Source code for pyrid.geometry.load_wavefront

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon May 23 17:00:59 2022

@author: Moritz

import numpy as np


[docs]def load_compartments(path): """Reads an .obj file. Parameters ---------- path : `string` Directory path to the obj file. Raises ------ NotImplementedError (just an example) Brief explanation of why/when this exception is raised Returns ------- `tuple(float64[:,3], int64[:,3], dict())` vertices, triangles, compartments """ with open(path) as f: lines = f.readlines() vertices = [] triangles = [] triangle_id = 0 compartments = {} current_group = '(null)' for l in lines: if l[0]=='o': compartments[l[2:-1]] = {'triangle_ids':[], 'face_groups':{}} current_comp = l[2:-1] current_group = '(null)' if l[0]=='g': current_group = l[2:-1] if current_group not in compartments[current_comp]['face_groups'] and current_group != '(null)': compartments[current_comp]['face_groups'][current_group] = [] if l[0]=='v': if current_comp == 'Box': vertices.append([float(x)*0.99999 for x in l[2:-1].split()]) else: vertices.append([float(x) for x in l[2:-1].split()]) if l[0]=='f': triangles.append([int(x)-1 for x in l[2:-1].split()]) compartments[current_comp]['triangle_ids'].append(triangle_id) if current_group != '(null)': compartments[current_comp]['face_groups'][current_group].append(triangle_id) triangle_id += 1 for key in compartments: compartments[key]['triangle_ids'] = np.array(compartments[key]['triangle_ids'], dtype = np.int64) for group in compartments[key]['face_groups']: compartments[key]['face_groups'][group] = np.array(compartments[key]['face_groups'][group], dtype = np.int64) vertices = np.array(vertices, dtype = np.float64) triangles = np.array(triangles, dtype = np.int64) return vertices, triangles, compartments
#%% # if __name__ == '__main__':