Source code for pyrid.system.system_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from numba.experimental import jitclass
from ..reactions import reactions_registry_util as rru
from ..geometry.mesh_util import triangle_centroid, triangle_area, triangle_volume_signed
from ..math.transform_util import local_coord, normal_vector, isclose, barycentric_params
from ..math import random_util as rnd
from ..data_structures.cell_list_util import CellListMesh, create_cell_list_mesh


def string_in_array(string, strings_array):
    in_array = False
    for string_i in strings_array:
        if str(string_i) == str(string):
            in_array = True
    return in_array

def stack_dim1(x, n):
    y = np.zeros(n, dtype = x.dtype) 
    y[0:n-1] = x
    return y

def stack_dim2(x, n):
    y = np.zeros((n,n), dtype = x.dtype) 
    y[0:n-1,0:n-1] = x
    return y
def stack_dim1_setval(x, n, value):
    y = np.zeros(n, dtype = x.dtype)
    y[:] = value
    y[0:n-1] = x
    return y

def stack_dim2_setval(x, n, value):
    y = np.zeros((n,n), dtype = x.dtype) 
    y[:,:] = value
    y[0:n-1,0:n-1] = x
    return y

def stack_dim2_setval_id(x, n, value):
    y = np.zeros((n,n), dtype = x.dtype) 
    y['id'][:,:] = value
    y[0:n-1,0:n-1] = x
    return y


item_t_border_2d = np.dtype([('edge_id', np.int64), ('triangle_ids', np.int64), ('direction_normal', np.float64, (3,)), ('edge_length', np.float64), ('cum_edge_length', np.float64),],  align=True)
border_2d_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_border_2d))

item_t_border_3d = np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64), ('cum_area', np.float64),],  align=True)
border_3d_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_border_3d))

item_t_group= np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64),],  align=True)
group_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_group))

key_typeGroup = nb.types.string
value_typeGroup = group_lt

# item_t_border_3d = np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64, (3,)),],  align=True)

# border_3d_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_border_2d))

spec = [
    ('triangle_ids', nb.int64[:]),
    ('triangle_ids_exclTransp', nb.int64[:]),
    ('name', nb.types.string),
    ('id', nb.int64),
    ('AABB', nb.float64[:,:]),
    ('origin', nb.float64[:]),
    ('box_lengths', nb.float64[:]),
    ('centroid', nb.float64[:]),
    ('border_2d', border_2d_lt),
    ('border_length', nb.float64),
    ('border_3d', border_3d_lt),
    ('border_area', nb.float64),
    ('groups', nb.types.DictType(key_typeGroup, value_typeGroup)),
    ('area', nb.float64),
    ('volume', nb.float64),
    ('box_overlap', nb.types.boolean),

[docs]@jitclass(spec) class Compartment(object): """ Compartment class contains attributes and methods used to describe a triangulated mesh compartment. Attributes ---------- triangle_ids : `int64[:]` triangle indices of the compartment mesh. triangle_ids_exclTransp : `int64[:]` triangle indices of the compartment mesh, escluding triangles marked as transparent. name : `str` Name of the compartment. AABB : `float64[:,:]` Axis Aligned Bounding Box of the compartment origin : `float64[:]` coordinates of AABB origin (AABB[0]) box_lengths : `float64[:]` length of AABB in each dimension centroid : `float64[:]` centroid of mesh border_2d : `array_like 1-D` Information about edge of intersection between mesh and simualtion box `data-type: np.dtype([('edge_id', np.int64), ('triangle_ids', np.int64),('direction_normal', np.float64, (3,)), ('edge_length', np.float64),('cum_edge_length', np.float64),], align=True)` border_length : `float64` length of edge of intersection between mesh and simualtion box border_3d : `array_like 1-D` Information about faces of intersection between mesh and simulation box `data-type: np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64), ('cum_area', np.float64),], align=True)` border_area : float64 area of intersection between mesh and simualtion box groups : `array_like 1-D` triangle ids of face groups data-type: `np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64),], align=True)` area : `float64` Total area of mesh surface volume : `float64` Total mesh volume box_overlap : `bool` True is any intersection between mesh and simulation box Methods ------- calc_centroid_radius_AABB(self, System): calculates some general properties of the mesh compartment add_border_2d(triangle_ids_border, System): Registers the edge of intersection (if exists) between compartment mesh and simulation box. """ def __init__(self, triangle_ids, name, comp_id, System): if len(System.triangle_ids_transparent)>0: self.triangle_ids_exclTransp = np.array([tri_id for tri_id in triangle_ids if tri_id not in System.triangle_ids_transparent], dtype = np.int64) else: self.triangle_ids_exclTransp = triangle_ids self.triangle_ids = triangle_ids = name = comp_id self.groups = nb.typed.Dict.empty(key_typeGroup, value_typeGroup) for tri_id in triangle_ids: System.Mesh[tri_id]['comp_id'] = comp_id self.calc_centroid_radius_AABB(System) self.box_overlap = False
[docs] def calc_centroid_radius_AABB(self, System): """Calculates some general properties of the mesh compartment - area - volume - centroid - AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box), origin, box_lengths The centroid (geometric center) of the mesh is calculated by averaging over all triangles centroids, weighted by their area. Parameters ---------- System : `obj` Instance of System class """ self.area = 0.0 for tri_id in self.triangle_ids_exclTransp: triangle = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]] p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]] p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]] self.area += triangle_area(p0,p1,p2) self.volume = 0.0 self.centroid = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0]) area_sum = 0.0 for tri_id in self.triangle_ids: triangle = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]] p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]] p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]] self.volume += triangle_volume_signed(p0, p1, p2); center = (p0 + p1 + p2) / 3 # center of tetrahedron area = 0.5*np.linalg.norm(np.cross(p1-p0,p2-p0)) # signed volume of tetrahedron self.centroid += area*center area_sum += area self.centroid /= area_sum ############################### self.AABB = np.zeros((2,3)) for d in range(3): self.AABB[0][d] = self.centroid[d] self.AABB[1][d] = self.centroid[d] # Since we iterate over all triangles, vertices are accounted for multiple times. # However, this should not be a huge performance issue here. Still, I should probably come up # with a better solution at some point. for i in range(3): # for vert_idx in self.triangles[:,i]: for tri_id in self.triangle_ids: vert_idx = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][i] for d in range(3): if System.vertices[vert_idx][d]<self.AABB[0][d]: self.AABB[0][d] = System.vertices[vert_idx][d] if System.vertices[vert_idx][d]>self.AABB[1][d]: self.AABB[1][d] = System.vertices[vert_idx][d] self.origin = np.empty(3) self.origin[0] = self.AABB[0][0] self.origin[1] = self.AABB[0][1] self.origin[2] = self.AABB[0][2] self.box_lengths = np.empty(3) self.box_lengths[0] = self.AABB[1][0]-self.AABB[0][0] #1.0 # self.box_lengths[1] = self.AABB[1][1]-self.AABB[0][1] #1.0 # self.box_lengths[2] = self.AABB[1][2]-self.AABB[0][2] #1.0 #
[docs] def add_border_2d(self, triangle_ids_border, System): """Registers the edge of intersection (if exists) between compartment mesh and simulation box. The intersection line is needed for fixed concdentration simulations as new molecules enter the simualtion box along this intersection line. .. admonition:: Note See naming conventions for face groups! Parameters ---------- triangle_ids_border : `int64[:]` triangle ids of the mesh triangle along the border System : `obj` Instance of System class """ # eps = 1e-3 System.boundary_2d = True edge_ids = [] direction_normals = [] edge_lengths = [] triangle_ids = [] # Edges = [] for i in range(len(triangle_ids_border)): tri_id = triangle_ids_border[i] # Find the edge that aligns with one of the box faces: edges = System.Mesh[tri_id]['edges'] for j in range(3): """ edge: [0,1] [1,2] [0,2] """ edge = edges[j] v0 = edge[0] v1 = edge[1] p0 = System.vertices[v0] p1 = System.vertices[v1] for dim in range(3): if isclose(p0[dim],p1[dim]) and isclose(abs(p1[dim]),abs(System.box_lengths[dim]/2)): # Change the vertex position such that the edge aligns # exactly with the simulation box border: p0[dim] = np.sign(p0[dim])*System.box_lengths[dim]/2 System.update_mesh(vertex = v0) p1[dim] = np.sign(p1[dim])*System.box_lengths[dim]/2 System.update_mesh(vertex = v1) ###### edge_ids.append(j) # Calculate the direction normal vector: v_edge = p0-p1 normal = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3] direction = np.cross(v_edge, normal) direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) if np.sign(direction[dim]) == np.sign(p0[dim]): direction *= -1 direction_normals.append(direction) edge_lengths.append(np.linalg.norm(v_edge)) triangle_ids.append(tri_id) System.Mesh[tri_id]['border_edge'][j] = 1 System.Mesh[tri_id]['border_dim'][j] = dim System.Mesh[tri_id]['border_normal'][j][:] = direction #--------- self.border_2d = np.zeros(len(edge_ids), dtype = item_t_border_2d) for i in range(len(edge_ids)): self.border_2d[i]['edge_id'] = edge_ids[i] self.border_2d[i]['direction_normal'][:] = direction_normals[i] self.border_2d[i]['edge_length'] = edge_lengths[i] self.border_2d[i]['triangle_ids'] = triangle_ids[i] self.border_2d['cum_edge_length'][:] = np.cumsum(self.border_2d['edge_length']) self.border_length = np.sum(self.border_2d['edge_length'])
[docs] def add_border_3d(self, triangle_ids_border, System): """Registers the area of intersection (if exists) between compartment mesh and simulation box. The intersection area is needed for fixed concdentration simulations as new molecules enter the simualtion box along the faces of the intersection. .. admonition:: Note See naming conventions for face groups! Parameters ---------- triangle_ids_border : `int64[:]` triangle ids of the mesh triangle along the border System : `obj` Instance of System class """ # eps = 1e-3 self.border_3d = np.zeros(len(triangle_ids_border), dtype = item_t_border_3d) for i in range(len(triangle_ids_border)): tri_id = triangle_ids_border[i] self.border_3d[i]['triangle_ids'] = tri_id # Make sure the box vertices lie exactly on the simulation box border: triangle = System.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] for vert in range(3): for dim in range(3): if isclose(abs(System.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim]),abs(System.box_lengths[dim]/2)): System.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim] = np.sign(System.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim])*System.box_lengths[dim]/2 System.update_mesh(vertex = triangle[vert]) self.border_3d['cum_area'][:] = np.cumsum(System.Mesh[triangle_ids_border]['triangle_area']) self.border_area = np.sum(System.Mesh[triangle_ids_border]['triangle_area']) self.box_overlap = True
[docs] def add_group(self, group_name, triangle_ids_group, System): """Registers any triangle/face group that has been defined in the mesh ob file that is not a 2d or 3d border of intersectioj with the simulation box .. admonition:: Note See naming conventions for face groups! Parameters ---------- group_name : `str` name of the group triangle_ids_group : `int64[:]` triangle ids of the mesh triangle group System : `obj` Instance of System class """ self.groups[group_name] = np.zeros(len(triangle_ids_group), dtype = item_t_group) for i in range(len(triangle_ids_group)): tri_id = triangle_ids_group[i] self.groups[group_name][i]['triangle_ids'] = tri_id
#%% #TODO: molecule_type does not need to be a class, could simply use a struct instead! item_t_UMR = np.dtype([('rate', np.float64), ('id', np.int64),], align=True) spec_moltype = [ ('pos', nb.float64[:,:]), ('h_membrane', nb.float64), ('radii', nb.float64[:]), ('pos_rb', nb.float64[:,:]), ('radii_rb', nb.float64[:]), ('types', nb.typeof(np.array(['type'], dtype = np.dtype('U20')))), ('radius', nb.float64), ('radius_2d', nb.float64), ('Dtrans', nb.float64), ('Dtrans_2d', nb.float64), ('Drot', nb.float64), ('Drot_2d', nb.float64), ('mu_rb', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('mu_tb', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('mu_rb_sqrt', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('mu_tb_sqrt', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('D_rr', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('D_tt', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('name', nb.types.string), ('type_id', nb.int64), ('r_mean', nb.float64), ('r_mean_pair', nb.float64), ('volume', nb.float64), ('collision_type', nb.int64), ('transition_rate_total', nb.float64), ('number_umr', nb.int64), ('um_reaction', nb.boolean), ('concentration', nb.float64[:]), ('concentration_surface', nb.float64[:]), ('l_perp', nb.float64), ('h', nb.int64), ]
[docs]@jitclass(spec_moltype) class MoleculeType(object): """ A brief summary of the classes purpose and behavior Attributes ---------- name : `str` Name of molecule type_id : `int64` ID of molecule type collision_type : `int64` {0,1} collision type of molecule. (Default = 0) pos : `float64[N,3]` positions of each particle radii : `float64[N]` radii of particles pos_rb : `float64[N,3]` position of each particle with exculded volume radius > 0.0 radii_rb : `float64[N]` radii of particles with exculded volume radius > 0.0 types : `array_like 1-D` array of names of particle types `dtype : np.dtype('U20')` radius : `float64` Total radius of molecule radius_2d : `float64` Total radius of molecule in plane (needed when distributing molecules on surface) Dtrans : `float64` Translational diffusion coefficient Drot : `float64` Rotational diffusion coefficient mu_rb : `float64[3,3]` Rotational mobility tensor mu_tb : `float64[3,3]` Translational mobility tensor mu_rb_sqrt : `float64[3,3]` Rotational mobility tensor mu_tb_sqrt : `float64[3,3]` Square root of translational mobility tensor mu_rb_sqrt : `float64[3,3]` Square root of rotational mobility tensor D_tt : `float64[3,3]` Translational diffusion tensor D_rr : `float64[3,3]` Rotational diffusion tensor r_mean : `float64` Average radial displacement of diffusing molecule volume : `float64` Volume of molecule transition_rate_total : `float64` Total transition rate of unimolecular reactions um_reaction : `bool` True if unimolecular reaction has been defined for molecule type number_umr : `int64` Number of unimolecular reactions concentration : `float64[:]` concentration of molecule in volume of each compartment outside simulation box (Needed for simulation with fixed concentration boundary condition) concentration_surface : `float64[:]` concentration of molecule on surface of each compartment outside simulation box (Needed for simulation with fixed concentration boundary) l_perp : `float64` Mean diffusive displacement of molecule perpendicular to a plane. h_membrane : `float64` Distance of the molecules´ center of diffusion from the membrane surface. Methods ------- update_um_reaction(rate) Updates the the total transitaion rate for unimolecular reactions of this molecule type. """ def __init__(self, pos, types, radii, name, collision_type, System, h_membrane = None): self.pos = pos self.types = types self.radii = radii self.volume = 0 = name self.type_id = System.ntypes_rb self.collision_type = collision_type if h_membrane is None: self.h_membrane = 0.0 else: self.h_membrane = h_membrane self.concentration = np.zeros(len(System.Compartments)+1, dtype = np.float64) self.concentration_surface = np.zeros(len(System.Compartments)+1, dtype = np.float64) self.um_reaction = False self.number_umr = 0 self.pos_rb = pos[radii>0] self.radii_rb = radii[radii>0] self.radius = 0.0 self.radius_2d = 0.0 distance_from_center = 0.0 distance_from_center_2d = 0.0 for i,p in enumerate(pos): if self.radii[i]>0: self.volume += 4/3*np.pi*self.radii[i]**3 distance_from_center = np.linalg.norm(p)+radii[i] distance_from_center_2d = np.linalg.norm(p[0:2])+radii[i] if distance_from_center > self.radius: self.radius = distance_from_center if distance_from_center_2d > self.radius_2d: self.radius_2d = distance_from_center_2d if self.radius == 0: raise Warning('Molecules must not have a total radius of 0!') # self.update_mobility_matrix(System) self.Dtrans=System.kbt/(6*np.pi*System.eta*self.radius) #in mum^2/s self.Drot=System.kbt/(8*np.pi*System.eta*self.radius**3) #in 1/s
[docs] def update_um_reaction(self, rate): """Updates the the total transitaion rate for unimolecular reactions of this molecule type. Parameters ---------- rate : float64 Reaction rate Notes ----- We cannot tell when a bimolecular reaction will occur, beacause we do not know when two diffusing molecules meet. However, for unimolecular reactions the expected lifetime distribution is known in case there is no interruption by any bimolecular reaction: .. math:: :label: rho \\rho(t) = k*e^{-k t}, where :math:`k = \sum_i^n(k_i)`. As such, we can schedule a reaction event by using the upper equation :cite:t:`Stiles2001`, :cite:t:`Erban2007`. For a unimolecular reaction occuring between t+dt we add this reaction to the reaction list evaluated at time t+dt. The reaction is then processed as any other bimolecular reaction that may occur within that timestep. If the unimolecular reaction is picked, it needs to be checked if different unimolecular reaction pathways exist. The fractional probablity for each of the n transitions is: .. math:: :label: pi p_i = k_i/\sum_n(k_j) Based on the latter equation one of the n unimolecular transitions will be picked. As for bimolecular reactions, all other reactions that exist for the educt will be deleted. In case a bimolecular reaction is picked before the unimolecular reaction and in case it is successfull, the unimolecular reaction will be deleted from the reaction list and a new reaction time is drawn for the product molecule of the bimolecular reaction if any unimolecular reaction has been defined for the product type. """ self.um_reaction = True self.number_umr += 1 self.transition_rate_total += rate
#%% item_t_bpr = np.dtype([('ids', np.int64, (100,)), ('n_reactions', np.int64),], align=True) item_t_ptype = np.dtype([('id', np.int64), ('radius', np.float64), ('cutoff', np.float64), ('h', np.int64), ('transition_rate_total', np.float64), ('UP_reaction', bool), ('bond_educt_id', np.int64),], align=True) key_typePT = nb.types.string value_typePT = nb.typeof(np.empty(1, dtype = item_t_ptype)) key_mt = nb.types.string value_mt = MoleculeType.class_type.instance_type keytype_RD = nb.int64 valuetype_RD = rru.Reaction.class_type.instance_type item_t_inter = np.dtype([('parameters', (np.float64, (5,))), ('type', 'U20'), ('id', np.int64), ('global', bool), ('cutoff', np.float64), ('breakable', bool),], align=True) item_t_react = np.dtype([('defined', bool), ('bond', bool), ('id', np.int64), ('enzyme', np.int64), ('rate', np.float64), ('radius', np.float64), ('type', 'U20'), ('type_id', np.int64), ('type_BP_BM', 'U2'),], align=True) item_t_barostat = np.dtype([('active', bool),('mu', np.float64),('mu_tensor', np.float64, (3,3)),('Tau_P', np.float64),('P0', np.float64),('start', np.int64)], align=True) barostat_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_barostat)) # item_t_baryc = np.dtype([('d00', np.float64),('d01', np.float64),('d11', np.float64),('denom', np.float64)], align=True) item_t_mesh = np.dtype([('triangles', np.int64, (3,)), ('edges', np.int64, (3,2)), ('border_edge', np.int64, (3,)), ('border_dim', np.int64, (3,)), ('border_normal', np.float64, (3,3)), ('neighbours', np.int64, (3,)), ('triangle_coord', np.float64, (4,3)), ('normal', np.float64, (3,)), ('barycentric_params', np.float64, (4,)), ('triangle_distance', np.float64), ('triangle_centroid', np.float64, (3,)), ('triangle_area', np.float64), ('stamp', np.int64), ('comp_id', np.int64), ('group_id', np.int64),], align=True) mesh_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_mesh)) # TODO: Might be usefull to add a struct for mesh edges, so we can better save edge properties, e.g. for borders. Also, we would have less memory overhead compared to saving edge data for each triangle, which introduces some redudance! item_t_edges = np.dtype([('edge', np.int64, (2,)), ('border_edge', bool),], align=True) edges_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_edges)) Comp_keytype = nb.int64 Comp_valuetype = Compartment.class_type.instance_type item_t_border_box = np.dtype([('triangle_ids', np.int64), ('cum_area', np.float64),], align=True) border_box_lt = nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_border_box)) list_int64 = nb.types.ListType(nb.int64) spec = [ ('N', nb.int64), ('Np', nb.int64), ('Nmol', nb.int64[:]), ('dim', nb.int64), ('dt', nb.float64), ('box_lengths', nb.float64[:]), ('volume', nb.float64), ('Epot', nb.float64[:]), ('AABB', nb.float64[:,:]), # AABB of the simulation box ('AABB_all', nb.float64[:,:]), # AABB covering all mesh compartments ('origin', nb.float64[:]), ('empty', nb.int64), ('vertices', nb.float64[:,::1]), ('vertex_triangles', nb.types.ListType(list_int64)), ('Mesh', mesh_lt), ('N_triangles', nb.int64), ('triangle_ids', nb.int64[:]), ('box_border', border_box_lt), ('box_area', nb.float64), ('boundary_2d', nb.types.boolean), ('triangle_ids_transparent', nb.int64[:]), ('Compartments', nb.types.DictType(Comp_keytype, Comp_valuetype)), ('n_comps', nb.int64), ('area', nb.float64), ('cells_per_dim', nb.int64[:]), ('cell_length_per_dim', nb.float64[:]), ('Ncell', nb.int64), ('AABB_centers', nb.float64[:,:]), ('CellList', CellListMesh.class_type.instance_type), ('particle_types', nb.types.DictType(key_typePT, value_typePT)), ('particle_id_to_name', nb.typeof(np.zeros(10, dtype = 'U20'))), ('ntypes', nb.int64), ('ntypes_rb', nb.int64), ('kB', nb.float64), ('Temp', nb.float64), ('eta', nb.float64), ('max_reactions_per_particle', nb.int64), ('reactions_left', nb.int64), ('molecule_types', nb.types.DictType(key_mt, value_mt)), ('Reactions_Dict', nb.types.DictType(keytype_RD, valuetype_RD)), ('reaction_id', nb.int64), ('bp_reaction_ids', nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_bpr))), ('up_reaction_id', nb.int64[:]), ('um_reaction_id', nb.int64[:]), ('interaction_args', nb.typeof(np.zeros((1,1), dtype = item_t_inter))), ('interaction_IDs', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)), ('reaction_args', nb.typeof(np.zeros((1,1), dtype = item_t_react))), ('molecule_id_to_name', nb.typeof(np.zeros(1, dtype = 'U20'))), ('mesh_scale', nb.float64), ('mesh', nb.types.boolean), ('boundary_condition', nb.types.string), ('boundary_condition_id', nb.int64), ('interactions', nb.types.boolean), ('avogadro', nb.float64), ('kbt', nb.float64), ('wall_force', nb.float64), ('barostat', barostat_lt), ('seed', nb.int64), ('mol_type_id', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)), ('react_type_id', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)), ('virial_scalar', nb.float64[:]), ('virial_scalar_Wall', nb.float64[:]), ('virial_tensor', nb.float64[:,:,:]), ('virial_tensor_Wall', nb.float64[:,:,:]), ('Pressure', nb.float64[:]), ('N_bonds', nb.int64[:,:]), ('name', nb.types.string), ('id', nb.int64), # This is the id to identify the compartment. For Wolrd it is 0. ('count', nb.int64), ('current_step', nb.int64), ('time_stamp', nb.int64), ('interaction_defined', nb.types.boolean[:,:]), ('pair_interaction', nb.types.boolean[:]), ('length_unit', nb.types.string), ('time_unit', nb.types.string), ('energy_unit', nb.types.string), ('length_units_prefix', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.float64)), ('time_units_prefix', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.float64)), # ('energy_units', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.float64)), ('max_cells_per_dim', nb.int64), ('dx_rand', rnd.Interpolate.class_type.instance_type), ('compartments_id', nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)), ('compartments_name', nb.types.ListType(nb.types.string)), ('adapt_box', nb.types.boolean), ]
[docs]@jitclass(spec) class System(object): """ A brief summary of the classes purpose and behavior Attributes ---------- N : `nb.int64` Total number of molecules in simulation Np : `nb.int64` Total number of particles in simulation Nmol : `nb.int64[:]` Number of molecules per molecule type dim : `nb.int64 (3)` System dimension dt : `nb.float64` Integration time step box_lengths : `nb.float64[:]` Length of simulation box in each dimension volume : `nb.float64` Simulation box volume Epot : `nb.float64[:]` Total potential energy AABB : `nb.float64[2,3]` Axis Aligned Bounding Box of simulation box AABB_all : `nb.float64[2,3]` Axis Aligned Bounding Box of simulation box plus mesh compartments (only different from simulation box if compartments overlap with box) origin : `nb.float64[3]` origin of simulation box (AABB[0]) empty : `nb.int64 (-1)` empty flag vertices : `nb.float64[N,3]` Position of all vertices in each dimension Mesh : `array_like` Mesh data `dtype : np.dtype([('triangles', np.int64, (3,)), ('edges', np.int64, (3,2)), ('border_edge', np.int64, (3,)), ('border_dim', np.int64, (3,)), ('border_normal', np.float64, (3,3)), ('neighbours', np.int64, (3,)), ('triangle_coord', np.float64, (4,3)), ('normal', np.float64, (3,)), ('triangle_distance', np.float64), ('triangle_centroid', np.float64, (3,)), ('triangle_area', np.float64), ('stamp', np.uint64), ('comp_id', np.uint64), ('group_id', np.uint64),], align=True)` N_triangles : `nb.int64` Total number of mesh triangles triangle_ids : `nb.int64[:]` triangle ids of all compartments, excluding transparent faces (borders) box_border : `border_box_lt` Triangle faces of the simulation box border (needed for distributing molecules in case of fixed concentration boundary condition) box_area : `nb.float64` Area of triangle faces of the simulation box border boundary_2d : `nb.types.boolean` True if intersection of compartment with simulation box exists. triangle_ids_transparent : `nb.int64[:]` Triangle ids of transparent faces (particles do not collide) Compartments : `nb.types.DictType(Comp_keytype, Comp_valuetype)` Dictionary containing the Compartment instances n_comps : `nb.int64` Total number of compartments area : `nb.float64` Total surface area of all compartments cells_per_dim : `nb.int64[3]` Number of cells in each dimension of system grid cell_length_per_dim : `nb.float64[3]` Cell length in each dimension of system grid Ncell : `nb.int64` Total number of cells of system grid AABB_centers : `nb.float64[:,3]` Center of each system grid cell CellList : `CellListMesh.class_type.instance_type` Linked cell list of mesh triangles particle_types : `nb.types.DictType(key_typePT, value_typePT)` Particle types particle_id_to_name : `nb.typeof(np.zeros(10, dtype = 'U20'))` Returns the name of particle type by its id ntypes : `nb.uint64` Total number of particle types ntypes_rb : `nb.uint64` Total number of molecule types kB : `nb.float64` Boltzmann constant Temp : `nb.float64` Temperature of the system eta : `nb.float64` Viscosity max_reactions_per_particle : `nb.int64` Maximum number of reactions that can be defined per particle (Default = 20) reactions_left : `nb.int64` Number of reactions left molecule_types : `nb.types.DictType(key_mt, value_mt)` Information about each molecule type Reactions_Dict : `nb.types.DictType(keytype_RD, valuetype_RD)` Dictionary of reactions defined reaction_id : `nb.int64` Current reaction id up_reaction_id : `int64[:]` Reaction ids of all unimolecular particle reactions um_reaction_id : `int64[:]` Reaction ids of all unimolecular molecule reactions interaction_args : `nb.typeof(np.zeros((1,1), dtype = item_t_inter))` Arguments for each partcile-particle interaction interaction_IDs : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)` Interaction ids of all partcile-particle interactions reaction_args : `nb.typeof(np.zeros((1,1), dtype = item_t_react))` Arguments for each particle-particle reaction (including fusion and enzymatic reactions) molecule_id_to_name : `nb.typeof(np.zeros(10, dtype = 'U20'))` Returns the name of molecule type by its id mesh_scale : `nb.float64` Scaling factor for the compartment meshes mesh : `nb.types.boolean` True if mesh compartments have been defined boundary_condition : `nb.types.string ('periodic', 'repulsive', 'fixed concentration')` Type of boundary condition boundary_condition_id : `nb.int64` Type id of boundary condition interactions : `nb.types.boolean` True if any interaction between particles has been defined avogadro : `nb.float64 (6.02214076e23)` Avogadros constant kbt : `nb.float64` Boltzmann constant * Temperature/Avogadros constant wall_force : `nb.float64` Force constant for repulsive walls (particle-boundary and particle-triangle interactions) barostat : `barostat_lt` Berendsen barostat seed : `nb.int64` Random seed of simulation if defined by user mol_type_id : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)` Returns the id of molecule type by its name react_type_id : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)` Returns the id of reaction type by its name virial_scalar : `nb.float64[:]` Virial (scalar) virial_scalar_Wall : `nb.float64[:]` Virial (scalar) of particle-wall interaction virial_tensor : `nb.float64[:,:,:]` Virial tensor virial_tensor_Wall : `nb.float64[:,:,:]` Virial tensor of particle-wall interaction Pressure : `nb.float64[:]` Current pressure N_bonds : `nb.int64[:,:]` Current number of bonds per particle type pair name : `nb.types.string ('System')` Name of compartment id : `nb.int64 (0)` ID of compartment count : `nb.int64` Counter attribute (for debugging purposes) current_step : `nb.int64` Current simulation time step time_stamp : `nb.uint64` Gives the current number of rays that have been cast for collision detection interaction_defined : `nb.types.boolean[:,:]` True if any interaction or reaction between the two particle types has been defined pair_interaction : `nb.types.boolean[:]` True if any pair-interaction has been defined for this particle type length_units_prefix : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.float64)` Length unit prefix (Default = 1e6 ('micrometer')) time_units_prefix : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.float64)` Time unit prefix (Default = 1e0 ('s')) max_cells_per_dim : `nb.int64` Maximum number of cells of system grid in each dimension (Default = 50) dx_rand : `rnd.Interpolate.class_type.instance_type` Interpolation of inverse cumulative probability function describing the displacement of molecules along a planes normal after crossing by diffusion. compartments_id : `nb.types.DictType(nb.types.string, nb.int64)` Returns the compartment id by its name compartments_name : `nb.types.ListType(nb.types.string)` Returns the compartment name by its id Methods ------- add_system_grid() Calculates properties of the system cell grid. add_barostat_berendsen(Tau_P, P0, start) Adds a berendsen barostat to the system. update_rb_barostat(self, RBs, Particles) Updates the rigid bead molecule positions according to the scaling factor :math:`\\mu` of the Berendsen barostat. register_molecule_type(molecule_name, particle_pos, particle_types, collision_type = 0) Regsiters a molecule type. set_diffusion_tensor(molecule_name, D_tt, D_rr, mu_tb, mu_rb, mu_tb_sqrt, mu_rb_sqrt) Sets the diffusion tensor for a molecule type. fixed_concentration_at_boundary(molecule_name, C, comp_name, location) Sets the fixed concentration boundary given a concentartion for each defined molecule type and for each compartents volume and surface. register_particle_type(Type, radius) Registers a particle type. set_compartments(comp_name, triangle_ids) Sets a compartment given its triangle ids. add_border_3d(triangle_ids_border) Registers the border faces of an intersection between compartments and the simulation box (Needed for fixed concentration boundary condition) add_mesh(vertices, triangles, mesh_scale = 1.0, box_triangle_ids = None, triangle_ids_transparent = None) Set up the mesh for the mesh compartments. add_edges() Finds the edges of each triangle and adds them to the Mesh struct. add_neighbours() Finds the neighbours of each triangle and adds them to the Mesh struct. get_AABB_centers() Calculates the center of each cell of the system grid. create_CellList() Creates the linked cell list for the triangulated meshes (Used during collision detection). .. **Particle interactions** add_interaction(self, interaction_type, type1, type2, parameters, bond = False, breakable = False) .. **Uniparticle reactions** add_up_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types, product_loc, product_direction, radius) .. **Unimolecular reactions** add_um_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types, product_loc, product_direction, radius) .. **Biparticle reactions** add_bp_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, rate, radius, interaction_type = None, interaction_parameters = None) .. **Bimolecular reactions** add_bm_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, particle_pairs, pair_rates, pair_Radii) """ def __init__(self, box_lengths = np.array([50.0,50.0,50.0]), dt = 0.1, Temp = 293.15, eta = 1e-21, boundary_condition = 'periodic', wall_force = 100.0, seed = None, length_unit = 'nanometer', energy_unit = 'kJ/mol', time_unit = 'ns', cells_per_dim = None, max_cells_per_dim = 50): self.current_step = 0 self.length_unit = length_unit self.time_unit = time_unit self.energy_unit = energy_unit self.length_units_prefix = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.float64) self.length_units_prefix['micrometer'] = 1e6 self.length_units_prefix['nanometer'] = 1e9 self.time_units_prefix = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.float64) self.time_units_prefix['s'] = 1.0 self.time_units_prefix['ms'] = 1e3 self.time_units_prefix['mus'] = 1e6 self.time_units_prefix['ns'] = 1e9 = 'System' = 0 self.N = 0 self.Np = 0 self.dim = 3 self.box_lengths = box_lengths self.area = 2*(self.box_lengths[1]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[1]) self.max_cells_per_dim = max_cells_per_dim self.volume = # self.Epot = 0.0 self.boundary_condition = boundary_condition if boundary_condition == 'periodic': self.boundary_condition_id = 0 elif boundary_condition == 'repulsive': self.boundary_condition_id = 1 elif boundary_condition == 'fixed concentration': self.boundary_condition_id = 2 else: raise NameError("Unknown boundary condition!") # if boundary_condition == 'repulsive': if wall_force is not None: self.wall_force = wall_force else: self.wall_force = 1e20/self.length_units_prefix[length_unit]**2 if seed is not None: self.seed = seed np.random.seed(seed) self.count = 0 self.time_stamp = 0 self.mesh_scale = 1.0 self.mesh = False self.adapt_box = False self.AABB = np.empty((2,3)) self.AABB[0] = -box_lengths/2 self.AABB[1] = box_lengths/2 self.origin = np.empty(3) self.origin[0] = self.AABB[0][0] self.origin[1] = self.AABB[0][1] self.origin[2] = self.AABB[0][2] self.AABB_all = np.zeros((2,3), dtype = np.float64) self.empty = -50 self.ntypes = 0 self.ntypes_rb = 0 self.max_reactions_per_particle = 20 self.reactions_left = 0 self.particle_types = nb.typed.Dict.empty(key_typePT, value_typePT)# self.particle_id_to_name = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = 'U20') self.molecule_id_to_name = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = 'U20') self.avogadro = 6.02214076e23 self.dt = dt self.kB = 1.380649e-23*self.length_units_prefix[length_unit]**2/self.time_units_prefix[time_unit]**2 # J/K = N*m/K = kg*m^2/(s^2*K) if energy_unit == 'kJ/mol': self.kbt = 1.380649e-23*Temp*self.avogadro*1e-3 # kJ/mol = N*m/(mol*1000) = kg*m^2/(s^2*mol*1000) else: self.kbt = 1.380649e-23*Temp*self.avogadro*1e-3 print('The only currently supported unit for energy is kJ/mol !') self.Temp = Temp self.eta = eta self.molecule_types = nb.typed.Dict.empty(key_mt, value_mt) self.Reactions_Dict = nb.typed.Dict.empty(keytype_RD, valuetype_RD) self.reaction_id = 0 self.interaction_IDs = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.int64) self.interaction_IDs['harmonic_repulsion'] = 0 self.interaction_IDs['harmonic_attraction'] = 1 self.interaction_IDs['screened_electrostatics'] = 2 self.interaction_IDs['Lennard_Jones'] = 3 self.interaction_IDs['Weeks_Chandler_Anderson'] = 4 self.interaction_IDs['repulsive_membrane'] = 5 self.interaction_IDs['CSW'] = 6 self.interaction_IDs['PHS'] = 7 self.interactions = False self.barostat = np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_barostat) self.virial_scalar = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) self.virial_tensor = np.zeros((1,3,3), dtype=np.float64) self.mol_type_id = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.int64) self.mol_type_id['Volume'] = 0 self.mol_type_id['Surface'] = 1 self.react_type_id = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.int64) self.react_type_id['bind'] = 0 # Particle only self.react_type_id['conversion'] = 1 self.react_type_id['decay'] = 2 # Molecule only self.react_type_id['conversion_mol'] = 3 self.react_type_id['enzymatic'] = 4 self.react_type_id['fusion'] = 5 # Molecule only self.react_type_id['enzymatic_mol'] = 6 self.react_type_id['production'] = 7 self.react_type_id['fission'] = 8 self.react_type_id['absorption'] = 9 self.react_type_id['release'] = 10 x = np.linspace(0,6,100) cum_p = rnd.dx_cum_prob(x) ii = np.where(cum_p == 1.0)[0] self.dx_rand = rnd.Interpolate(rnd.dx_cum_prob(x[0:ii[1]]), x[0:ii[1]]) self.n_comps = 0 self.Compartments = nb.typed.Dict.empty(Comp_keytype, Comp_valuetype) self.compartments_id = nb.typed.Dict.empty(nb.types.string, nb.int64) self.compartments_name = nb.typed.List.empty_list(nb.types.string) self.boundary_2d = False self.up_reaction_id = np.empty(self.ntypes, dtype = np.int64) self.bp_reaction_ids = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = item_t_bpr) self.interaction_args = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = item_t_inter) self.reaction_args = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = item_t_react) self.N_bonds = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = np.int64) self.interaction_defined = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = nb.types.bool_) self.pair_interaction = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = nb.types.bool_) self.um_reaction_id = np.empty(self.ntypes_rb, dtype = np.int64) print('System initialized') def add_box_compartment(self): self.compartments_id['Box'] = 0 self.compartments_name.append('Box')
[docs] def add_system_grid(self): """Calculates properties of the system cell grid. """ eps = 1.0 + 1e-8 # We scale the overall grid size by this factor relative to the simulation box size. This way, the cell grid is slightly larger than the simulation box. If we don't do this, we can get out of bounds errors for points that lie exactly in the plane of a positive box boundary! self.cells_per_dim = np.empty(3, dtype = np.int64) radii = [self.particle_types[key][0]['radius'] for key in self.particle_types if self.particle_types[key][0]['radius']>0] if len(radii)>0: min_radius = min(radii) self.cells_per_dim[0] = int(self.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[1] = int(self.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[2] = int(self.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) if np.any(self.cells_per_dim>self.max_cells_per_dim): min_radius = max(self.box_lengths)/self.max_cells_per_dim self.cells_per_dim[0] = int(self.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[1] = int(self.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[2] = int(self.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) else: min_radius = max(self.box_lengths)/self.max_cells_per_dim self.cells_per_dim[0] = int(self.box_lengths[0]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[1] = int(self.box_lengths[1]/min_radius) self.cells_per_dim[2] = int(self.box_lengths[2]/min_radius) self.cell_length_per_dim = self.box_lengths*eps / self.cells_per_dim self.Ncell = self.AABB_centers = self.get_AABB_centers()
[docs] def add_barostat_berendsen(self, Tau_P, P0, start): """Adds a berendsen barostat to the system. Parameters ---------- Tau_P : `float` Time constant of berendsen barostat P0 : `float` Target pressure of berendsen barostat start : `int` Simulation step from which to start simulating in NPT ensemble. Notes ----- The Berendsen barostat is frequently used in molecular dynamics simulations due to its simplicity and fast equilibration. While the Berendsen barostat results in the correct particle density, it does not correctly sample from the (NPT) thermodynamical ensemble, i.e. the fluctuation in the pressure are not 100% accurate. Therefore, one needs to be carefull when to use this Barostat. However, if the barostat is used in the preparation step but not during sampling, e.g. when doing LLPs simualtions where the barostat is used to relax the system's shape but afterwards one simulates in the NVT ensemble :cite:t:`Muller2020`, this should not be a problem. Note: :cite:t:`Baruffi2019` introduced a barostat for overdamped Langevin dynamics that settles to the correct thermodynamic equilibrium distribution. """ self.barostat[0]['active']=True self.barostat[0]['Tau_P']=Tau_P self.barostat[0]['P0']=P0 self.barostat[0]['start']=start
def update_rb_barostat(self, RBs, Particles): """Updates the rigid bead molecule positions according to the scaling factor :math:`\\mu` of the Berendsen barostat. Parameters ---------- RBs : `object` Instance of the RBs class. Particles : `object` Instance of the Particles class. """ for i0 in range(RBs.occupied.n): i = RBs.occupied[i0] RBs.rescale_pos(Particles, self, self.barostat[0]['mu'],i)
[docs] def register_molecule_type(self, molecule_name, particle_pos, particle_types, collision_type = 0, h_membrane = None): """Regsiters a molecule type. Parameters ---------- molecule_name : `str` Name of the molecule. particle_pos : `int[:,3]` Positions of each of the molecule's particles. particle_types : `array_like (dtype = 'U20')` Array of names for each of the molecule's particles. collision_type : `int {0,1}` Collision type of the molecule (Default = 0). 0: Collisions with compartments are handled via interaction force. 1: Collisions with compartments are handled by raytracing algorithm (recommended for molcules whose diffusion speed and/or interaction radius is small compared to the chosen integration time step). h_membrane : `float64` Distance of the molecules´ center of diffusion from the membrane surface. Default = None """ if collision_type == 0 and (self.mesh == True or self.boundary_condition == 'repulsive'): self.interactions = True particle_radii = np.empty(len(particle_types), dtype = np.float64) for i, ptype in enumerate(particle_types): particle_radii[i] = self.particle_types[str(ptype)][0]['radius'] self.molecule_types[molecule_name] = MoleculeType(particle_pos, particle_types, particle_radii, molecule_name, collision_type, self, h_membrane) # self.um_reaction_id = np.empty(self.ntypes, dtype = np.int64) # self.um_reaction_id[:] = -1 self.um_reaction_id = stack_dim1_setval(self.um_reaction_id, self.ntypes_rb+1, -1) # molecule_id_to_name0 = np.empty(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = 'U20') # for i,name in enumerate(self.molecule_id_to_name): # molecule_id_to_name0[i] = name # molecule_id_to_name0[self.ntypes_rb] = molecule_name # self.molecule_id_to_name = molecule_id_to_name0 self.molecule_id_to_name = stack_dim1(self.molecule_id_to_name, self.ntypes_rb+1) self.molecule_id_to_name[self.ntypes_rb] = molecule_name self.virial_scalar = np.zeros(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = np.float64) self.virial_scalar_Wall = np.zeros(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = np.float64) self.virial_tensor = np.zeros((self.ntypes_rb+1,3,3), dtype = np.float64) self.virial_tensor_Wall = np.zeros((self.ntypes_rb+1,3,3), dtype = np.float64) self.Pressure = np.zeros(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = np.float64) self.Nmol = np.zeros(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = np.int64) self.Epot = np.zeros(self.ntypes_rb+1, dtype = np.float64) self.ntypes_rb += 1 print('Molecule type '+molecule_name+' added to system')
[docs] def set_diffusion_tensor(self, molecule_name, D_tt, D_rr, mu_tb, mu_rb, mu_tb_sqrt, mu_rb_sqrt): """Sets the diffusion tensor for a given molecule type. Parameters ---------- molecule_name : `str` Some Information D_tt : `float[3,3]` Translational diffusion tensor () D_rr : `float[3,3]` Rotational diffusion tensor mu_tb : `float[3,3]` Translational mobility tensor mu_rb : `float[3,3]` Rotational mobility tensor mu_tb_sqrt : `float[3,3]` Square root of translational mobility tensor mu_rb_sqrt : `float[3,3]` Square root of rotational mobility tensor Notes ----- PyRID offers a module for the calculation of the diffusion tensors of rigid bead models (see molecules_util.hydro_util). It uses the Kirkwood-Riseman calculation with modified Oseen tensor as introduced by :cite:t:`Carrasco1999`, :cite:t:`Carrasco1999a`. The same method has been implemented in the `HYDRO++ <>`_ tool, which is free to use but not open source! As such, you may also use HYDRO++ for the calculation of the diffusion tensors. Or even better, use both and tell me if you you get inconsistent results ;) ! .. admonition:: Note Diffusion tensor should be a real positive semidefinite matrix! """ # is_diagonal(D_tt) # is_diagonal(D_rr) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].D_tt = np.ascontiguousarray(D_tt) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].D_rr = np.ascontiguousarray(D_rr) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].mu_tb = mu_tb self.molecule_types[molecule_name].mu_rb = mu_rb self.molecule_types[molecule_name].mu_tb_sqrt = mu_tb_sqrt self.molecule_types[molecule_name].mu_rb_sqrt = mu_rb_sqrt self.molecule_types[molecule_name].r_mean = 2*np.sqrt(4*np.trace(D_tt)/3*self.dt/np.pi) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].r_mean_pair = 2*np.sqrt(8*np.trace(D_tt)/3*self.dt/np.pi) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Dtrans = np.trace(D_tt)/3 #in mum^2/s self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Drot = np.trace(D_rr)/3 #in 1/s self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Dtrans_2d = np.trace(D_tt[0:2,0:2])/2 self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Drot_2d = np.trace(D_rr[0:2,0:2])/2
[docs] def fixed_concentration_at_boundary(self, molecule_name, C, comp_name, location): """Sets the fixed concentration boundary given a concentartion for each defined molecule type and for each compartents volume and surface. Parameters ---------- molecule_name : `str` Name of the molecule C : `float` concentration of molecule type outside simulation box ('virtual molecules') comp_name : `str` Name of the compartment location : `int {0,1}` Location of the molecule. 0: Volume, 1: Surface Notes ----- fixed_concentration_at_boundary() calculates some properties that are necessary to properly distribute molecules inside the simulation box that hit the simulation box boundary from the outside (Thereby, 'virtual molecules' become `real` molecules in our simualtion). The number of hits per time step a boundary of area A experiences is :math:`N = l_{perp}*A*C`. Where :math:`C` is the concentration in molecules per volume and :math:`l_{perp}` is the average net displacement in one tiem step towards or away from any plane, where :math:`l_{perp} = \sqrt{(4*D*\Delta t/\pi)}` :cite:t:`Stiles2001`. """ if str(comp_name) == 'Box': comp_id = 0 else: comp_id = self.compartments_id[str(comp_name)] if location == 0: D = self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Dtrans else: D = self.molecule_types[molecule_name].Dtrans_2d if self.mesh == False: self.box_border = np.zeros(3, dtype = item_t_border_box) area = np.array([self.box_lengths[1]*self.box_lengths[2], self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[2], self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[1]]) self.box_border['cum_area'][:] = np.cumsum(area) self.box_area = 2*np.sum(area) # A_x = self.box_lengths[1]*self.box_lengths[2] # A_y = self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[2] # A_z = self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[1] # A = self.box_area l_perp = np.sqrt(4*D*self.dt/np.pi) self.molecule_types[molecule_name].l_perp = l_perp if location == 0: self.molecule_types[molecule_name].concentration[comp_id] = C else: self.molecule_types[molecule_name].concentration_surface[comp_id] = C
[docs] def register_particle_type(self, Type, radius): """Registers a particle type. Parameters ---------- Type : `str` Name of the particle type. radius : `float` radius of the particle. """ self.particle_types[Type] = np.zeros(1, dtype = item_t_ptype)#np.array([(self.ntypes, radius)], dtype = item_t_ptype) self.particle_types[Type][0]['id'] = self.ntypes self.particle_types[Type][0]['radius'] = radius # particle_id_to_name0 = np.empty(self.ntypes+1, dtype = 'U20') # for i,types in enumerate(self.particle_id_to_name): # particle_id_to_name0[i] = types # particle_id_to_name0[self.ntypes] = Type # self.particle_id_to_name = particle_id_to_name0 self.ntypes += 1 self.particle_id_to_name = stack_dim1(self.particle_id_to_name, self.ntypes) self.particle_id_to_name[self.ntypes-1] = Type # self.up_reaction_id = np.empty(self.ntypes, dtype = np.int64) # self.up_reaction_id[:] = -1 self.up_reaction_id = stack_dim1_setval(self.up_reaction_id, self.ntypes, -1) # self.bp_reaction_ids = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = item_t_bpr) self.bp_reaction_ids = stack_dim1(self.bp_reaction_ids, self.ntypes) # self.interaction_args = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = item_t_inter) self.interaction_args = stack_dim2(self.interaction_args, self.ntypes) # self.reaction_args = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = item_t_react) # self.reaction_args['id'][:,:] = -1 self.reaction_args = stack_dim2_setval_id(self.reaction_args, self.ntypes, -1) # self.N_bonds = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = np.int64) self.N_bonds = stack_dim2(self.N_bonds, self.ntypes) # self.interaction_defined = np.zeros((self.ntypes, self.ntypes), dtype = nb.types.bool_) self.interaction_defined = stack_dim2(self.interaction_defined, self.ntypes) # self.pair_interaction = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = nb.types.bool_) self.pair_interaction = stack_dim1(self.pair_interaction, self.ntypes) # self.force_measure = np.zeros(self.ntypes, dtype = np.int64) print('Particle type '+Type+' added to system')
[docs] def set_compartments(self, comp_name, triangle_ids): """Sets a compartment given its triangle ids. Parameters ---------- comp_name : `str` Name of the compartment. triangle_ids : `int64[:]` IDs of the triangles making up the compartment mesh. """ self.n_comps += 1 self.Compartments[self.n_comps] = Compartment(triangle_ids, comp_name, self.n_comps, self) self.compartments_id[str(comp_name)] = self.n_comps self.compartments_name.append(str(comp_name)) # self.Compartments[self.n_comps].calc_centroid_radius_AABB(self) self.volume -= self.Compartments[self.n_comps].volume for dim in range(3): if self.Compartments[self.n_comps].AABB[0][dim] < self.AABB_all[0][dim]: self.AABB_all[0][dim] = self.Compartments[self.n_comps].AABB[0][dim] if self.Compartments[self.n_comps].AABB[1][dim] > self.AABB_all[1][dim]: self.AABB_all[1][dim] = self.Compartments[self.n_comps].AABB[1][dim] print('Compartment '+ comp_name +' set!')
[docs] def add_border_3d(self, triangle_ids_border): """Registers the border faces of an intersection between compartments and the simulation box (Needed for fixed concentration boundary condition) Parameters ---------- triangle_ids_border : `int64[:]` IDs of the triangles making up the compartment-simulation box border. """ eps = 1e-3 self.box_border = np.zeros(len(triangle_ids_border), dtype = item_t_border_box) for i in range(len(triangle_ids_border)): tri_id = triangle_ids_border[i] self.box_border[i]['triangle_ids'] = tri_id # Make sure the box vertices lie exactly on the simulation box border: triangle = self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] for vert in range(3): for dim in range(3): if 1-eps<abs(self.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim]/(self.box_lengths[dim]/2))<1+eps: self.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim] = np.sign(self.vertices[triangle[vert]][dim])*self.box_lengths[dim]/2 self.update_mesh(vertex = triangle[vert]) self.box_border['cum_area'][:] = np.cumsum(self.Mesh[triangle_ids_border]['triangle_area']) self.box_area = np.sum(self.Mesh[triangle_ids_border]['triangle_area'])
[docs] def add_mesh(self, vertices, triangles, mesh_scale = 1.0, box_triangle_ids = None, triangle_ids_transparent = None, adapt_box = False): """Set up the mesh for the mesh compartments. Parameters ---------- vertices : `float64[:,3]` Position of mesh vertices in each dimension. triangles : `int64[:,3]` Indices of vertices that make up each triangle (pointers to vertices) mesh_scale : `float` Scaling factor to scale up or down the mesh (Default = 1.0). box_triangle_ids : `int64[:]` Triangle ids of the faces that make up the simulation box border (To be excluded from self.triangle_ids) triangle_ids_transparent : `int64[:]` Triangle ids of any transparent faces (To be excluded from self.triangle_ids) adapt_box : `boolean` If true, the simulation box size is adapted such that the mesh fits exactly in the simulation box. Default = False Notes ----- A Compartment is defined by a triangulated manifold mesh (a mesh without holes and disconnected vertices or edges), i.e. it has no gaps and separates the space on the inside of the surface from the space outside. It also looks like a surface everywhere on the mesh :cite:t:`Shirley2009`. The mesh is stored as a shared vertex mesh. This data structure has triangles which point to vertices which contain the vertex data: | triangles: Three vectors per triangle | 0 | (0,1,2) | 1 | (1,3,2) | 2 | (0,3,1) | | vertices: One vector per vertex | 0 | (a_x,a_y,a_z) | 1 | (b_x,b_y,b_z) | 2 | (c_x,c_y,c_z) | 3 | (d_x,d_y,d_z) During raymarching on a mesh surface, we need to find the neighbor triangle given some edge i that has been crossed. We may save, for each triangle, the corresponding edges in an array: | 0 | (0,1), (0,2), (1,2) | 1 | ... In addition, we save, for each edge of a triangle the corresponding neighbor in another array: | 0 | (1, 4, 2) | 1 | ... Also, we need to rotate the particles between local coordinate systems of neighbouring triangles, as particles cross an edge. We may precalculate the necessary parameters and save them in a datastructure similar to the above: | 0 | (params_0->1, params_0->4, params_0->2) | 1 | ... | | params_i->j : [sinPhi, cosPhi, a_n] We may also want to prcompute the rotation parameters for each triangle pait to speed up the coordiante transformation when a particle hops between two triangles. We may take the same data structure as before: | 0 | (rot_params[0->1], (rot_params[0->4], (rot_params[0->2]) | 1 | ... | | rot_params: array[sin, cos, an] """ self.adapt_box = adapt_box vertices*=mesh_scale self.mesh_scale = mesh_scale self.mesh = True self.vertices = vertices self.Mesh = np.zeros(len(triangles), dtype = item_t_mesh) self.N_triangles = len(triangles) if self.adapt_box: for dim in range(3): self.box_lengths[dim] = np.max(self.vertices[:,dim])-np.min(self.vertices[:,dim]) self.AABB[0] = -self.box_lengths/2 self.AABB[1] = self.box_lengths/2 self.origin[0] = self.AABB[0][0] self.origin[1] = self.AABB[0][1] self.origin[2] = self.AABB[0][2] self.area = 2*(self.box_lengths[1]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[1]) self.volume = # print('Simulation box has been adapted. box_lengths = ', self.box_lengths) if triangle_ids_transparent is not None: self.triangle_ids_transparent = triangle_ids_transparent triangle_ids_all = np.arange(self.N_triangles, dtype = np.int64) if box_triangle_ids is not None and triangle_ids_transparent is not None: self.triangle_ids = np.array([tri_id for tri_id in triangle_ids_all if (tri_id not in box_triangle_ids and tri_id not in triangle_ids_transparent)], dtype = np.int64) elif box_triangle_ids is None and triangle_ids_transparent is None: self.triangle_ids = triangle_ids_all elif box_triangle_ids is not None: self.triangle_ids = np.array([tri_id for tri_id in triangle_ids_all if tri_id not in box_triangle_ids], dtype = np.int64) elif triangle_ids_transparent is not None: self.triangle_ids = np.array([tri_id for tri_id in triangle_ids_all if tri_id not in triangle_ids_transparent], dtype = np.int64) #Assign values: for tri_id in range(self.N_triangles): self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][:] = triangles[tri_id] p0,p1,p2 = vertices[triangles[tri_id][0]], vertices[triangles[tri_id][1]], vertices[triangles[tri_id][2]] origin, ex,ey,ez = local_coord(p0,p1,p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][0,:] = origin self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][1,:] = ex self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][2,:] = ey self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3,:] = ez # normalied triangle normal d00, d01, d11, denom = barycentric_params(p0, p1, p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][0] = d00 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][1] = d01 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][2] = d11 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][3] = denom self.Mesh[tri_id]['normal'][:] = normal_vector(p0,p1,p2) # unnormalied triangle normal self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_centroid'][:] = triangle_centroid(p0,p1,p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_area'] = triangle_area(p0,p1,p2) self.area += self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_area'] self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_distance'] =[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3], self.vertices[self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][0]]) self.add_edges() #Given an edge, which two triangles share it? self.add_neighbours() #Given a triangle, what are the (three) adjacent triangles? self.add_vertex_triangles() if self.wall_force == 0.0: print('Warning: No wall_force set, molecules wont get repelled by the mesh!')
#%% def update_mesh(self, vertex = None, triangle_ids_list = None): """ Updates mesh properties. Should be called whever the mesh topology changes, i.e. the position of a vertex is changed after the mesh has been initialized (System.add_mesh()). Parameters ---------- vertex : `int64` The index of the vertex that has been changed. (Default = None) triangle_ids_list : `int64[:]` List of triangle ids which to update. (Default = None) """ if vertex is not None: triangle_ids = self.vertex_triangles[vertex] elif triangle_ids_list is not None: triangle_ids = triangle_ids_list #Assign values: for tri_id in triangle_ids: triangle = self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] p0 = self.vertices[triangle[0]] p1 = self.vertices[triangle[1]] p2 = self.vertices[triangle[2]] origin, ex,ey,ez = local_coord(p0,p1,p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][0,:] = origin self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][1,:] = ex self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][2,:] = ey self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3,:] = ez # normalied triangle normal d00, d01, d11, denom = barycentric_params(p0, p1, p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][0] = d00 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][1] = d01 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][2] = d11 self.Mesh[tri_id]['barycentric_params'][3] = denom self.Mesh[tri_id]['normal'][:] = normal_vector(p0,p1,p2) # unnormalied triangle normal self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_centroid'][:] = triangle_centroid(p0,p1,p2) self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_area'] = triangle_area(p0,p1,p2) self.area += self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_area'] self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangle_distance'] =[tri_id]['triangle_coord'][3], self.vertices[self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][0]]) if self.adapt_box: for dim in range(3): self.box_lengths[dim] = np.max(self.vertices[:,dim])-np.min(self.vertices[:,dim]) self.AABB[0] = -self.box_lengths/2 self.AABB[1] = self.box_lengths/2 self.origin[0] = self.AABB[0][0] self.origin[1] = self.AABB[0][1] self.origin[2] = self.AABB[0][2] self.area = 2*(self.box_lengths[1]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[2] + self.box_lengths[0]*self.box_lengths[1]) self.volume = # print('Simulation box has been updated. box_lengths = ', self.box_lengths)
[docs] def add_edges(self): """Finds the edges of each triangle and adds them to the Mesh struct. Notes ----- Edges are sorted in counter clockwise order: | edge: [0,1] | [1,2] | [0,2] """ #Given triangle i and the jth edge of that triangle, which is the neighboring triangle? for tri_id in range(self.N_triangles): self.Mesh[tri_id]['edges'][0]=np.array([self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][0], self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][1]]) self.Mesh[tri_id]['edges'][1]=np.array([self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][1], self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][2]]) self.Mesh[tri_id]['edges'][2]=np.array([self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][0], self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'][2]])
def add_vertex_triangles(self): self.vertex_triangles = nb.typed.List.empty_list(list_int64) for _ in range(len(self.vertices)): self.vertex_triangles.append(nb.typed.List.empty_list(nb.int64)) for tri_id in range(self.N_triangles): triangle = self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] for vertex_id in triangle: self.vertex_triangles[vertex_id].append(tri_id)
[docs] def add_neighbours(self): """Finds the neighbours of each triangle and adds them to the Mesh struct. """ Vertex = {} for tri_id in range(self.N_triangles): triangle = self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] for j in range(3): if triangle[j] not in Vertex: Vertex[triangle[j]] = nb.typed.List([tri_id]) else: Vertex[triangle[j]].append(tri_id) for tri_id in range(self.N_triangles): triangle = self.Mesh[tri_id]['triangles'] for j, k1, k2 in [[0, triangle[0], triangle[1]], [1, triangle[1], triangle[2]], [2, triangle[0], triangle[2]]]: a = set(Vertex[k1])-set([tri_id]) b = set(Vertex[k2])-set([tri_id]) neighb = (a-(a-b)) if not neighb: # len(neighb) == 0 print('triangle vertex positions:') print(self.vertices[triangle[0]]) print(self.vertices[triangle[1]]) print(self.vertices[triangle[2]]) raise Exception('The mesh provided is not a manifold mesh! There exists a triangle with at least 1 edge that lacks a neighbouring triangle.') elif len(neighb)>1: print('set of triangle neighbours: ', neighb) print('Vertex positions:') for triid in neighb: tr = self.Mesh[triid]['triangles'] print(self.vertices[tr[0]]) print(self.vertices[tr[1]]) print(self.vertices[tr[2]]) print('------------------') raise Exception('The mesh provided is not a true manifold mesh! There exists a triangle with at least 1 edge that has more than 1 neighbouring triangle.') # neighb = list(a-(a-b))[0] self.Mesh[tri_id]['neighbours'][j] = neighb.pop()
[docs] def get_AABB_centers(self): """Calculates the center of each cell of the system grid. """ AABB_centers = np.zeros((self.Ncell,3)) for cx in range(self.cells_per_dim[0]): for cy in range(self.cells_per_dim[1]): for cz in range(self.cells_per_dim[2]): AABB_center = np.array([(cx+0.5)*self.cell_length_per_dim[0], (cy+0.5)*self.cell_length_per_dim[1], (cz+0.5)*self.cell_length_per_dim[2]]) AABB_center += self.origin c = cx + cy * self.cells_per_dim[0] + cz * self.cells_per_dim[0] * self.cells_per_dim[1] AABB_centers[c] = AABB_center return AABB_centers
[docs] def create_cell_list(self): """Creates the linked cell list for the triangulated meshes by calling system_util.CellList_util.create_cell_list_mesh() (Used during collision detection). """ if self.boundary_2d: centroid_in_box = True else: centroid_in_box = False self.CellList, self.AABB_centers = create_cell_list_mesh(self, self, self.cells_per_dim, self.cell_length_per_dim, self.triangle_ids, centroid_in_box, False)
[docs] def add_up_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types, product_loc, product_direction, radius): """Registeres a Uni-Particle (UP) reaction for an educt particle. Parameters ---------- reaction_type : `str` {'relase', 'conversion'} Name of the reaction type educt_type : `str` Name of the educt particle type rate : `float64` Reaction rate product_types : `array_like` List of products product_loc : `array_like` List specifying whether the individual products are volume (0) or surface (1) molecules product_direction : `array_like` Specifies whether, in case of a surface particle releasing products into the volume, the realease occurs inside (-1) or outside (1) the mesh compartment. radius : `float64` The radius within which molecules are distributed upon a successfull release reaction. Notes ----- Uni-particle reactions are evaluated using a variant of the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm. Thereby, for a particle type, the time point of the next uni-particle reaction occuring is calculated in advance and executed when the simualtion reaches the respective time point. For unimolecular reactions we can draw the time point of the next reaction from a distribution using a variant of the Gillespie Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) :cite:t:`Stiles2001`, :cite:t:`Erban2007`. For a single molecule having :math:`n` possible transition reactions/reaction paths each having a reaction rate :math:`k_i`, let :math:`k_t = \sum_i^n k_i` be the total reaction rate. Now, let :math:`\\rho(\\tau) d\\tau` be the probability that the next reaction occurs within :math:`[t+\\tau,t+\\tau+d\\tau)` and let :math:`g(\\tau)` be the probability that no reaction occurs within :math:`[t,t+\\tau)`. The probability that a reaction occurs within the time interval :math:`d\\tau` is simply :math:`k_t d\\tau`. Thereby .. math:: \\rho(\\tau) d\\tau = g(\\tau) k_t d\\tau where :math:`g(\\tau) = e^{-k_t \\tau}` (see also Poisson process). From the above equation we easily find :math:`P(\\tau) = 1-e^{-k_t \\tau}` by integration. To sample from this distribution, we can use the inverse distribution function. .. math:: \\tau = P^{-1}(U) where :math:`U` i uniformly distributed in :math:`(0,1)`. Given that :math:`U = P(\\tau) = 1-e^{-k_t \\tau}`, we find :math:`P^{-1}(U) = \\frac{-log(1-U)}{k_t}`. Since :math:`U` is uniformly distributed in 0,1, so is :math:`1-U`. Thereby, we can draw the time point of the next reaction from: .. math:: \\tau = \\frac{1}{k_t} \ln\Big[\\frac{1}{U}\Big], With the above method, we accurately sample from the distribution of expected molecule lifetimes :math:`\\rho(\\tau) = k_t e^{-k_t \\tau}`. A uni-particle reaction can consist of several reaction paths. Each particle type has exactly one uni-particle reaction id registered for which the time point is drawn randomly based on the total reaction rate which is the sum of all path reaction rates. At the time point of the reaction occuring, a path is randomly drawn from the set of possible paths weighted by the individual path reaction rates. To get the reaction path we compare a second random number, uninformly distributed in (0,k_t), with the cumulative set of reaction rates :math:`(k_1, k_1+k_2, ..., k_t)`. The comparison is done via a bisection algorithm (see rand_util.random_util.bisect_right()). To illustrate the above by an example: For particle 'A' a we may define two convcersion reactions where A -k1-> B, A -k2-> C. In addition, we define a release reaction A -k3-> 2*D+5*E. The next reaction will occur at a time point T that is calculated based on the total rate k1+k2+k3. At time T, one of the three reactions is executed. The probability for each reaction to be selected being k1/(k1+k2+k3), k2/(k1+k2+k3), k3/(k1+k2+k3). """ # Get the educt id: educt_id = self.particle_types[educt_type][0]['id'] if self.up_reaction_id[educt_id] == -1: self.up_reaction_id[educt_id] = self.reaction_id self.particle_types[educt_type][0]['UP_reaction'] = True self.Reactions_Dict[self.reaction_id] = rru.Reaction(np.array([educt_id]), 'unimolecular', 'Particle', None, None) self.reaction_id += 1 if reaction_type == 'release': # In case of a release reaction, we have a special case, since the educt is a particle and will therefore change to a different particle type whereas the other products are rigid bead molecules: if product_types is not None and product_loc is not None and product_direction is not None and radius is not None: products_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) educt_product_id = self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['id'] products_ids[0] = educt_product_id product_id = self.molecule_types[str(product_types[1])].type_id products_ids[1] = product_id self.Reactions_Dict[self.up_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids, product_loc, product_direction, radius) elif reaction_type == 'conversion': if product_types is not None: products_ids = np.empty(1, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['id'] self.Reactions_Dict[self.up_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids) elif reaction_type == 'decay': self.Reactions_Dict[self.up_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate) self.particle_types[educt_type][0]['transition_rate_total'] += rate
[docs] def add_um_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_type, rate, product_types, product_loc, product_direction, radius): """Registeres a Uni-Molecular (UM) reaction for an educt Molecule. Parameters ---------- reaction_type : `str` {'production', 'fission', 'conversion_mol', 'decay'} Name of the reaction type educt_type : `str` Name of the educt molecule type rate : `float64` Reaction rate product_types : `array_like` List of products product_loc : `array_like` List specifying whether the individual products are volume (0) or surface (1) molecules product_direction : `array_like` Specifies whether, in case of a surface molecule releasing products into the volume, the realease occurs inside (-1) or outside (1) the mesh compartment. radius : `float64` The radius within which molecules are distributed upon a successfull release reaction. Notes ----- Uni-molecular reactions are evaluated using the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm. Thereby, for a molecule type, the time point of the next uni-molecular reaction occuring is calculated in advance and executed when the simualtion reaches the respective time point. A uni-molecular reaction can consist of several reaction paths. Each molecule type has exactly one uni-molecular reaction id registered for which the time point is drawn randomly based on the total reaction rate which is the sum of all path reaction rates. At the time point of the reaction occuring, a path is randomly drawn from the set of possible paths weighted by the individual path reaction rates. To illustrate the above by an example: For Molecule 'A' a we may define two convcersion reactions where A -k1-> B, A -k2-> C. In addition, we define a fission reaction A -k3-> D+E. The next reaction will occur at a time point T that is calculated based on the total rate k1+k2+k3. At time T, one of the three reactions is executed. The probability for each reaction to be selected being k1/(k1+k2+k3), k2/(k1+k2+k3), k3/(k1+k2+k3). """ # Get the educt id: educt_id = self.molecule_types[str(educt_type)].type_id if self.um_reaction_id[educt_id] == -1: self.um_reaction_id[educt_id] = self.reaction_id self.Reactions_Dict[self.reaction_id] = rru.Reaction(np.array([educt_id]), 'unimolecular', 'Molecule', None, None) self.reaction_id += 1 if reaction_type == 'production': if product_types is not None and product_loc is not None and product_direction is not None and radius is not None: products_ids = np.empty(len(product_types), dtype = np.int64) for i,prod in enumerate(product_types): product_id = self.molecule_types[str(prod)].type_id products_ids[i] = product_id self.Reactions_Dict[self.um_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids, product_loc, product_direction, radius) elif reaction_type == 'fission': if product_types is not None and product_loc is not None and product_direction is not None and radius is not None: products_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) for i,prod in enumerate(product_types): product_id = self.molecule_types[str(prod)].type_id products_ids[i] = product_id self.Reactions_Dict[self.um_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids, product_loc, product_direction, radius) elif reaction_type == 'conversion_mol': if product_types is not None: products_ids = np.empty(1, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.molecule_types[str(product_types[0])].type_id self.Reactions_Dict[self.um_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids) elif reaction_type == 'decay': self.Reactions_Dict[self.um_reaction_id[educt_id]].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate) self.molecule_types[str(educt_type)].update_um_reaction(rate)
[docs] def add_bp_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, rate, radius, interaction_type = None, interaction_parameters = None): """Registeres a Bi-Particle (BP) reaction for an educt particle. Parameters ---------- reaction_type : `str` {'bind', 'absorption', 'enzymatic'} Name of the reaction type educt_type : `array_like` Names of the educt particle types product_types : `array_like` List of products (only used for binding reactions) rate : `float64` Reaction rate radius : `float64` Reaction radius. interaction_type : `str` Name of the energy potential function in case 'reaction_type' is a binding reaction. interaction_parameters : `dict` Parameters for the interaction function in case 'reaction_type' is a binding reaction. Notes ----- Bi-particle reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius. `Binding Reactions` A particle pair will only enter a bound state if the binding reaction was succesfull. Otherwise two particles won't experience any pairwise interaction force! A reaction occurs if two particles for whose type a binding reaction has been defined are within the reaction radius. The reaction probability is evaluated as: .. math:: 1-exp(\lambda \cdot \Delta t), where :math:`\lambda` is the reaction rate and :math:`\Delta t` is the integration time step. """ educts_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) for i,educt in enumerate(educt_types): educt_id = self.particle_types[str(educt)][0]['id'] educts_ids[i] = educt_id if self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] == -1: if educts_ids[0]!=educts_ids[1]: for i in range(2): n_reactions = self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['n_reactions'] self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['ids'][n_reactions] = self.reaction_id self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['n_reactions'] += 1 else: n_reactions = self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['n_reactions'] self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['ids'][n_reactions] = self.reaction_id self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['n_reactions'] += 1 # update the reaction_args matrix, which is used to lookup all the necessary properties for each reaction # during reaction handling (see update_util): self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] = self.reaction_id self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['id'] = self.reaction_id self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['type_BP_BM'] = 'BP' self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['type_BP_BM'] = 'BP' self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['defined'] = True self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['defined'] = True self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['radius'] = radius self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['radius'] = radius # Which of the two educts is the enzyme?: self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['enzyme'] = educts_ids[1] self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['enzyme'] = educts_ids[1] self.interaction_defined[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]] = True self.interaction_defined[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]] = True self.pair_interaction[educts_ids[0]] = True self.pair_interaction[educts_ids[1]] = True self.interactions = True if radius/2 > self.particle_types[str(educt_types[0])][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[str(educt_types[0])][0]['cutoff'] = radius/2 if radius/2 > self.particle_types[str(educt_types[1])][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[str(educt_types[1])][0]['cutoff'] = radius/2 #------------- self.Reactions_Dict[self.reaction_id] = rru.Reaction(educts_ids, 'bimolecular', 'Particle', None, radius) current_reaction_id = self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] self.reaction_id += 1 else: if self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['type_BP_BM'] != 'BP': raise ValueError('Unable to add the Biparticle reaction! A Bimolecular reaction has already been defined betwen these two particle types!') elif reaction_type == 'bind': raise ValueError('Unable to add the binding reaction! A Biparticle reaction has already been defined betwen these two particle types! Binding reactions cannot be defined in parallel with other biparticle reactions!') elif self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['bond'] == True: raise ValueError('Unable to add the Biparticle reaction! A binding reaction has already been defined betwen these two particle types! Binding reactions cannot be defined in parallel with other biparticle reactions!') print('A new reaction path is added. Note that any new reaction radius that has been passed will be ignored!') current_reaction_id = self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] if reaction_type == 'bind': products_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['id'] products_ids[1] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[1])][0]['id'] self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['bond'] = True self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['bond'] = True # If the particles change their type by binding, we also want to save the # original type (bond_educt_id). # If a bond breaks, the otiginal pyrticle type will be restored. self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['bond_educt_id'] = educts_ids[0] self.particle_types[str(product_types[1])][0]['bond_educt_id'] = educts_ids[1] self.Reactions_Dict[current_reaction_id].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids) if interaction_type is not None: self.add_interaction(interaction_type, str(educt_types[0]), str(educt_types[1]), interaction_parameters, True, True) if reaction_type == 'absorption': products_ids = np.empty(1, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['id'] self.Reactions_Dict[current_reaction_id].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids) if reaction_type == 'enzymatic': products_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[0])][0]['id'] products_ids[1] = self.particle_types[str(product_types[1])][0]['id'] self.Reactions_Dict[current_reaction_id].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids)
# print('Particle enzymatic reaction added ('+type1+'+'+type2+'->'+type3+'+'+type2+')') #%%
[docs] def add_interaction(self, interaction_type, type1, type2, parameters, bond = False, breakable = False): """Assigns a particle-particle interaction potential to a particle type pair. Parameters ---------- interaction_type : `str` {'harmonic_repulsion', 'PHS', 'harmonic_attraction', 'CSW'} Type of interaction potential type1 : `str` Names of the educt particle type 1 type2 : `str` Names of the educt particle type 2 parameters : `dict` Parameters for the interaction potential function. bond : `bool` True if interaction is initialized as part of a bindign reaction. (Default: False) breakable : `bool` If set to True, bonds that have been formed by a binding reaction are deleted if the interparticle distance is above the cutoff radius of the interaction potenial. Notes ----- Bi-particle reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius. """ type1_id = self.particle_types[type1][0]['id'] type2_id = self.particle_types[type2][0]['id'] stokes_radius_1 = self.particle_types[type1][0]['radius'] stokes_radius_2 = self.particle_types[type2][0]['radius'] interaction_id = self.interaction_IDs[str(interaction_type)] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['global'] = not bond self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['global'] = not bond self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['id'] = interaction_id self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['id'] = interaction_id self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['type'] = interaction_type self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['type'] = interaction_type self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['breakable'] = breakable self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['breakable'] = breakable if interaction_type == 'harmonic_repulsion': if 'radius_1' in parameters and 'radius_2' in parameters: radius_1 = parameters['radius_1'] radius_2 = parameters['radius_2'] else: radius_1 = stokes_radius_1 radius_2 = stokes_radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['k'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['k'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 if radius_1 > self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff'] = radius_1 if radius_2 > self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff'] = radius_2 elif interaction_type == 'PHS': if 'radius_1' in parameters and 'radius_2' in parameters: radius_1 = parameters['radius_1'] radius_2 = parameters['radius_2'] else: radius_1 = stokes_radius_1 radius_2 = stokes_radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['EpsR'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['EpsR'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['lr'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['lr'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][3] = parameters['la'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][3] = parameters['la'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 if radius_1 > self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff'] = radius_1 if radius_2 > self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff'] = radius_2 elif interaction_type == 'harmonic_attraction': if 'radius_1' in parameters and 'radius_2' in parameters: radius_1 = parameters['radius_1'] radius_2 = parameters['radius_2'] else: radius_1 = stokes_radius_1 radius_2 = stokes_radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 + parameters['rc'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][0] = radius_1 + radius_2 + parameters['rc'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['k'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['k'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['h'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['h'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][3] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][3] = radius_1 + radius_2 self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 + parameters['rc'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['cutoff'] = radius_1 + radius_2 + parameters['rc'] if radius_1+parameters['rc']/2 > self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff'] = radius_1+parameters['rc']/2 if radius_2+parameters['rc']/2 > self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff'] = radius_2+parameters['rc']/2 elif interaction_type == 'CSW': self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][0] = parameters['rw'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][0] = parameters['rw'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['eps_csw'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][1] = parameters['eps_csw'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['alpha'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['parameters'][2] = parameters['alpha'] self.interaction_args[type1_id][type2_id]['cutoff'] = 1.75*parameters['rw'] self.interaction_args[type2_id][type1_id]['cutoff'] = 1.75*parameters['rw'] if 1.75*parameters['rw']/2 > self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type1][0]['cutoff'] = 1.75*parameters['rw']/2 if 1.75*parameters['rw']/2 > self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[type2][0]['cutoff'] = 1.75*parameters['rw']/2 self.interaction_defined[type2_id][type1_id] = True self.interaction_defined[type1_id][type2_id] = True self.pair_interaction[type1_id] = True self.pair_interaction[type2_id] = True self.interactions = True if bond == False: print('Global '+interaction_type+' added ('+type1+'-'+type2+')') else: print(interaction_type+' bond added ('+type1+'-'+type2+')')
[docs] def add_bm_reaction(self, reaction_type, educt_types, product_types, particle_pairs, pair_rates, pair_Radii, placement_factor = 0.5): """Registeres a Bi-Molecular (BM) reaction for an educt molecule. Parameters ---------- reaction_type : `str` {'fusion', 'enzymatic_mol'} Name of the reaction type educt_type : `array_like` Names of the educt molecule types particle_pairs : `array_like` List of educt particle pairs belonging to each of the two educt molecules pair_rates : `array_like` List of reaction rates for each particle pair pair_Radii : `array_like` List of reaction radii for each particle pair placement_factor : `float64` [0,1] Only for fusion reactions: Affects where between the educt molecules the product molecule is placed. A factor of 0.5 means in the middle. A smaller factor will shift the product towards the first educt, a larger value towards the second educt molecule. A value different from 0.5 may increase accuracy in the case of a strong size difference between the two educts (a strong difference in the diffusion tensors). Default = 0.5 Notes ----- Bi-molecular reactions are evaluated using the Doi scheme. Thereby, two educt particles react with a reaction rate k if the inter-particle distance is below the reaction radius. PyRID only evaluates the eucludean distances between particles but not molecule centers. Thereby, also for bi-molecular reactions educt particles need to be set. Since molecules can consist of several particles, a list of particle pairs can be passed and for each particle pair a reaction rate and radius is defined. If one of the pair particle reactions is successfull, the corresponding molecule that the particle belongs to is converted as defined by the reaction type. If the moelcule cosnsists of a single particle, the reaction will be handled just as the bi-particle reactions. The user needs to take care of calculating accurate reaction radii and rates such that the desired reaction dynamics are simulated, which can become difficult for large molecules. Therefore it is sometimes more convenient to place an interaction free particle at the origin of the molecule and execute the bimolecular reaction via this particle. This method is equivalent to the case where one would evaluate reactions based on the distance between molecule centers. As for the uni-moelcular reactions, several reaction paths can be defined. Each reaction path may involve different particle pairs of the educt molecules. On a side note: Thereby, orientation dependent bimolecular reactions are in principle possibile. However, since the reaction probability does not scale with the distance, directionality is only really accounted for if the reaction radius is small compared to the molecule size. """ for educt_particle_types in particle_pairs: if not string_in_array(educt_particle_types[0], self.molecule_types[str(educt_types[0])].types): print('Particle type '+educt_particle_types[0]+' ist not part of molecule '+str(educt_types[0])+' topology!') raise ValueError('Particle type ist not part of molecule topology!') if not string_in_array(educt_particle_types[1], self.molecule_types[str(educt_types[1])].types): print('Particle type '+educt_particle_types[1]+' ist not part of molecule '+str(educt_types[1])+' topology!') raise ValueError('Particle type ist not part of molecule topology!') for mol_type in self.molecule_types: if not string_in_array(mol_type, educt_types): if string_in_array(educt_particle_types[0], self.molecule_types[mol_type].types) or string_in_array(educt_particle_types[1], self.molecule_types[mol_type].types): raise ValueError('Educt particle type found in multiple molecule topologies! Cannot unambiguously assign reaction educts for bimolecular reaction!') educt_molecule_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) educt_molecule_ids[0] = self.molecule_types[str(educt_types[0])].type_id educt_molecule_ids[1] = self.molecule_types[str(educt_types[1])].type_id for educt_particle_types, rate, radius in zip(particle_pairs, pair_rates, pair_Radii): educts_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) for i,educt in enumerate(educt_particle_types): educt_id = self.particle_types[str(educt)][0]['id'] educts_ids[i] = educt_id if self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] == -1: if educts_ids[0]!=educts_ids[1]: for i in range(2): n_reactions = self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['n_reactions'] self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['ids'][n_reactions] = self.reaction_id self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[i]]['n_reactions'] += 1 else: n_reactions = self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['n_reactions'] self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['ids'][n_reactions] = self.reaction_id self.bp_reaction_ids[educts_ids[0]]['n_reactions'] += 1 self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] = self.reaction_id self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['id'] = self.reaction_id self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['type_BP_BM'] = 'BM' self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['type_BP_BM'] = 'BM' # update the reaction_args matrix, which is used to lookup all the necessary properties for each reaction # during reaction handling (see update_util): self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['defined'] = True self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['defined'] = True self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['radius'] = radius self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['radius'] = radius # Which of the two educts is the enzyme?: self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['enzyme'] = educts_ids[1] self.reaction_args[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]]['enzyme'] = educts_ids[1] self.interaction_defined[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]] = True self.interaction_defined[educts_ids[1],educts_ids[0]] = True self.pair_interaction[educts_ids[0]] = True self.pair_interaction[educts_ids[1]] = True self.Reactions_Dict[self.reaction_id] = rru.Reaction(educt_molecule_ids, 'bimolecular', 'Molecule', educts_ids, radius) current_reaction_id = self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] self.reaction_id += 1 else: if self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['type_BP_BM'] != 'BM': raise ValueError('Unable to add the Bimolecular reaction! A Biparticle reaction has already been defined betwen these two particle types!') current_reaction_id = self.reaction_args[educts_ids[0],educts_ids[1]]['id'] if reaction_type == 'fusion': products_ids = np.empty(1, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.molecule_types[str(product_types[0])].type_id self.Reactions_Dict[current_reaction_id].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids, placement_factor = placement_factor) if reaction_type == 'enzymatic_mol': products_ids = np.empty(2, dtype = np.int64) products_ids[0] = self.molecule_types[str(product_types[0])].type_id products_ids[1] = self.molecule_types[str(product_types[1])].type_id self.Reactions_Dict[current_reaction_id].add_path(self, reaction_type, rate, products_ids) self.interactions = True if radius/2 > self.particle_types[str(educt_particle_types[0])][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[str(educt_particle_types[0])][0]['cutoff'] = radius/2 if radius/2 > self.particle_types[str(educt_particle_types[1])][0]['cutoff']: self.particle_types[str(educt_particle_types[1])][0]['cutoff'] = radius/2
# print('Particle enzymatic reaction added ('+type1+'+'+type2+'->'+type3+'+'+type2+')')