` Empty array of length rdf_bins. """ rdf_hist[:] = 0.0 dr_rdf = RDF_cutoff / float(rdf_bins) box_lengths = System.box_lengths empty = System.empty x_c_min = np.empty(System.dim) x_c_max = np.empty(System.dim) pos_shift = np.empty(System.dim) # position shift to account for periodic boundary conditions. # Initialize HGrid[0]['head'].fill(empty) HGrid[0]['ls'].fill(empty) # Loop over all particles and place them in cells, calculate bond forces and update reaction list. for i0 in range(RBs.occupied.n): i = RBs.occupied[i0] typeI_id = RBs[i]['type_id'] pos_i = RBs[i]['pos'] within_box = True if System.boundary_condition_id == 1: # Check if particle is within box volume: within_box = -box_lengths[0]/2<=pos_i[0]<box_lengths[0]/2 and -box_lengths[1]/2<=pos_i[1]<box_lengths[1]/2 and -box_lengths[2]/2<=pos_i[2]<box_lengths[2]/2 #Only add the particle to the linked cell list if there is actually any pair-interaction or bimol-reaction defined for this partricle type: if typeI_id == RDF_types[0] or typeI_id == RDF_types[1]: h = RBs[i]['h'] h_start = HGrid[0]['head_start'][h] cells_per_dim_prim = HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][h] # Determine what cell, in each direction, the i-th particle is in cx = int((pos_i[0]+box_lengths[0]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][0]) cy = int((pos_i[1]+box_lengths[1]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][1]) cz = int((pos_i[2]+box_lengths[2]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][2]) if within_box: c = cx + cy * cells_per_dim_prim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim_prim[0] * cells_per_dim_prim[1] # List of particle indices occupying a given cell HGrid[0]['ls'][i] = HGrid[0]['head'][h_start+c] # The last particle found to lie in cell c (head particle) HGrid[0]['head'][h_start+c] = i #%% # Loop over all Particles for i0 in range(RBs.occupied.n): i = RBs.occupied[i0] + 1 pos_i = RBs[i]['pos'] # typeI_id = RBs_Data[i]['type_id'] h = RBs[i]['h'] h_start = HGrid[0]['head_start'][h] cells_per_dim_prim = HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][h] #%% cx = int((pos_i[0]+box_lengths[0]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][0]) cy = int((pos_i[1]+box_lengths[1]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][1]) cz = int((pos_i[2]+box_lengths[2]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][h][2]) dcx = int(np.ceil(RDF_cutoff/HGrid[0]['sh'][h][0])) dcy = int(np.ceil(RDF_cutoff/HGrid[0]['sh'][h][1])) dcz = int(np.ceil(RDF_cutoff/HGrid[0]['sh'][h][2])) cz_start, cz_end = cz - dcz, cz + dcz + 1 cy_start, cy_end = cy - dcy, cy + dcy + 1 cx_start, cx_end = cx - dcx, cx + dcx + 1 within_box = True if System.boundary_condition_id != 0: # Check if particle is within box volume: within_box = 0<=cx<cells_per_dim_prim[0] and 0<=cy<cells_per_dim_prim[1] and 0<=cz<cells_per_dim_prim[2] if cz_start < 0: cz_start = 0 elif cz_end > cells_per_dim_prim[2]: cz_end = cells_per_dim_prim[2] if cy_start < 0: cy_start = 0 elif cy_end > cells_per_dim_prim[1]: cy_end = cells_per_dim_prim[1] if cx_start < 0: cx_start = 0 elif cx_end > cells_per_dim_prim[0]: cx_end = cells_per_dim_prim[0] #%% if within_box: if RDF_types[0] == RDF_types[1]: # Check contacts on same hierarchy level: for cz_N in range(cz_start, cz_end): cz_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_prim[2] * (cz_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_prim[2] * (cz_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[2]) pos_shift[2] = 0.0 - box_lengths[2] * (cz_N < 0) + box_lengths[2]*(cz_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[2]) for cy_N in range(cy_start, cy_end): cy_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_prim[1] * (cy_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_prim[1] * (cy_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[1]) pos_shift[1] = 0.0 - box_lengths[1] * (cy_N < 0) + box_lengths[1] * (cy_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[1]) for cx_N in range(cx_start, cx_end): cx_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_prim[0] * (cx_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_prim[0] * (cx_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[0]) pos_shift[0] = 0.0 - box_lengths[0] * (cx_N < 0) + box_lengths[0] * (cx_N >= cells_per_dim_prim[0]) # Compute the location of the N-th cell based on shifts c_N = (cx_N + cx_shift) + (cy_N + cy_shift) * cells_per_dim_prim[0] \ + (cz_N + cz_shift) * cells_per_dim_prim[0] * cells_per_dim_prim[1] # Check neighboring head particle interactions j = HGrid[0]['head'][h_start+c_N] while j != empty: if i < j: pos_j = RBs[j]['pos'] # typeJ_id = RBs_Data[j]['type_id'] # Compute the difference in positions for the i-th and j-th particles if System.boundary_condition_id == 0: dx = pos_i[0] - (pos_j[0] + pos_shift[0]) dy = pos_i[1] - (pos_j[1] + pos_shift[1]) dz = pos_i[2] - (pos_j[2] + pos_shift[2]) else: dx = pos_i[0] - (pos_j[0]) dy = pos_i[1] - (pos_j[1]) dz = pos_i[2] - (pos_j[2]) # Compute distance between particles i and j r = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2) if int(r / dr_rdf) < rdf_bins: rdf_hist[int(r / dr_rdf)] += 2 # Move down list (ls) of particles for cell interactions with a head particle j = HGrid[0]['ls'][j] #----------------------------------------------------------- else: hj = h-1 while hj>=0: cells_per_dim_sec = HGrid[0]['cells_per_dim'][hj] h_start = HGrid[0]['head_start'][hj] x_c_min[0] = pos_i[0] - (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][0]/2) x_c_min[1] = pos_i[1] - (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][1]/2) x_c_min[2] = pos_i[2] - (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][2]/2) cx_start = np.floor((x_c_min[0]+box_lengths[0]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][0]) cy_start = np.floor((x_c_min[1]+box_lengths[1]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][1]) cz_start = np.floor((x_c_min[2]+box_lengths[2]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][2]) x_c_max[0] = pos_i[0] + (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][0]/2) x_c_max[1] = pos_i[1] + (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][1]/2) x_c_max[2] = pos_i[2] + (RDF_cutoff + HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][2]/2) cx_end = np.floor((x_c_max[0]+box_lengths[0]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][0])+1 cy_end = np.floor((x_c_max[1]+box_lengths[1]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][1])+1 cz_end = np.floor((x_c_max[2]+box_lengths[2]/2) / HGrid[0]['sh'][hj][2])+1 if System.boundary_condition_id != 0: if cz_start < 0: cz_start = 0 elif cz_end > cells_per_dim_sec[2]: cz_end = cells_per_dim_sec[2] if cy_start < 0: cy_start = 0 elif cy_end > cells_per_dim_sec[1]: cy_end = cells_per_dim_sec[1] if cx_start < 0: cx_start = 0 elif cx_end > cells_per_dim_sec[0]: cx_end = cells_per_dim_sec[0] for cz_N in range(cz_start, cz_end): cz_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_sec[2] * (cz_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_sec[2] * (cz_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[2]) pos_shift[2] = 0.0 - box_lengths[2] * (cz_N < 0) + box_lengths[2]*(cz_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[2]) for cy_N in range(cy_start, cy_end): cy_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_sec[1] * (cy_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_sec[1] * (cy_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[1]) pos_shift[1] = 0.0 - box_lengths[1] * (cy_N < 0) + box_lengths[1]*(cy_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[1]) for cx_N in range(cx_start, cx_end): cx_shift = 0 + cells_per_dim_sec[0] * (cx_N < 0) - cells_per_dim_sec[0] * (cx_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[0]) pos_shift[0] = 0.0 - box_lengths[0] * (cx_N < 0) + box_lengths[0]*(cx_N >= cells_per_dim_sec[0]) c_N = (cx_N + cx_shift) + (cy_N + cy_shift) * cells_per_dim_sec[0] \ + (cz_N + cz_shift) * cells_per_dim_sec[0] * cells_per_dim_sec[1] j = HGrid[0]['head'][h_start+c_N] while j != empty: pos_j = RBs[j]['pos'] # typeJ_id = RBs_Data[j]['type_id'] # Compute the difference in positions for the i-th and j-th particles if System.boundary_condition_id == 0: dx = pos_i[0] - (pos_j[0] + pos_shift[0]) dy = pos_i[1] - (pos_j[1] + pos_shift[1]) dz = pos_i[2] - (pos_j[2] + pos_shift[2]) else: dx = pos_i[0] - (pos_j[0]) dy = pos_i[1] - (pos_j[1]) dz = pos_i[2] - (pos_j[2]) # Compute distance between particles i and j r = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2) if int(r / dr_rdf) < rdf_bins: rdf_hist[int(r / dr_rdf)] += 1 # Move down list (ls) of particles for cell interactions with a head particle j = HGrid[0]['ls'][j] hj -= 1
#%% # if __name__ == '__main__':