# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# import math
def triangle_volume_signed(p0, p1, p2):
"""Calculates the signed volume of a the tetraeder represented by a triangle and the coordinate system origin. PyRID uses the signed tetraeder volume to calculate the volume of a mesh.
p0 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 1
p1 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 2
p2 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 3
Signed tetraeder volume
#p0.dot(p1.cross(p2)) / 6.0
v210 = p2[0]*p1[1]*p0[2]
v120 = p1[0]*p2[1]*p0[2]
v201 = p2[0]*p0[1]*p1[2]
v021 = p0[0]*p2[1]*p1[2]
v102 = p1[0]*p0[1]*p2[2]
v012 = p0[0]*p1[1]*p2[2]
return (1.0/6.0)*(-v210 + v120 + v201 - v021 - v102 + v012)
def mesh_volume(triangles, vertices):
"""Calculates the volume of a mesh.
triangles : `int64[:,3]`
List of vertex indices that make up the trinagles of the mesh
vertices : `float64[:,3]`
Vertices of the mesh
Mesh volume
vol = 0
for t in triangles:
p0 = vertices[t[0]]
p1 = vertices[t[1]]
p2 = vertices[t[2]]
vol += triangle_volume_signed(p0, p1, p2)
return vol
def triangle_area(p0,p1,p2):
"""Calculates the area of a triangle.
p0 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 1
p1 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 2
p2 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 3
Triangle area
a= np.linalg.norm(p1-p0)
b= np.linalg.norm(p2-p0)
c= np.linalg.norm(p2-p1)
s = (a+b+c)/2
A = np.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
return A
def triangle_centroid(p0,p1,p2):
"""Calculates the centroid of a triangle.
p0 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 1
p1 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 2
p2 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 3
Triangle centroid
return (p0+p1+p2)/3
def closest_boundary_point(pos, AABB, System_AABB):
"""Calculates the closest point on a boundary of an axis aligned bounding box (AABB) to a position vector.
pos : `float64[3]`
Position vector.
AABB : `float64[2,3]`
Array containing the two vector points that represent the lower left and upper right corner of the AABB
System_AABB : `float64[2,3]`
Array containing the two vector points that represent the lower left and upper right corner of the AABB of the simulation box.
Point on the AABB boundary that is closest to the position vector.
point = np.copy(pos)
min_distance = 1e10
border_pos = -1
border_dim = -1
for dim in range(3):
if AABB[1][dim]<System_AABB[1][dim] and AABB[0][dim]>System_AABB[0][dim]:
if pos[dim]>0.0:
border = AABB[1][dim]
border = AABB[0][dim]
distance = abs(border - pos[dim])
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
border_dim = dim
border_pos = border
if border_dim == -1:
print('Warning: closest boundary point is not guaranteed to be outside all mesh compartments! (AABB covering all compartments is larger than simulation box in any dimension.)')
for dim in range(3):
if pos[dim]>0.0:
border = System_AABB[1][dim]
border = System_AABB[0][dim]
distance = abs(border - pos[dim])
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
border_dim = dim
border_pos = border
point[border_dim] = border_pos
return point
def point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2, pos, pos_tri = None):
"""Calculates the distance between a point and a triangle. Based on :cite:p:`Eberly2001`: 3D Game Engine Design, Eberly D. H., Chapter: 14.3 Point to triangle. https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DistancePoint3triangle3.pdf
p0 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 1
p1 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 2
p2 : `float64[3]`
Vertex 3
pos : `float64[3]`
position vector.
`tuple(float64, int64)`
Distance to triangle, triangle region
E0 = p1 - p0 # edge 0
E1 = p2 - p0 # edge 1
D = p0 - pos # Coordinates of point relative to triangle origin (at p0)
a = E0[0]*E0[0]+E0[1]*E0[1]+E0[2]*E0[2] # np.dot(E0, E0)
b = E0[0]*E1[0]+E0[1]*E1[1]+E0[2]*E1[2] # np.dot(E0, E1)
c = E1[0]*E1[0]+E1[1]*E1[1]+E1[2]*E1[2] # np.dot(E1, E1)
d = E0[0]*D[0]+E0[1]*D[1]+E0[2]*D[2] # np.dot(E0, D)
e = E1[0]*D[0]+E1[1]*D[1]+E1[2]*D[2] # np.dot(E1, D)
f = D[0]*D[0]+D[1]*D[1]+D[2]*D[2] # np.dot(D, D)
s = b * e - c * d
t = b * d - a * e
det = abs(a * c - b * b)
region = -1
if (s + t) <= det:
if s < 0.0:
if t < 0.0:
region = 4
if d < 0.0: # minimum on edge t = 0 with s > 0
t = 0.0
if -d >= a:
s = 1.0
dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
s = -d / a
dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
else: # minimum on edge s = 0
s = 0.0
if e >= 0.0:
t = 0.0
dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if -e >= c:
t = 1.0
dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
t = -e / c
dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
region = 3
s = 0.0
if e >= 0.0:
t = 0.0
dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if -e >= c:
t = 1.0
dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
t = -e / c
dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if t < 0.0:
region = 5
t = 0.0
if d >= 0.0:
s = 0.0
dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if -d >= a:
s = 1.0
dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
s = -d / a
dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
region = 0
det_inv = 1.0 / det
s *= det_inv
t *= det_inv
dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f
if s < 0.0:
region = 2
tmp0 = b + d
tmp1 = c + e
if tmp1 > tmp0: # minimum on edge s + t = 1 with s > 0
numer = tmp1 - tmp0
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
s = 1.0
t = 0.0 # t = 1 - s
dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
s = numer / denom
t = 1.0 - s
dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f
else: # minimum on edge s = 0 with t <= 1
s = 0.0
if tmp1 <= 0.0:
t = 1.0
dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if e >= 0.0:
t = 0.0
dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
t = -e / c
dist_squared = t*(e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if t < 0.0:
region = 6
tmp0 = b + e
tmp1 = a + d
if tmp1 > tmp0: # minimum on edge s + t = 1 with t > 0
numer = tmp1 - tmp0
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
t = 1.0
s = 0.0 # s = 1 - t
dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
t = numer / denom
s = 1.0 - t
dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f
else: # minimum on edge t = 0 with s <= 0
t = 0.0
if tmp1 <= 0.0:
s = 1.0
dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
if d >= 0.0:
s = 0.0
dist_squared = f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
s = -d / a
dist_squared = s*(d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
region = 1
numer = c + e - b - d # (c + e) - (b + d)
if numer <= 0.0:
s = 0.0
t = 1.0 # t = 1-s
dist_squared = (c + 2.0*e) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
denom = a - 2.0 * b + c
if numer >= denom:
s = 1.0
t = 0.0 # t = 1-s
dist_squared = (a + 2.0*d) + f # s*(a*s + 2*b*t + 2*d) + t*(c*t + 2*e) + f
s = numer / denom
t = 1.0 - s
dist_squared = s*(a*s + 2.0*d) + t*(c*t + 2.0*e) + 2.0*b*s*t + f
if dist_squared < 0.0:
dist = 0.0
dist = np.sqrt(dist_squared)
if pos_tri is not None:
pos_tri[0] = p0[0] + s * E0[0] + t * E1[0]
pos_tri[1] = p0[1] + s * E0[1] + t * E1[1]
pos_tri[2] = p0[2] + s * E0[2] + t * E1[2]
return dist, region