# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from numba.experimental import jitclass
# from contextlib import contextmanager
from ..data_structures.dynamic_array_util import DenseArray, HolesArray
item_t = np.dtype([('next', np.int64),('unique_id', np.int64), ('pos', (np.float64, (3,))), ('pos_local', (np.float64, (3,))), ('coord_local', (np.float64, (3,))), ('force', (np.float64, (3,))), ('rb_id', np.int64), ('type', 'U20'), ('type_id', np.int64), ('radius', np.float64), ('number_reactions', np.int64), ('reactions_head', np.int64 , (2,)), ('bound', bool), ('bound_with', np.int64), ('cutoff', np.float64), ('h', np.int64), ('next_transition', np.float64),], align=True)
spec_holes_array = [
('n', nb.int64),
('capacity', nb.int64),
('Data', nb.typeof(np.empty(1, dtype = item_t))),
('item_t', nb.typeof(item_t)),
('i', nb.int64),
('occupied', DenseArray.class_type.instance_type),
('slot', nb.int64),
spec_particles = [
('current_unique_id', nb.int64),
class Particles(HolesArray):
The Particles class stored all data for the particles in the simulation. Particles are the 'atoms' in PyRID. Molecules can be constructed from combining several particles to a rigid bead model. Particles can interact with each other via energy potentials and react with each other by user defined bimolecular reactions.
n : `int64`
length of the particles array
Data : `array_like`
Numpy structured array containing all data that define a particle state.
dtype: np.dtype([('next', np.int64), ('pos', (np.float64, (3,))), ('pos_local', (np.float64, (3,))), ('coord_local', (np.float64, (3,))), ('force', (np.float64, (3,))), ('rb_id', np.int64), ('type', 'U20'), ('type_id', np.int64), ('radius', np.float64), ('number_reactions', np.int64), ('reactions_head', np.int64 , (2,)), ('bound', bool), ('bound_with', np.int64), ('cutoff', np.float64), ('h', np.int64), ('next_transition', np.float64),], align=True)
add_particle(System, type_name)
Adds a new particle to the array
next_up_reaction(System, i)
Calculates the time point of the next uni-particle reaction.
set_pos(k, x,y,z)
Sets the position of particle i given x,y,z
increase_pos(i, dx,dy,dz)
Incerases the particle position by dx,dy,dz
set_pos_local(i, xl,yl,zl)
Sets the position of particle i in the local coordinate frame
increase_pos_local(i, dxl,dyl,dzl)
Increases the position of particle i in the local coordinate frame
set_force(i, fx, fy, fz)
Sets the force vector of particle i
Resets the force vector of particle i to [0,0,0]
increase_force(i, dfx, dfy, dfz)
Increases the force vector of particle i by dfx, dfy, dfz
set_coord(i, xc,yc, zc)
Sets the coordinates of particle i in the local reference frame
set_rb_id(i, rb_id)
Sets the id of the rigid bead molecule that particle i is part of
set_type(i, particle_type, System)
Sets the type name and id of particle i
Increases the number of reactions particle i partakes in by 1
Decreases the number of reactions particle i partakes in by 1
Sets the number of reactions particle i partakes in to zero
__init__HolesArray = HolesArray.__init__
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.current_unique_id = 0
[docs] def add_particle(self, System, type_name):
"""Adds a new particle to the array
System : `object`
Instance of System class
type_name : `string`
Name of particle type
self.Data[self.slot]['unique_id'] = self.current_unique_id
self.current_unique_id += 1
self.insert(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t)[0])
self.Data[self.slot]['bound_with'] = -1
self.set_type(self.slot-1, type_name, System)
self.next_up_reaction(System, self.slot-1)
[docs] def next_up_reaction(self, System, i):
"""Calculates the time point of the next uni-particle reaction.
System : `object`
Instance of System class
i : `int64`
Particle index
type_id = self.Data[i]['type_id']
name = System.particle_id_to_name[type_id]
if System.particle_types[str(name)][0]['UP_reaction']:
total_rate = System.particle_types[str(name)][0]['transition_rate_total']
self.Data[i]['next_transition'] = System.current_step*System.dt + 1/total_rate*np.log(1/np.random.rand())
self.Data[i]['next_transition'] = 1e10
[docs] def set_pos(self, i, x,y,z):
"""Sets the position of particle i given x,y,z
i : `int64`
Particle index
x : `float64`
Particle position x value
y : `float64`
Particle position y value
z : `float64`
Particle position z value
self.Data[i]['pos'][0] = x
self.Data[i]['pos'][1] = y
self.Data[i]['pos'][2] = z
[docs] def increase_pos(self, i, dx,dy,dz):
"""Incerases the particle position by dx,dy,dz
i : `int64`
Particle index
dx : `float64`
Particle position differental along x axis
dy : `float64`
Particle position differental along y axis
dz : `float64`
Particle position differental along z axis
self.Data[i]['pos'][0] += dx
self.Data[i]['pos'][1] += dy
self.Data[i]['pos'][2] += dz
[docs] def set_pos_local(self, i, xl,yl,zl):
"""Sets the position of particle i in the local coordinate frame
i : `int64`
Particle index
xl : `float64`
Particle x position in local frame
yl : `float64`
Particle y position in local frame
zl : `float64`
Particle z position in local frame
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][0] = xl
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][1] = yl
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][2] = zl
[docs] def increase_pos_local(self, i, dxl,dyl,dzl):
"""Increases the position of particle i in the local coordinate frame
i : `int64`
Particle index
dxl : `float64`
Particle position differental along x axis in local frame
dyl : `float64`
Particle position differental along y axis in local frame
dzl : `float64`
Particle position differental along z axis in local frame
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][0] += dxl
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][1] += dyl
self.Data[i]['pos_local'][2] += dzl
[docs] def set_force(self, i, fx, fy, fz):
"""Sets the force vector of particle i
i : `int64`
Particle index
fx : `float64`
Particle force along x axis
fy : `float64`
Particle force along y axis
fz : `float64`
Particle force along z axis
self.Data[i]['force'][0] = fx
self.Data[i]['force'][1] = fy
self.Data[i]['force'][2] = fz
[docs] def clear_force(self, i):
"""Resets the force vector of particle i to [0,0,0]
i : `int64`
Particle index
self.Data[i]['force'][:] = 0.0
[docs] def increase_force(self, i, dfx, dfy, dfz):
"""Increases the force vector of particle i by dfx, dfy, dfz
i : `int64`
Particle index
dfx : `float64`
Particle force differental along x axis
dfy : `float64`
Particle force differental along y axis
dfz : `float64`
Particle force differental along z axis
self.Data[i]['force'][0] += dfx
self.Data[i]['force'][1] += dfy
self.Data[i]['force'][2] += dfz
[docs] def set_coord(self, i, xc,yc, zc):
"""Sets the coordinates of particle i in the local reference frame
i : `int64`
Particle index
xc : `float64`
Particle x coordinate in local frame
yc : `float64`
Particle y coordinate in local frame
zc : `float64`
Particle z coordinate in local frame
self.Data[i]['coord_local'][0] = xc
self.Data[i]['coord_local'][1] = yc
self.Data[i]['coord_local'][2] = zc
[docs] def set_rb_id(self, i, rb_id):
"""Sets the id of the rigid bead molecule that particle i is part of
i : `int64`
Particle index
rb:id : `int64`
Type index of the rigid bead molecule
self.Data[i]['rb_id'] = rb_id
[docs] def set_type(self, i, particle_type, System):
"""Sets the type name and id of particle i
i : `int64`
Particle index
particle_type : `string`
Name of the particle type
System : `object`
Instance of System class
type_id = System.particle_types[particle_type][0]['id']
self.Data[i]['type'] = particle_type
self.Data[i]['type_id'] = type_id
[docs] def increase_number_reactions(self, i):
"""Increases the number of reactions particle i partakes in by 1
i : `int64`
Particle index
self.Data[i]['number_reactions'] += 1
[docs] def decrease_number_reactions(self, i):
"""Decreases the number of reactions particle i partakes in by 1
i : `int64`
Particle index
self.Data[i]['number_reactions'] -= 1
[docs] def clear_number_reactions(self, i):
"""Sets the number of reactions particle i partakes in to zero
i : `int64`
Particle index
self.Data[i]['number_reactions'] = 0
# if __name__=='__main__':