# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
fontLgd = FontProperties()
import seaborn as sns
import h5py
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
[docs]def center_profile(Histograms0, box_lengths, axes,cells_axes):
"""Centers the molecule density profile.
Histogram0 : `float64[:]`
Density profile.
box_lengths : `float64[3]`
Simulation box lengths
axes : 0, 1 or 2
Coordinate axis corresponding to the density profile (axis along which the profile has been sampled).
cells_axes : `int64`
Number of cells / bins along the chosen axis.
Value by which to shift the density profile such that it is centered.
center = np.sum(np.linspace(0,box_lengths[axes],cells_axes)*Histograms0)/np.sum(Histograms0)
Dx = box_lengths[axes]/2-center
return Dx
[docs]def calc_profile(path, moltype, box_lengths, axes, cells_axes, section):
"""Calculates the density profile of a molecule population along a given coordinate axis.
path : `string`
directory of the hdf5 file.
moltype : `string`
Molecule type
box_lengths : `float64[3]`
Simulation box lengths
axes : 0, 1 or 2
Coordinate axis along which to calculate the density profile.
cells_axes : `int64`
Number of cells / bins by which to divide the simulation box along the chosen axis.
section : `int64[2]`
Time interval (section) over which the density profile is averaged.
Density profile / histogram
hdf = h5py.File(path, 'r', track_order=True)
Vol_mol = np.float64(hdf['Molecules'][moltype]['volume'])
time_points = list(hdf['Position'][moltype])
cell_length_axes = box_lengths[axes]/cells_axes
Histograms = np.zeros(cells_axes)
for j in range(section[0],section[1]):
Positions = np.array(hdf['Position'][moltype][str(time_points[j])])
# axes_name = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']
ax123 = set([0,1,2])
ax123 = list(ax123)
Vol_cell = cell_length_axes*box_lengths[ax123[0]]*box_lengths[ax123[1]]
Histograms0 = np.zeros(cells_axes)
for pos in Positions:
i = int((pos[axes]+box_lengths[axes]/2) / cell_length_axes)
Histograms0[i] += Vol_mol
Dx = center_profile(Histograms0, box_lengths, axes,cells_axes)
Histograms0 = np.zeros(cells_axes)
for pos in Positions:
i = int((pos[axes]+Dx+box_lengths[axes]/2) / cell_length_axes)
if i>=0 and i<len(Histograms):
Histograms0[i] += Vol_mol
Histograms += Histograms0
return Histograms
[docs]def calc_phase_diagram(Histograms, cutoff):
"""Calculates the phase diagram from a given density profile by identifying the dense and the dilute phase.
Histogram : `float64[:]`
Density profile.
cutoff : `float64`
Fraction of the maximum density at which to distinguish between dilute and dense phase.
tuple(float64, float64)
Volume fractions of the dense and the dilute phase.
ii_dense = np.where(Histograms>=np.max(Histograms)*cutoff[0])
ii_dilute = np.where(Histograms<np.max(Histograms)*cutoff[1])
print('dense phase: ', np.mean(Histograms[ii_dense]))
print('diliute phase: ', np.mean(Histograms[ii_dilute]))
# dense = np.mean(Histograms[ii_dense])
# dilute = np.mean(Histograms[ii_dilute])
lenH = len(Histograms)
center = int(lenH/2)
dense = np.mean(Histograms[int(center-lenH/7):int(center+lenH/7)])
dilute = (np.mean(Histograms[0:int(lenH/5)])+np.mean(Histograms[-int(lenH/5):]))/2
return dense, dilute
[docs]def density_hyperbolic_tangent(z,z0,d, dense, dilute):
"""The hyperbolic tangent function can be used to fit the density profile.
z : `float64[:]`
Location / Distance values along z-axis.
z0 : `float64`
Location shift.
d : `float64`
fitting parameter
dense: `float64`
Volume fraction dense phase.
dilute : `float64`
Volume fraction dilute phase.
Fit of the density profile.
return (dense+dilute)/2-(dense-dilute)/2*np.tanh((z-z0)/d)
# z = np.linspace(0,0.2,100)
# rho = density_hyperbolic_tangent(z,0.1,0.01, 0.4,0.001)
# plt.figure()
# plt.plot(z,rho)
[docs]def critical_Temp(eps_csw, d, eps_c, x):
"""Equation to estimate the critical temperature (inverse interaction strength). critical_Temp() is called by critical_point_fit() for fitting. Based on: Silmore 2017, "Vapour–liquid phase equilibrium and surface tension of fully flexible Lennard–Jones chains"
eps_csw : `float64`
Interaction energy constant
d : `float64`
fitting parameter
eps_c : `float64`
Critical interaction energy constant of the highest-valency molecule (interaction energy at the critical point where the two phase regime ends).
Critical temperature (inverse interaction strength)
# kbt = 2.4
# return d*(1-(kbt/eps_csw)/Tc)
return d*(1-(eps_c/eps_csw))**(0.325)#(1/8.0)
[docs]def critical_Density(eps_csw, s2, phi_c):
"""Equation to estimate the critical density / volume fraction. critical_Density() is called by critical_point_fit() for fitting. Based on: Silmore 2017, "Vapour–liquid phase equilibrium and surface tension of fully flexible Lennard–Jones chains"
eps_csw : `float64`
Interaction energy constant
s2 : `float64`
fitting parameter
phi_c : `float64`
Volume fraction of the condensed (dense) phase.
Critical density.
# kbt = 2.4
# return d*(1-(kbt/eps_csw)/Tc)
# eps_c = Esp_popt[geometry][1]
return phi_c+s2*(1/critical_Density.eps_c-1/eps_csw)
[docs]def critical_point_fit(pp_strength, dense, dilute):
"""Estimates the critical temperature (inverse interaction strength) and density / volume fraction from a selection of phase diagram points.
pp_strength : `float64[:]`
List of particle-particle interaction strengths.
dense : `float64[:]`
Volume fractions of the dense phase (condensate) corresponding to particle-particle interaction strengths kept in pp_strength.
dilute : `float64[:]`
Volume fractions of the dilute phase corresponding to particle-particle interaction strengths kept in pp_strength.
tuple(float64, float64)
Estimates for the critical temperature (inverse interaction strength) and the critical density (volume fraction).
popt_temp, pcov_temp = curve_fit(critical_Temp, np.array(pp_strength), (np.array(dense)-np.array(dilute)), p0=(1.0,10.0, 1.0), bounds=([0.0,0.0, 1.0],[np.inf,np.inf,np.inf]), maxfev=1000)
critical_Density.eps_c = popt_temp[1]
popt_density, pcov_density = curve_fit(critical_Density, np.array(pp_strength), (np.array(dense)+np.array(dilute))/2.0, p0=(1.0,10.0), bounds=([0.0,0.0],[ np.inf,np.inf]), maxfev=1000)
return popt_temp, popt_density
# if __name__ == '__main__':