Source code for pyrid.geometry.mesh_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# import math


[docs]@nb.njit def triangle_volume_signed(p0, p1, p2): """Calculates the signed volume of a the tetraeder represented by a triangle and the coordinate system origin. PyRID uses the signed tetraeder volume to calculate the volume of a mesh. Parameters ---------- p0 : `float64[3]` Vertex 1 p1 : `float64[3]` Vertex 2 p2 : `float64[3]` Vertex 3 Returns ------- `float64` Signed tetraeder volume """ / 6.0 v210 = p2[0]*p1[1]*p0[2] v120 = p1[0]*p2[1]*p0[2] v201 = p2[0]*p0[1]*p1[2] v021 = p0[0]*p2[1]*p1[2] v102 = p1[0]*p0[1]*p2[2] v012 = p0[0]*p1[1]*p2[2] return (1.0/6.0)*(-v210 + v120 + v201 - v021 - v102 + v012)
[docs]@nb.njit def mesh_volume(triangles, vertices): """Calculates the volume of a mesh. Parameters ---------- triangles : `int64[:,3]` List of vertex indices that make up the trinagles of the mesh vertices : `float64[:,3]` Vertices of the mesh Returns ------- `float64` Mesh volume """ vol = 0 for t in triangles: p0 = vertices[t[0]] p1 = vertices[t[1]] p2 = vertices[t[2]] vol += triangle_volume_signed(p0, p1, p2) return vol
[docs]@nb.njit def triangle_area(p0,p1,p2): """Calculates the area of a triangle. Parameters ---------- p0 : `float64[3]` Vertex 1 p1 : `float64[3]` Vertex 2 p2 : `float64[3]` Vertex 3 Returns ------- `float64` Triangle area """ a= np.linalg.norm(p1-p0) b= np.linalg.norm(p2-p0) c= np.linalg.norm(p2-p1) s = (a+b+c)/2 A = np.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) return A
[docs]@nb.njit def triangle_centroid(p0,p1,p2): """Calculates the centroid of a triangle. Parameters ---------- p0 : `float64[3]` Vertex 1 p1 : `float64[3]` Vertex 2 p2 : `float64[3]` Vertex 3 Returns ------- `float64` Triangle centroid """ return (p0+p1+p2)/3
[docs]@nb.njit def closest_boundary_point(pos, AABB, System_AABB): """Calculates the closest point on a boundary of an axis aligned bounding box (AABB) to a position vector. Parameters ---------- pos : `float64[3]` Position vector. AABB : `float64[2,3]` Array containing the two vector points that represent the lower left and upper right corner of the AABB System_AABB : `float64[2,3]` Array containing the two vector points that represent the lower left and upper right corner of the AABB of the simulation box. Returns ------- `float64[3]` Point on the AABB boundary that is closest to the position vector. """ point = np.copy(pos) min_distance = 1e10 border_pos = -1 border_dim = -1 for dim in range(3): if AABB[1][dim]<System_AABB[1][dim] and AABB[0][dim]>System_AABB[0][dim]: if pos[dim]>0.0: border = AABB[1][dim] else: border = AABB[0][dim] distance = abs(border - pos[dim]) if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance border_dim = dim border_pos = border if border_dim == -1: print('Warning: closest boundary point is not guaranteed to be outside all mesh compartments! (AABB covering all compartments is larger than simulation box in any dimension.)') for dim in range(3): if pos[dim]>0.0: border = System_AABB[1][dim] else: border = System_AABB[0][dim] distance = abs(border - pos[dim]) if distance < min_distance: min_distance = distance border_dim = dim border_pos = border point[border_dim] = border_pos return point
[docs]@nb.njit def point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2, pos, pos_tri = None): """Calculates the distance between a point and a triangle. Based on :cite:p:`Eberly2001`: 3D Game Engine Design, Eberly D. H., Chapter: 14.3 Point to triangle. Parameters ---------- p0 : `float64[3]` Vertex 1 p1 : `float64[3]` Vertex 2 p2 : `float64[3]` Vertex 3 pos : `float64[3]` position vector. Returns ------- `tuple(float64, int64)` Distance to triangle, triangle region """ E0 = p1 - p0 # edge 0 E1 = p2 - p0 # edge 1 D = p0 - pos # Coordinates of point relative to triangle origin (at p0) a = E0[0]*E0[0]+E0[1]*E0[1]+E0[2]*E0[2] #, E0) b = E0[0]*E1[0]+E0[1]*E1[1]+E0[2]*E1[2] #, E1) c = E1[0]*E1[0]+E1[1]*E1[1]+E1[2]*E1[2] #, E1) d = E0[0]*D[0]+E0[1]*D[1]+E0[2]*D[2] #, D) e = E1[0]*D[0]+E1[1]*D[1]+E1[2]*D[2] #, D) f = D[0]*D[0]+D[1]*D[1]+D[2]*D[2] #, D) s = b * e - c * d t = b * d - a * e det = abs(a * c - b * b) region = -1 if (s + t) <= det: if s < 0.0: if t < 0.0: # REGION 4 region = 4 if d < 0.0: # minimum on edge t = 0 with s > 0 t = 0.0 if -d >= a: s = 1.0 dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: s = -d / a dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: # minimum on edge s = 0 s = 0.0 if e >= 0.0: t = 0.0 dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if -e >= c: t = 1.0 dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: t = -e / c dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: # REGION 3 region = 3 s = 0.0 if e >= 0.0: t = 0.0 dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if -e >= c: t = 1.0 dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: t = -e / c dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if t < 0.0: # REGION 5 region = 5 t = 0.0 if d >= 0.0: s = 0.0 dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if -d >= a: s = 1.0 dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: s = -d / a dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: # REGION 0 region = 0 det_inv = 1.0 / det s *= det_inv t *= det_inv dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f else: if s < 0.0: # REGION 2 region = 2 tmp0 = b + d tmp1 = c + e if tmp1 > tmp0: # minimum on edge s + t = 1 with s > 0 numer = tmp1 - tmp0 denom = a - 2.0 * b + c if numer >= denom: s = 1.0 t = 0.0 # t = 1 - s dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: s = numer / denom t = 1.0 - s dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f else: # minimum on edge s = 0 with t <= 1 s = 0.0 if tmp1 <= 0.0: t = 1.0 dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if e >= 0.0: t = 0.0 dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: t = -e / c dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if t < 0.0: # REGION 6 region = 6 tmp0 = b + e tmp1 = a + d if tmp1 > tmp0: # minimum on edge s + t = 1 with t > 0 numer = tmp1 - tmp0 denom = a - 2.0 * b + c if numer >= denom: t = 1.0 s = 0.0 # s = 1 - t dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: t = numer / denom s = 1.0 - t dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f else: # minimum on edge t = 0 with s <= 0 t = 0.0 if tmp1 <= 0.0: s = 1.0 dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: if d >= 0.0: s = 0.0 dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: s = -d / a dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: # REGION 1 region = 1 numer = c + e - b - d # (c + e) - (b + d) if numer <= 0.0: s = 0.0 t = 1.0 # t = 1-s dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: denom = a - 2.0 * b + c if numer >= denom: s = 1.0 t = 0.0 # t = 1-s dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f else: s = numer / denom t = 1.0 - s dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f if dist_squared < 0.0: dist = 0.0 else: dist = np.sqrt(dist_squared) if pos_tri is not None: pos_tri[0] = p0[0] + s * E0[0] + t * E1[0] pos_tri[1] = p0[1] + s * E0[1] + t * E1[1] pos_tri[2] = p0[2] + s * E0[2] + t * E1[2] return dist, region