# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from ..geometry.mesh_util import point_triangle_distance
from ..geometry.intersections_util import point_inside_AABB_test, mesh_inside_box_test, point_inside_mesh_test
from ..geometry.ray_march_util import ray_march_volume
from ..math import random_util as randu
import math
from ..system.distribute_surface_util import random_point_in_triangle
from ..data_structures.cell_list_util import create_cell_list_mesh, create_cell_list_points, reverse_cell_mapping
def release_molecules_boundary(System, RBs, Particles):
"""Releases molecules into the volume at the simulation box boundary given an outside concentration of the different molecule types.
System : `object`
Instance of System class
RBs : `object`
Instance of RBs class
Particles : `object`
The average number of molecules that hit a boundary of area :math:`A` from one side within a time step :math:`\\Delta t` can be calculated from the molecule concentration :math:`C` and the average distance a diffusing molecule travels normal to a plane :math:`l_{n}` within :math:`\\Delta t` :cite:p:`Kerr2008`:
.. math::
N_{hits} = \\frac{A l_{n}}{2 C},
.. math::
l_{n} = \\sqrt{\\frac{4D\\Delta t}{\\pi}}.
Here :math:`D = Tr(\\boldsymbol{D}^{tt,b})/3` is the scalar translational diffusion constant.
The boundary crossing of molecules can be described as a poisson process. As such, the number of molecules that cross the boundary each time step is drawn from a poisson distribution with a rate :math:`N_{hits}`.
The normalized distance that a crossing molecule ends up away from the plane/boundary follows the following distribution :cite:p:`Kerr2008`:
.. math::
P(d\\tilde{x}) = 1-e^{-d\\tilde{x}^2}+\\sqrt{\\pi}*dx*\\text{erfc}(d\\tilde{x})
The distance vector normal to the plane after the crossing can then be calculated from the diffusion length constant :math:`\\lambda` and the plane's normal vector :math:`\\hat{\\boldsymbol{n}}` by :math:`d\\boldsymbol{x} = \\lambda \\, d\\tilde{x} \\, \\hat{\\boldsymbol{n}} = \sqrt{4Dt} \\, d\\tilde{x} \\, \\hat{\\boldsymbol{n}}`.
In the case that a molecule enters the simulation box near to another boundary, e.g. of a mesh compartment, we may also want to account for the distance traveled parallel to the plane in order to correctly resolve collision with the mesh. However, currently PyRID does not account for this. For small intregration time steps and meshes that are further than :math:`\sqrt{4Dt}` away from the simulation box border, the error introduced should however be negligable.
Now that the number of molecules and their distance away from the plane are determined, the molecules are distributed in the simualtion box. Since the diffusion along each dimension is independent we can simply pick a random point uniformly distributed on the respective plane. For triangulated mesh surfaces, triangles are picked randomly, weighted by their area. Sampling a uniformly distributed random point in a triangle is done by :cite:p:`Osada2002`
.. math::
P(\\boldsymbol{r}) = (1-\\sqrt{\\mu_1})*\\boldsymbol{p}_0+(\\sqrt{\\mu_1}*(1-\\mu_2))*\\boldsymbol{p}_1+(\\mu_2*\\sqrt{\\mu_1})*\\boldsymbol{p}_2 ,
where :math:`\\mu_1, \\mu_2` are random numbers between 0 and 1. :math:`\\boldsymbol{p}_0, \\boldsymbol{p}_1, \\boldsymbol{p}_2` are the three vertices of the triangle.
Note that, in general, here we neglect any interactions between the virtual molecules. Therefore, fixed concentration boundary conditions only result in the same inside and outside concentrations if no molecular in teractions are simulated.
if System.mesh == False:
comp_id = 0
pos = np.empty(3)
axes = [0,1,2]
sides = np.array([-1,1])
for molecule in System.molecule_types:
concentration = System.molecule_types[molecule].concentration[comp_id]
if concentration>0.0:
l_perp = System.molecule_types[molecule].l_perp
area = System.box_area
hits_in_dt = area*l_perp/2*concentration
D = System.molecule_types[molecule].Dtrans
lamb = np.sqrt(4*D*System.dt)
N_crossed = np.random.poisson(hits_in_dt)
for i in range(N_crossed):
dim = randu.random_choice(cum_weights = System.box_border['cum_area'])
side = sides[np.random.randint(2)]
xm = System.dx_rand.call(np.random.rand())*lamb
axes_ = [x for x in axes if x!=dim]
pos[dim] = side*(System.box_lengths[dim]/2-xm)
pos[axes_[0]] = (1-2*np.random.rand())*System.box_lengths[axes_[0]]/2
pos[axes_[1]] = (1-2*np.random.rand())*System.box_lengths[axes_[1]]/2
quat = random_quaternion()
add_molecule_single(comp_id, System, RBs, Particles, pos, quat, molecule)
comp_id = 0
axes = [0,1,2]
sides = np.array([-1,1])
for molecule in System.molecule_types:
concentration = System.molecule_types[molecule].concentration[comp_id]
if concentration>0.0:
l_perp = System.molecule_types[molecule].l_perp
area = System.box_area
hits_in_dt = area*l_perp/2*concentration
D = System.molecule_types[molecule].Dtrans
lamb = np.sqrt(4*D*System.dt)
N_crossed = np.random.poisson(hits_in_dt)
for i in range(N_crossed):
tri_id_0 = randu.random_choice(cum_weights = System.box_border['cum_area'])
tri_id = System.box_border[tri_id_0]['triangle_ids']
triangle = System.vertices[System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles']]
tri_normal = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3]
p0 = triangle[0]
p1 = triangle[1]
p2 = triangle[2]
xm = System.dx_rand.call(np.random.rand())*lamb
pos = random_point_in_triangle(p0,p1,p2)
dX = -xm*tri_normal
quat = random_quaternion()
add_molecule_single(comp_id, System, RBs, Particles, pos, quat, molecule)
RBs[RBs.slot-1]['dX'][:] = dX
RBs.update_particle_pos(Particles, System, RBs.slot-1)
for comp_id in range(1, System.n_comps+1):
if System.Compartments[comp_id].box_overlap:
for molecule in System.molecule_types:
concentration = System.molecule_types[molecule].concentration[comp_id]
if concentration>0.0:
l_perp = System.molecule_types[molecule].l_perp
area = System.Compartments[comp_id].border_area
hits_in_dt = area*l_perp/2*concentration
D = System.molecule_types[molecule].Dtrans
lamb = np.sqrt(4*D*System.dt)
N_crossed = np.random.poisson(hits_in_dt)
for i in range(N_crossed):
tri_id_0 = randu.random_choice(cum_weights = System.Compartments[comp_id].border_3d['cum_area'])
tri_id = System.Compartments[comp_id].border_3d[tri_id_0]['triangle_ids']
triangle = System.vertices[System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles']]
tri_normal = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3]
p0 = triangle[0]
p1 = triangle[1]
p2 = triangle[2]
xm = System.dx_rand.call(np.random.rand())*lamb
pos = random_point_in_triangle(p0,p1,p2)
dX = -xm*tri_normal
quat = random_quaternion()
add_molecule_single(comp_id, System, RBs, Particles, pos, quat, molecule)
RBs[RBs.slot-1]['dX'][:] = dX
RBs.update_particle_pos(Particles, System, RBs.slot-1)
def random_quaternion():
"""Returns a unit quaternion representing a uniformly distributed random rotation.
The method can be found in K. Shoemake, Graphics Gems III by D. Kirk, pages 124-132 :cite:p:`Kirk2012` and on http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node198.html:
.. math::
\\boldsymbol{q} = [\\sqrt{1-u_1} \\, \\sin(2 \\pi u_2), \\sqrt{1-u_1} \\, \\cos(2 \\pi u_2), \\sqrt{u_1} \\, \\sin(2 \\pi u_3), \\sqrt{u_1} \\, \\cos(2 \\pi u_3)] ,
where :math:`u_1,u_2,u_3 \\in [0,1]` are uniformly distributed random numbers. :math:`\\boldsymbol{q}` is a uniformly distributed, random rotation quaternion.
Uniformly distributed, random rotation quaternion
u1,u2,u3 = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
return np.array([np.sqrt(1-u1)*np.sin(2*np.pi*u2), np.sqrt(1-u1)*np.cos(2*np.pi*u2), np.sqrt(u1)*np.sin(2*np.pi*u3), np.sqrt(u1)*np.cos(2*np.pi*u3)])
def random_quaternion_tuple():
"""Returns a unit quaternion representing a uniformly distributed random rotation.
The method can be found in K. Shoemake, Graphics Gems III by D. Kirk, pages 124-132 :cite:p:`Kirk2012` and on http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node198.html:
.. math::
\\boldsymbol{q} = [\\sqrt{1-u_1} \\, \\sin(2 \\pi u_2), \\sqrt{1-u_1} \\, \\cos(2 \\pi u_2), \\sqrt{u_1} \\, \\sin(2 \\pi u_3), \\sqrt{u_1} \\, \\cos(2 \\pi u_3)] ,
where :math:`u_1,u_2,u_3 \\in [0,1]` are uniformly distributed random numbers. :math:`\\boldsymbol{q}` is a uniformly distributed, random rotation quaternion.
Uniformly distributed, random rotation quaternion
# Based on K. Shoemake. Uniform random rotations. In D. Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III, pages 124-132. Academic, New York, 1992. http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node198.html
u1,u2,u3 = np.random.rand(), np.random.rand(), np.random.rand()
return np.sqrt(1-u1)*np.sin(2*np.pi*u2), np.sqrt(1-u1)*np.cos(2*np.pi*u2), np.sqrt(u1)*np.sin(2*np.pi*u3), np.sqrt(u1)*np.cos(2*np.pi*u3)
def point_on_sphere(radius):
"""Returns a random point uniformly distributed on the surface of a sphere with radius r.
radius : `float`
tuple(float, float, float)
Uniformly distributed random point on sphere surface
u = 1-2*np.random.rand()
phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
x = radius*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(phi)
y = radius*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(phi)
z = radius*u
return x,y,z
def point_in_sphere_simple(radius):
"""Returns a random point uniformly distributed in the volume of a sphere with radius r.
radius : `float`
tuple(float, float, float)
Uniformly distributed random point in sphere volume
u = 1-2*np.random.rand()
phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
D = radius*np.random.rand()**(1/3)
x = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(phi)
y = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(phi)
z = D*u
return x,y,z
def add_molecules(Compartment_id, System, RBs, Particles, pos, quaternion, mol_type_ids, mol_types):
"""Places new molecules into a compartment, given their positions, orientations and types.
Compartment_id : `int64`
id of the compartment
System : `object`
Instance of System class
RBs : `object`
Instance of RBs class
Particles : `object`
Instance of Particles class
pos : `array_like`
Positions of the molecule centers
quaternion : `array_like`
Rotation quaternions of the molecules
mol_type_ids : `array_like`
Type ids of the molecules
mol_types : `array_like`
Array of strings of the molecule names
for i in range(len(pos)):
RBs.add_RB(str(mol_types[mol_type_ids[i]]), Compartment_id, System, Particles, 0)
RBs.set_pos(Particles, System, pos[i], RBs.slot-1)
RBs.set_orientation_quat(Particles, quaternion[i], System, RBs.slot-1)
def add_molecule_single(Compartment_id, System, RBs, Particles, pos, quaternion, mol_type):
"""Places a single new molecule into a compartment, given its position, orientation and type.
Compartment_id : `int64`
id of the compartment
System : `object`
Instance of System class
RBs : `object`
Instance of RBs class
Particles : `object`
Instance of Particles class
pos : `array_like`
Position of the molecul center
quaternion : `array_like`
Rotation quaternion of the molecule
mol_type : `string`
Molecule name
RBs.add_RB(str(mol_type), Compartment_id, System, Particles, 0)
RBs.set_pos(Particles, System, pos, RBs.slot-1)
RBs.set_orientation_quat(Particles, quaternion, System, RBs.slot-1)
def normal(origin, jitter, number, mol_types, System):
"""Distributes molecules spherically around a point by a gaussian distribution.
origin : `float64[3]`
Origin of the distribution
jitter : `float64`
Standard deviation of the normal distribution
number : `int64[:]`
Number of molecules to distribute per type
mol_types : `array_like`
Array of strings of molecule names
System : `object`
Instance of System class
tuple(float64[N,3], float64[N,4], int64[N])
Positions, Quaternions, and Molecule ids
pos = np.ones((np.sum(number),3))*origin
dX = np.random.normal(0, jitter, (np.sum(number),3))
quaternion = np.empty((np.sum(number),4))
j = 0
for _ in range(np.sum(number)):
if System.mesh:
success = ray_march_volume(pos[j], dX[j], System)
if System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
pos[j][0] += dX[j][0]
pos[j][1] += dX[j][1]
pos[j][2] += dX[j][2]
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 2:
pos[j][0] += dX[j][0]
pos[j][1] += dX[j][1]
pos[j][2] += dX[j][2]
success = point_inside_AABB_test(pos[j], System.AABB)
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
for dim in range(3):
if pos[j][dim]+dX[j][dim]>System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
boundary = System.box_lengths[dim]/2
t = (boundary - pos[j][dim])/dX[j][dim]
pos[j][:] += t*dX[j]
dX[j][:] -= t*dX[j]
dX[j][0] *= -1
elif pos[j][dim]+dX[j][dim]<-System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
boundary = -System.box_lengths[dim]/2
t = (boundary - pos[j][dim])/dX[j][dim]
pos[j][:] += t*dX[j]
dX[j][:] -= t*dX[j]
dX[j][0] *= -1
pos[j][0] += dX[j][0]
pos[j][1] += dX[j][1]
pos[j][2] += dX[j][2]
if success:
q1,q2,q3,q4 = random_quaternion_tuple()
quaternion[j][0] = q1
quaternion[j][1] = q2
quaternion[j][2] = q3
quaternion[j][3] = q4
j += 1
molecules_id = np.empty(np.sum(number), dtype = np.int64)
N0 = 0
for i,N in enumerate(number):
molecules_id[N0:N0+N] = System.molecule_types[str(mol_types[i])].type_id
N0 += N
return pos[0:j], quaternion[0:j], molecules_id[0:j]
def random_direction_sphere(sphere_radius):
"""Returns a random direction vector uniformly distributed in the volume of a sphere with radius r.
sphere_radius : `float64`
Radius of the sphere
Direction vector
u = 1-2*np.random.rand()
phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
D = sphere_radius*np.random.rand()**(1/3)
dX = np.empty(3)
dX[0] = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(phi)
dX[1] = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(phi)
dX[2] = D*u
return dX
def random_direction_Halfsphere(sphere_radius, normal):
"""Returns a random direction vector uniformly distributed in the volume of a half-sphere with radius r, splitted in half in direction of a given plane normal vector.
sphere_radius : `float64`
Radius of the sphere
normal : `float64[3]`
Normal vector of the plane splitting the sphere in half
First a uniformly distributed random vector :math:`d\\boldsymbol{X}` that sites somewhere within the full sphere is drawn.
Next, we test whether the vector points into the same direction as the plane normal vector :math:`\\hat{\\boldsymbol{n}}` via their dot product.
If the dot product is negative, the direction vector is reflected at the plane by :math:`d\\boldsymbol{X}_{refl} = d\\boldsymbol{X} -2 d\\boldsymbol{X} \cdot \\hat{\\boldsymbol{n}}`.
Direction vector
u = 1-2*np.random.rand()
phi = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand()
D = sphere_radius*np.random.rand()**(1/3)
dX = np.empty(3)
dX[0] = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.sin(phi)
dX[1] = D*np.sqrt(1-u**2)*np.cos(phi)
dX[2] = D*u
dX_dot_n = np.dot(dX, normal)
if dX_dot_n<0.0:
return dX-2*dX_dot_n*normal
return dX
def trace_direction_vector(dX, origin, pos, System):
"""Traces the path along a direction vector, and, depending on the boundary conditions and the presence of mesh compartments updates the direction vector. If the direction vector hits an absorptive boundary (fixed concentration boundary conditions), returns False, indicating that the corresponding molecule needs to be deleted.
dX : `float64[3]`
Direction vector
origin : `float64[3]`
Origin of the molecule
pos : `float64[3]`
New position/origin of the moelcule is saved in this array.
System : `object`
Instance of System class
Indicates whether the position tracing was successful or the molecule hit an absorptive boundary.
if System.mesh:
pos[0] = origin[0]
pos[1] = origin[1]
pos[2] = origin[2]
success = ray_march_volume(pos, dX, System)
return success
if System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
pos[0] = origin[0] + dX[0]
pos[1] = origin[1] + dX[1]
pos[2] = origin[2] + dX[2]
return True
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 2:
pos[0] = origin[0] + dX[0]
pos[1] = origin[1] + dX[1]
pos[2] = origin[2] + dX[2]
inside_box = point_inside_AABB_test(pos, System.AABB)
return inside_box
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
pos[0] = origin[0]
pos[1] = origin[1]
pos[2] = origin[2]
for dim in range(3):
if pos[dim]+dX[dim]>System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
boundary = System.box_lengths[dim]/2
t = (boundary - pos[dim])/dX[dim]
pos[:] += t*dX
dX[:] -= t*dX
dX[0] *= -1
elif pos[dim]+dX[dim]<-System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
boundary = -System.box_lengths[dim]/2
t = (boundary - pos[dim])/dX[dim]
pos[:] += t*dX
dX[:] -= t*dX
dX[0] *= -1
pos[0] += dX[0]
pos[1] += dX[1]
pos[2] += dX[2]
return True
def pds(Compartment, System, mol_types, number, clustering_factor=1, max_trials=100):
"""Distributes a number of molecules of different types inside the volume of a compartment using a poisson disc sampling algorithm.
Compartment : `object`
Instance of Compartment class
System : `object`
Instance of System class
mol_types : `array_like`
Array of strings of molecule names
number : `float64[:]`
Number of molecules to distribute per given type
clustering factor : `int64`
Determines how much the molecules are spread inside the compartment. Higher values are necessary for uniform distributions at low density. Default = 1
max_trials : `int64`
Maximum number of trials to find a new position around a given active point in the poisson disc sampling algorithm.
tuple(float64[:,3], int64[:], float64[:,4])
Returns arrays of the positions, molecule types, and rotation quaternions of the distributed moelcules.
radii = np.empty(len(mol_types))
mol_type_ids = np.empty(len(mol_types), dtype = np.int64)
for i, moltype in enumerate(mol_types):
radii[i] = System.molecule_types[str(moltype)].radius
mol_type_ids[i] = System.molecule_types[str(mol_types[i])].type_id
weights = radii/max(radii)
points, points_type, quaternion, count = poisson_disc_sampling(Compartment, System, radii, mol_type_ids, number, weights, clustering_factor, max_trials)
print('Molecules distributed in volume of compartment '+Compartment.name)
for j, name in enumerate(mol_types):
print(name, ': ', count[j])
return points, points_type, quaternion
def poisson_disc_sampling(Compartment, System, radii, mol_type_ids, N, weights, clustering_factor, max_trials):
"""Poisson disc sampling algorithm for different sized spheres, accounting for different boundary conditions and mesh compartment boundaries. The algorithm is based on :cite:t:`Bridson2007`.
Compartment : `object`
Instance of Compartment class
System : `object`
Instance of System class
radii : `float64[:]`
Radii of the different sphere types
mol_type_ids : `array_like`
Type ids of the different spheres
N : `float64[:]`
Number of spheres to distribute per given type
clustering factor : `int64`
Determines how much the spheres are spread inside the compartment. Higher values are necessary for uniform distributions at low density. Default = 1
max_trials : `int64`
Maximum number of trials to find a new position around a given active point in the poisson disc sampling algorithm.
ValueError('There is no overlap of the Compartment with the Simulation box! Unable to distribute points in Compartment!')
Raised if the selected compartment does not overlap with the simulation box.
tuple(float64[:,3], int64[:], float64[:,4], int64)
Returns arrays of the positions, types and rotations quaternions. Also return the total count of distributed spheres.
if System.mesh:
# Check if any part of the compartment is actually in the simulation box so we dont end
# up in an infinite loop!
Compartment_in_box = mesh_inside_box_test(Compartment, System)
if Compartment_in_box == False:
raise ValueError('There is no overlap of the Compartment with the Simulation box! Unable to distribute points in Compartment!')
pos_tri = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64)
if System.mesh==True:
rc = max(np.max(radii)*2, np.max(System.box_lengths)/25)
cells_per_dim = (Compartment.box_lengths / rc).astype(np.int64)
if np.any(cells_per_dim<3):
print('error: Cell division <3')
cell_length_per_dim = Compartment.box_lengths / cells_per_dim
triangle_ids = np.arange(System.N_triangles)
CellList, AABB_centers = create_cell_list_mesh(System, Compartment, cells_per_dim, cell_length_per_dim, triangle_ids, False, True) # np.max(System.box_lengths)/50
dim = System.dim
origin_x = Compartment.AABB[0][0]
origin_y = Compartment.AABB[0][1]
origin_z = Compartment.AABB[0][2]
width = Compartment.AABB[1][0]-Compartment.AABB[0][0]
if width > System.box_lengths[0]:
width = System.box_lengths[0]
height = Compartment.AABB[1][1]-Compartment.AABB[0][1]
if height > System.box_lengths[1]:
height = System.box_lengths[1]
depth = Compartment.AABB[1][2]-Compartment.AABB[0][2]
if depth > System.box_lengths[2]:
depth = System.box_lengths[2]
number_types = len(radii)
diameter = 2*np.min(radii)
searchRadius = clustering_factor*(max((width, height, depth))/2)
if searchRadius<diameter:
searchRadius = diameter
# print('searchRadius: ', searchRadius)
w0 = diameter/np.sqrt(dim)
cells_per_dim_pds = int(width/w0)
w = width/cells_per_dim_pds
#Step 0
columns = int(width/w)
rows = int(height/w)
aisles = int(depth/w)
grid = -np.ones(rows*columns*aisles, dtype = np.int64)
grid_type = -np.ones(rows*columns*aisles, dtype = np.int64)
active = nb.typed.List()
points = nb.typed.List()
quaternion = nb.typed.List()
ptype = nb.typed.List()
type_list = np.arange(len(radii))
points_ptype = nb.typed.List()
count = np.zeros(len(radii), dtype = np.int64)
#Step 1
seed_found = False
count_loop = 0
while seed_found==False:
if count_loop>10000:
raise ValueError('Canceled while loop: Not able to place moelcule seed in poisson_disc_sampling()')
x = (np.random.rand())*width
y = (np.random.rand())*height
z = (np.random.rand())*depth
i = int(x/w)
j = int(y/w)
k = int(z/w)
pos = np.array([x,y,z])
type_1_idx = np.random.randint(number_types)
if System.mesh==True and Compartment.name == 'System':
point_on_correct_side = True
for comp_id in System.Compartments:
Compartment_temp = System.Compartments[comp_id]
point_on_correct_side_temp = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment_temp.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, pos+Compartment_temp.origin, 1e0)==False
if point_on_correct_side_temp == False:
point_on_correct_side = False
elif System.mesh==True and Compartment.name != 'System':
point_on_correct_side = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, pos+Compartment.origin, 1e0)
point_on_correct_side = True
boundary_check = False
if System.boundary_condition == 'repulsive':
boundary_check = width-radii[type_1_idx]>pos[0]>=radii[type_1_idx] and height-radii[type_1_idx]>pos[1]>=radii[type_1_idx] and depth-radii[type_1_idx]>pos[2]>=radii[type_1_idx]
if System.boundary_condition == 'periodic' or System.boundary_condition == 'fixed concentration':
boundary_check = width>pos[0]>=0.0 and height>pos[1]>=0.0 and depth>pos[2]>=0.0
if boundary_check and point_on_correct_side:
if System.mesh==True:
# !!! Here we use a loose cell grid!
cx = int((pos[0]) / cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy = int((pos[1]) / cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz = int((pos[2]) / cell_length_per_dim[2])
# Determine cell in 3D volume for i-th particle
cell = cx + cy * cells_per_dim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim[0] * cells_per_dim[1]
min_dist = 1e6
triangles_list = CellList.get_triangles(cell)
if len(triangles_list)>0:
for Tri_idx in triangles_list:
triangle = System.Mesh[Tri_idx]['triangles']
p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]]
p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]]
p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]]
dist, region = point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2,pos+Compartment.origin, pos_tri)
if dist<min_dist:
min_dist = dist
no_overlap = min_dist >= radii[type_1_idx]
no_overlap = True
if no_overlap:
seed_found = True
grid[i+j*columns+k*columns*rows] = len(points)-1
grid_type[i+j*columns+k*columns*rows] = type_1_idx
count[type_1_idx] += 1
trials = 0
while not np.all(count>=N) and len(active)>0:
trials += 1
rand_idx = np.random.randint(0,len(active))
pos = active[rand_idx][0]
type_1_idx = ptype[rand_idx]
idx = randu.random_choice(weights = weights[active[rand_idx][1]==1])
# probDensity = np.zeros(len(weights[active[rand_idx][1]==1])+1)
# sort_indices = randu.probDens_2(weights[active[rand_idx][1]==1], probDensity)
# idx = randu.binary_search(probDensity, sort_indices, np.random.rand())
type_2_idx = type_list[active[rand_idx][1]==1][idx]
found = False
if count[type_2_idx]<N[type_2_idx]:
for n in range(max_trials):
a = np.random.rand()*2*np.pi
b = np.arccos(1-2*np.random.rand())
m = np.random.uniform(radii[type_1_idx]+radii[type_2_idx],(radii[type_1_idx]+radii[type_2_idx])+searchRadius)
offsetX = m*np.cos(a)*np.sin(b)
offsetY = m*np.sin(a)*np.sin(b)
offsetZ = m*np.cos(b)
sample = np.array([offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ])
sample += pos
if System.mesh==True and Compartment.name == 'System':
point_on_correct_side = True
for comp_id in System.Compartments:
Compartment_temp = System.Compartments[comp_id]
point_on_correct_side_temp = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment_temp.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, sample+Compartment_temp.origin, 1e0)==False
if point_on_correct_side_temp == False:
point_on_correct_side = False
elif System.mesh==True and Compartment.name != 'System':
point_on_correct_side = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, sample+Compartment.origin, 1e0)
point_on_correct_side = True
boundary_check = False
if System.boundary_condition == 'repulsive':
boundary_check = width-radii[type_2_idx]>sample[0]>=radii[type_2_idx] and height-radii[type_2_idx]>sample[1]>=radii[type_2_idx] and depth-radii[type_2_idx]>sample[2]>=radii[type_2_idx]
if System.boundary_condition == 'periodic' or System.boundary_condition == 'fixed concentration':
boundary_check = width>sample[0]>=0.0 and height>sample[1]>=0.0 and depth>sample[2]>=0.0
if boundary_check and point_on_correct_side:
if System.mesh==True:
# !!! Here we use a loose cell grid!
cx = int((sample[0]) / cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy = int((sample[1]) / cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz = int((sample[2]) / cell_length_per_dim[2])
# Determine cell in 3D volume for i-th particle
cell = cx + cy * cells_per_dim[0] + cz * cells_per_dim[0] * cells_per_dim[1]
min_dist = 1e6
triangles_list = CellList.get_triangles(cell)
if len(triangles_list)>0:
for Tri_idx in triangles_list:
triangle = System.Mesh[Tri_idx]['triangles']
p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]]
p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]]
p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]]
dist, region = point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2,sample+Compartment.origin, pos_tri)
if dist<min_dist:
min_dist = dist
no_overlap = min_dist >= radii[type_2_idx]
no_overlap = True
if no_overlap:
col = int(sample[0]/w)
row = int(sample[1]/w)
aisle = int(sample[2]/w)
ok = True
NNrange = math.ceil((np.max(radii)+radii[type_2_idx])/w)
for k in range(aisle-NNrange,aisle+NNrange+1):
k_shift = 0 + aisles * (k < 0) - aisles * (k >= aisles)
k_pos_shift = 0.0 - depth * (k < 0) + depth*(k >= aisles)
for j in range(row-NNrange,row+NNrange+1):
j_shift = 0 + rows * (j < 0) - rows * (j >= rows)
j_pos_shift = 0.0 - height * (j < 0) + height*(j >= rows)
for i in range(col-NNrange,col+NNrange+1):
i_shift = 0 + columns * (i < 0) - columns * (i >= columns)
i_pos_shift = 0.0 - width * (i < 0) + width*(i >= columns)
index = (i + i_shift) + (j + j_shift) * columns + (k + k_shift) * columns * rows
neighbour = grid[index]
neighbour_type = grid_type[index]
if neighbour!=-1:
dx = sample[0] - (points[neighbour][0] + i_pos_shift)
dy = sample[1] - (points[neighbour][1] + j_pos_shift)
dz = sample[2] - (points[neighbour][2] + k_pos_shift)
d = np.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2 + dz ** 2)
if d<(radii[neighbour_type]+radii[type_2_idx]):
ok = False
if ok:
found = True
count[type_2_idx] += 1
grid[col+row*columns+aisle*columns*rows] = len(points)-1
grid_type[col+row*columns+aisle*columns*rows] = type_2_idx
q = random_quaternion()
if not found:
active[rand_idx][1][type_2_idx] = 0
if np.sum(active[rand_idx][1]) == 0:
del active[rand_idx]
del ptype[rand_idx]
for i in range(len(points)):
points[i][0] += origin_x
points[i][1] += origin_y
points[i][2] += origin_z
return points, points_ptype, quaternion, count
def mc(System, Compartment, mol_types, N):
"""Does Monte Carlo sampling for N molecules inside a compartment returning vectors for the molecule positions, types and orientations.
Compartment : `object`
Instance of Compartment class
mol_types : `list of strings`
List of molecule types to distribute.
N : `int64[:]`
Total number of molecules to distribute per molecule type.
tuple(float64[:,3], int64[:], float64[:,4])
molecule positions, molecule types, molecule orientations in quaternion representation
mol_type_ids = np.empty(len(mol_types), dtype = np.int64)
for i, moltype in enumerate(mol_types):
mol_type_ids[i] = System.molecule_types[str(mol_types[i])].type_id
AABB = np.copy(Compartment.AABB)
for dim in range(3):
if AABB[0][dim]<System.AABB[0][dim]:
AABB[0][dim] = System.AABB[0][dim]
if AABB[1][dim]>System.AABB[1][dim]:
AABB[1][dim] = System.AABB[1][dim]
box_lengths = AABB[1]-AABB[0]
points = nb.typed.List()
points_type = nb.typed.List()
quaternion = nb.typed.List()
count = np.zeros(len(mol_type_ids))
for i,mol_id in enumerate(mol_type_ids):
while count[i]<N[i]:
pos_MC = AABB[0] + np.random.rand(3)*box_lengths
if System.mesh==True and Compartment.name == 'System':
point_on_correct_side = True
for comp_id in System.Compartments:
Compartment_temp = System.Compartments[comp_id]
point_on_correct_side_temp = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment_temp.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, pos_MC, 1e0)==False
if point_on_correct_side_temp == False:
point_on_correct_side = False
elif System.mesh==True and Compartment.name != 'System':
point_on_correct_side = point_inside_mesh_test(Compartment.triangle_ids, System.Mesh, System.vertices, pos_MC, 1e0)
point_on_correct_side = True
if point_on_correct_side:
count[i] += 1
print('Molecules distributed in volume of compartment '+Compartment.name)
for j, name in enumerate(mol_types):
print(name, ': ', count[j])
return points, points_type, quaternion
listtype_1 = nb.float64[:]
listtype_2 = nb.int64
listtype_3 = nb.types.ListType(nb.int64)
listtype_4 = nb.int64[:]
listtype_5 = nb.types.ListType(nb.int64[:])
def monte_carlo_distribution_3D(Compartment, System, N_total):
"""Does Monte Carlo sampling for N points inside a compartment.
Compartment : `object`
Instance of Compartment class
System : `object`
Instance of System class
N_total : `int64`
Total number of points to distribute
Array of positions
AABB = np.copy(Compartment.AABB)
for dim in range(3):
if AABB[0][dim]<System.AABB[0][dim]:
AABB[0][dim] = System.AABB[0][dim]
if AABB[1][dim]>System.AABB[1][dim]:
AABB[1][dim] = System.AABB[1][dim]
box_lengths = AABB[1]-AABB[0]
points_MC = AABB[0] + np.random.rand(N_total, 3)*box_lengths
return points_MC