Source code for pyrid.evaluation.evaluation_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker

import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
# import math
# import itertools
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection, Line3DCollection
# from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
# from itertools import product, combinations
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from import Network

col=sns.color_palette("colorblind", 10)
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
fontLgd = FontProperties()

# import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as pio
#pio.renderers.default = 'svg'
pio.renderers.default = 'browser'

# from ..evaluation import direct_coexistence_method_util as dcm
from ..evaluation import diffusion_util as diff
from ..math.transform_util import unique_pairing

# from ..observables_util.plot_util import plot_observable

[docs]class Evaluation(object): """ The Evaluation class has several methods that are useful for evaluating simulation results such as reading observables from hdf5 files, calculating MSDs and plotting observables and reactions graphs. Attributes ---------- file_name : `string` file name self.path : `string` file directory self.fig_path : `string` Figures directory self.Observables : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the observables / system measures (except rdf). self.rdf : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the rdf data. self.Measures : `list` List of all available observables / measures self.time_MSD : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the time vectors for the MSD data. self.MSD_data : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the MSD data for each molecule type. self.time_P2 : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the time vectors for the P2 data. self.P2_data : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the P2 data for each molecule type. self.P2_t : `dictionary` Dictionary keeping the theoretical P2 data for each molecule type. self.molecules_colors : `float64[:,4]` Molecule colors rgba [0,1]. self.molecules_colors_rgb : `float64[:,3]` Molecule colors rgb [0,255]. self.molecules_colors_hex : `list` Molecule colors hex. self.reactions_color : `dictionary` Reactions colors used in reaction graph plots. self.color_pallete : `dictionary` Color palettes used for the different observable plots (Energy, Pressure, ...) self.units : `dictionary` Unit system self.Temp : `float64` Temperature self.box_lengths : `float64[3]` Simulation box lengths self.dt : `float64` Integration time step self.eta : `float64` Viscosity self.kbt : `float64` Boltzmann constant times Temperature. self.nsteps : `int64` Number of simulation steps. self.Molecules : `dictionary` Molecule data per molecule type (bead position, bead radii, molecule volume, mobility tensors). self.hdf : `object` hdf5 file loaded using the h5py library. Methods ------- load_file(self, file_name, path = None) Loads an hdf5 file and extracts simulation properties such as temperature and simulation box size. read_molecule_data(self) Reads molecule data from the hdf5 file (mobility tensor, bead position and radii, etc.) load_hdf(self) Loads any hdf5 file from self.path directory. close_hdf(self) Closes the hdf5 file. MSD(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule) Calculates the Mean Squared Distance (MSD) from the molecule positions and from theory. plot_MSD(self, Simulation, molecule, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None) Plots the molecules' Mean Squared Distance (MSD). P2(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, Delta_t = None) Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 from the molecule orientations and from theory. plot_P2(self, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None, limits = None) Plots the rotational time correlation function P2. plot_rdf(self, mol_pairs, steps = [0], save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, average = False) Plots the radial distribution function (RDF) from the hdf5 file. read_observable(self, measure, sampling = None, molecules = 'All', educts = 'All', Reaction_Type = None, steps = 'All', file_path = None) Reads an observable / measure from the hdf5 file. plot_observable(self, measure, molecules = 'All', Reaction_Type = None, educt = None, bond_pairs = 'All', particle_educt = None, step = 0, save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, sampling = None, formats = ['png'], show = True) Plots an observable / measure found in the hdf5 file. plot_reactions_graph(self, Simulation, graph_type = 'Bimolecular', graph_subtype = '') Plots a reactions graph using the pyvis library. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file_name = 'PyRID', path = None) : self.file_name = file_name if path is None: self.path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'Files' / self.file_name self.fig_path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'Figures' else: self.path = Path(path) / self.file_name self.fig_path = Path(path) / 'Figures' try: os.makedirs(self.fig_path) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass self.Observables = {} self.rdf = {} self.Measures = ['Position', 'Energy', 'Pressure', 'Volume', 'Virial', 'Virial Tensor', 'Number', 'Orientation', 'Bonds', 'Reactions', 'Force', 'Torque', 'RDF'] self.time_MSD = {} self.MSD_data = {} self.time_P2 = {} self.P2_data = {} self.P2_t = {} self.molecules_colors = np.array([[0.12156863, 0.46666667, 0.70588235, 1. ], [1. , 0.49803922, 0.05490196, 1. ], [0.17254902, 0.62745098, 0.17254902, 1. ], [0.83921569, 0.15294118, 0.15686275, 1. ], [0.58039216, 0.40392157, 0.74117647, 1. ], [0.54901961, 0.3372549 , 0.29411765, 1. ], [0.89019608, 0.46666667, 0.76078431, 1. ], [0.49803922, 0.49803922, 0.49803922, 1. ], [0.7372549 , 0.74117647, 0.13333333, 1. ], [0.09019608, 0.74509804, 0.81176471, 1. ], [0.4 , 0.76078431, 0.64705882, 1. ], [0.98823529, 0.55294118, 0.38431373, 1. ], [0.55294118, 0.62745098, 0.79607843, 1. ], [0.90588235, 0.54117647, 0.76470588, 1. ], [0.65098039, 0.84705882, 0.32941176, 1. ], [1. , 0.85098039, 0.18431373, 1. ], [0.89803922, 0.76862745, 0.58039216, 1. ], [0.70196078, 0.70196078, 0.70196078, 1. ], [0.86 , 0.3712 , 0.34 , 1. ], [0.8288 , 0.86 , 0.34 , 1. ], [0.34 , 0.86 , 0.3712 , 1. ], [0.34 , 0.8288 , 0.86 , 1. ], [0.3712 , 0.34 , 0.86 , 1. ], [0.86 , 0.34 , 0.8288 , 1. ]]) self.molecules_colors_rgb = np.array(np.round(self.molecules_colors[:,0:3]*255), dtype = np.int64) self.molecules_colors_hex = ['#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb) for rgb in self.molecules_colors_rgb] self.reactions_color = dict() self.reactions_color['bind'] = '#000000' self.reactions_color['fusion'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[0] self.reactions_color['enzymatic_mol'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[1] self.reactions_color['enzymatic'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[2] self.reactions_color['absorption'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[3] self.reactions_color['conversion_mol'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[4] self.reactions_color['conversion'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[5] self.reactions_color['fission'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[6] self.reactions_color['production'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[7] self.reactions_color['release'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[8] self.reactions_color['decay'] = self.molecules_colors_hex[9] self.color_pallete = dict() self.color_pallete['Energy'] = 'rocket' self.color_pallete['Pressure'] = 'viridis' self.color_pallete['Number'] = 'crest' self.color_pallete['Reactions'] = "cubehelix" self.color_pallete['Bonds'] = "icefire" self.color_pallete['Volume'] = 'Blues' self.color_pallete['RDF'] = "mako" self.color_pallete['ODF'] = "flare" self.color_pallete['Virial'] = 'magma' self.color_pallete['Virial Tensor'] = "cubehelix" self.color_pallete['Force'] = 'rocket' self.color_pallete['Torque'] = 'viridis' self.color_pallete['Orientation'] = 'Spectral' self.color_pallete['Position'] = "icefire"
[docs] def load_file(self, file_name, path = None): """Loads an hdf5 file and extracts simulation properties such as temperature and simulation box size. Parameters ---------- file_name : `string` Name of the hdf5 file. path : `string` self.path is set to this directory. By default, self.path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'Files'. Default = None. """ if '.h5' in file_name: self.file_name = file_name[0:-3] else: self.file_name = file_name if path is None: self.path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'Files/hdf5' / (self.file_name+'.h5') self.fig_path = Path(os.getcwd()) / 'Figures' else: self.path = Path(path) / (self.file_name+'.h5') self.fig_path = Path(path) / 'Figures' try: os.makedirs(self.fig_path) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass hdf = h5py.File(self.path, 'r', track_order=True) self.units = dict() for measure in hdf['Setup']['units']: self.units[measure] = hdf['Setup']['units'][measure][()].decode() self.Temp = hdf['Setup']['Temp'][()] self.box_lengths = hdf['Setup']['box_lengths'][()] self.dt = hdf['Setup']['dt'][()] self.eta = hdf['Setup']['eta'][()] self.kbt = hdf['Setup']['kbt'][()] self.nsteps = hdf['Setup']['nsteps'][()] self.read_molecule_data() hdf.close()
[docs] def read_molecule_data(self): """Reads molecule data from the hdf5 file (mobility tensor, bead position and radii, etc.) """ hdf = h5py.File(self.path, 'r', track_order=True) self.Molecules = dict() for molecule in hdf['Molecules']: self.Molecules[molecule] = dict() self.Molecules[molecule]['pos'] = hdf['Molecules'][molecule]['pos'][()] self.Molecules[molecule]['radii'] = hdf['Molecules'][molecule]['radii'][()] self.Molecules[molecule]['volume'] = hdf['Molecules'][molecule]['volume'][()] self.Molecules[molecule]['mu_rb'] = hdf['Molecules'][molecule]['mu_rb'][()] self.Molecules[molecule]['mu_tb'] = hdf['Molecules'][molecule]['mu_tb'][()] hdf.close()
[docs] def load_hdf(self): """Loads any hdf5 file from self.path directory. """ self.hdf = h5py.File(self.path, 'r', track_order=True)
[docs] def close_hdf(self): """Closes the hdf5 file. """ self.hdf.close()
[docs] def MSD(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule): """Calculates the Mean Squared Distance (MSD) from the molecule positions and from theory. Parameters ---------- time_interval : `int64` The time step until which the molecule positions are sampled for the MSD calculation. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0. stride : `int64` Stride with which the molecule positions are sampled. Simulation : `object` Instance of the Simulation class. molecule : `string` Name of the molecule type. """ self.read_observable('Position', sampling = 'stepwise', molecules = [molecule], steps = 'All') position_trace = [] for step in self.Observables['stepwise']['Position'][molecule]: position_trace.append(self.Observables['stepwise']['Position'][molecule][step]) position_trace = np.array(position_trace) pos_stride = self.Observables['stride']['Position'] Delta_t = pos_stride*self.dt self.MSD_data[molecule], self.time_MSD[molecule] = diff.MSD(position_trace, Delta_t, time_interval, stride, molecule)
[docs] def plot_MSD(self, Simulation, molecule, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None): """Plots the molecules' Mean Squared Distance (MSD). Parameters ---------- Simulation : `object` Instance of the Simulation class. molecule : `string` Name of the molecule type. save_fig : `boolean` Default = False fig_name : `string` Default = None fig_path : `string` Default = None """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") MSD_x, MSD_y, MSD_z = self.MSD_data[molecule] D_tt = Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].D_tt D_trans = np.trace(D_tt)/3 plt.figure(figsize = (4,3), dpi=150) plt.scatter(self.time_MSD[molecule], MSD_x, marker='o', facecolor = 'none', edgecolors = 'k', label = 'x', linewidth = 1) plt.scatter(self.time_MSD[molecule], MSD_y, marker='d', facecolor = 'none', edgecolors = 'r', label = 'y', linewidth = 1) plt.scatter(self.time_MSD[molecule], MSD_z, marker='s', facecolor = 'none', edgecolors = 'g', label = 'z', linewidth = 1) plt.plot(self.time_MSD[molecule], 2*D_trans*self.time_MSD[molecule], 'k', linewidth = 2, label = 'Theory') plt.legend(prop=fontLgd) plt.xlabel('time in {}'.format(Simulation.System.time_unit)) plt.ylabel('MSD') if save_fig == True: if fig_name is None: fig_name = Simulation.file_name + '_' + molecule if fig_path is None: fig_path = Simulation.fig_path plt.savefig(fig_path / (fig_name+'_MSD.png'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
[docs] def P2(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, Delta_t = None): """Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 from the molecule orientations and from theory. Parameters ---------- time_interval : `int64` The time step until which the molecule positions are sampled for the MSD calculation. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0. stride : `int64` Stride with which the molecule positions are sampled. Simulation : `object` Instance of the Simulation class. molecule : `string` Name of the molecule type. theory_only : `boolean` If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False. Delta_t : `float64` Time step. """ self.read_observable('Orientation', sampling = 'stepwise', molecules = [molecule], steps = 'All') D_rr = Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].D_rr orientation_trace = [] for step in self.Observables['stepwise']['Orientation'][molecule]: orientation_trace.append(self.Observables['stepwise']['Orientation'][molecule][step]) orientation_trace = np.array(orientation_trace) orientation_stride = self.Observables['stride']['Orientation'] Delta_t = orientation_stride*self.dt result = diff.P2(orientation_trace, Delta_t, D_rr, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = theory_only) if theory_only == False: self.P2_data[molecule], self.P2_t[molecule], self.time_P2[molecule] = result P2_1_t, P2_2_t, P2_3_t = self.P2_t[molecule] P2_1, P2_2, P2_3 = self.P2_data[molecule] else: self.P2_t[molecule], self.time_P2[molecule] = result P2_1_t, P2_2_t, P2_3_t = self.P2_t[molecule]
[docs] def plot_P2(self, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None, limits = None): """Plots the rotational time correlation function P2. Parameters ---------- Simulation : `object` Instance of the Simulation class. molecule : `string` Name of the molecule type. theory_only : `boolean` If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False. save_fig : `boolean` Default = False fig_name : `string` Default = None fig_path : `string` Default = None limits : `float64[2,2]` x- and y-axis limits. Default = None. """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") P2_1_t, P2_2_t, P2_3_t = self.P2_t[molecule] P2_1, P2_2, P2_3 = self.P2_data[molecule] colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] plt.figure(figsize = (4,3), dpi=150) plt.plot(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_1_t, color = 'grey', label = 'Theory') plt.plot(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_2_t, color = 'grey') plt.plot(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_3_t, color = 'grey') if theory_only == False: plt.scatter(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_1, facecolors='none', edgecolors = colors[0], label = '1') plt.scatter(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_2, facecolors='none', edgecolors = colors[1], label = '2') plt.scatter(self.time_P2[molecule], P2_3, facecolors='none', edgecolors = colors[2], label = '3') plt.legend(prop=fontLgd) if limits is not None: plt.xlim(limits[0][0], limits[0][1]) plt.ylim(limits[1][0], limits[1][1]) plt.xlabel('time in {}'.format(Simulation.System.time_unit)) plt.ylabel(r'$\langle P_{\hat{u}}(t) \rangle$') plt.yscale('log',base=10) if save_fig == True: if fig_name is None: fig_name = Simulation.file_name + '_' + molecule if fig_path is None: fig_path = Simulation.fig_path plt.savefig(fig_path / (fig_name+'_RotDiff_Pu.png'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi=300)
#%% # def plot_observable(self, measure, molecules = 'All', step = 0, save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, binned = False): # plot_observable(self, measure, molecules = molecules, step = step, save_fig = save_fig, fig_name = fig_name , fig_path = fig_path, binned = binned)
[docs] def plot_rdf(self, mol_pairs, steps = [0], save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, average = False): """Plots the radial distribution function (RDF) from the hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- mol_pairs : `nested list of strings` Molecule pairs for which the rdf is plotted. steps : `int64[1]` Time steps. Default = [0] theory_only : `boolean` If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False. save_fig : `boolean` Default = False fig_name : `string` Default = None fig_path : `string` Default = None average : `boolean` Average over rdfs at different points in time if more than one time step is given in parameter "steps". Default = False Returns ------- tuple(fig, ax) figure and corresponding axes object. """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") hdf = h5py.File(self.path, 'r', track_order=True) if average: plt.figure() for mol1, mol2 in mol_pairs: if steps == 'All': steps = list(hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2].keys()) else: digits = len(list(hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2].keys())[-1]) steps_temp = [] for step in steps: # digits = int(math.log10(self.nsteps))+1 step_id = f'{step:0{digits}}' steps_temp.append(step_id) steps = steps_temp rdf_bins = hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2].attrs['rdf_bins'] rdf_cutoff = hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2].attrs['rdf_cutoff'] dr_rdf = rdf_cutoff / float(rdf_bins) r = np.linspace(0, rdf_cutoff, rdf_bins)+dr_rdf/2 time_steps = [] for step in steps: if mol1+'.'+mol2 not in self.rdf: self.rdf[mol1+'.'+mol2] = dict() time_step = str(self.dt*hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2][step].attrs['time step']) # Need to use string, because for some reason seaborn doesnt handle numerical values for the hue value as expected! time_steps.append(time_step) if time_step not in self.rdf[mol1+'.'+mol2]: self.rdf[mol1+'.'+mol2][time_step] = hdf['RDF'][mol1+'.'+mol2][step][()] df = pd.DataFrame(self.rdf[mol1+'.'+mol2])[time_steps] df['r'] = r dfm = df.melt('r', var_name = 'time ({})'.format(self.units['Time']), value_name = 'g(r)') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,3), dpi=150) plt.axhline(1.0, color= 'k', linewidth = 1, linestyle = '--') if average: g = sns.lineplot(x="r", y='g(r)', data = dfm) else: g = sns.lineplot(x="r", y='g(r)', hue='time ({})'.format(self.units['Time']), data = dfm, palette = 'rocket', ci = 'sd') plt.title(mol1+'.'+mol2) if average ==False: g.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., title='time ({})'.format(self.units['Time']), prop=fontLgd) plt.xlabel(r'r in {}'.format(self.units['Length'])) plt.ylabel('g(r)') if save_fig == True: if fig_name is None: fig_name = self.file_name + '' if fig_path is None: fig_path = self.fig_path plt.savefig(fig_path / (fig_name+'_RDF_'+mol1+'-'+mol2+'.png'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi = 300) hdf.close() return fig, ax
[docs] def read_observable(self, measure, sampling = None, molecules = 'All', educts = 'All', Reaction_Type = None, steps = 'All', file_path = None): """Reads an observable / measure from the hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- measure : `string` observable / measure which to read from the hdf5 file. sampling : stepwise' or 'binned' or None Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None. molecules : `list of strings` List of molecule types for which to read the observable data. If set to 'All', all molecules found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. educts : `list of strings` List of reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to 'All', all reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. Reaction_Type : 'bind', 'enzymatic', 'conversion', 'conversion_rb', 'decay_rb', 'production_rb', 'release', 'fusion', 'enzymatic_rb' Type of the reaction whose data is read from the hdf5 file. steps : `int64[:]` or `All` Time steps at which to read the observable data. Default = `All` file_path : `string` File path. Default = None """ hdf = h5py.File(self.path, 'r', track_order=True) if sampling is None: if measure in ['Position', 'Orientation', 'Torque', 'Force', 'Virial', 'Virial Tensor', 'Number','Energy', 'Pressure', 'Bonds', 'Volume']: sampling = 'stepwise' elif measure == 'Reactions': sampling = 'binned' stride = hdf[sampling][measure].attrs['stride'] if 'stride' not in self.Observables: self.Observables['stride'] = {} self.Observables['stride'][measure] = stride elif measure not in self.Observables['stride']: self.Observables['stride'][measure] = stride if sampling not in self.Observables: self.Observables[sampling] = {} self.Observables[sampling][measure] = {} elif measure not in self.Observables[sampling]: self.Observables[sampling][measure] = {} if measure in ['Position', 'Orientation', 'Torque', 'Force', 'Virial', 'Virtial Tensor', 'Number','Energy', 'Pressure']: if molecules == 'All': molecules = list(hdf[sampling][measure].keys()) if measure in ['Position', 'Orientation', 'Torque', 'Force']: timesteps_seperated = True # For properties such as position, the data for each time step is saved seperately in an array. if steps == 'All': steps = list(hdf[sampling][measure][molecules[0]].keys()) else: digits = len(list(hdf[sampling][measure][molecules[0]].keys())[-1]) steps_temp = [] for step in steps: # digits = int(math.log10(self.nsteps))+1 step_id = f'{step:0{digits}}' steps_temp.append(step_id) steps = steps_temp elif measure in ['Virial', 'Virtial Tensor', 'Number','Energy', 'Pressure']: timesteps_seperated = False self.Observables[sampling][measure]['time'] = self.dt*stride*np.arange(len(hdf[sampling][measure][molecules[0]])) for molecule in molecules: if timesteps_seperated: if molecule not in self.Observables[sampling][measure]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecule] = {} for step in steps: # time_step = hdf[sampling][measure][molecule][step].attrs['time step'] # if time_step not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecule]: if step not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecule]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecule][int(step)] = hdf[sampling][measure][molecule][step][()] else: if molecule not in self.Observables[sampling][measure]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecule] = hdf[sampling][measure][molecule][()] elif measure in ['Volume']: self.Observables[sampling][measure]['time'] = self.dt*stride*np.arange(len(hdf[sampling][measure][measure])) self.Observables[sampling][measure][measure] = hdf[sampling][measure][measure][()] elif measure == 'Reactions': if Reaction_Type in ['bind', 'enzymatic', 'conversion', 'conversion_rb', 'decay_rb', 'production_rb', 'release']: for educt in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'].keys(): for reaction_type in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][educt].keys(): if reaction_type == Reaction_Type: if reaction_type not in self.Observables[sampling][measure]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type] = {} if educt not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt] = {} for reaction_path in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][educt][reaction_type].keys(): if reaction_path not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][Reaction_Type][educt][reaction_path] = hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][educt][reaction_type][reaction_path][()] elif Reaction_Type in ['fusion', 'enzymatic_rb']: for particle_educt in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'].keys(): for reaction_type in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][particle_educt].keys(): if reaction_type == Reaction_Type: if reaction_type not in self.Observables[sampling][measure]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type] = {} for educt in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][particle_educt][reaction_type].keys(): if educt not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt] = {} if particle_educt not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt][particle_educt] = {} for reaction_path in hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][particle_educt][reaction_type][educt].keys(): if reaction_path not in self.Observables[sampling][measure][reaction_type][educt][particle_educt]: self.Observables[sampling][measure][Reaction_Type][educt][particle_educt][reaction_path] = hdf[sampling]['Reactions'][particle_educt][reaction_type][educt][reaction_path][()] elif measure == 'Bonds': for bond_pair in hdf[sampling]['Bonds'].keys(): self.Observables[sampling][measure][bond_pair] = hdf[sampling]['Bonds'][bond_pair][()] hdf.close()
[docs] def plot_observable(self, measure, molecules = 'All', Reaction_Type = None, educt = None, bond_pairs = 'All', particle_educt = None, step = 0, save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, sampling = None, formats = ['png'], show = True): """Plots an observable / measure found in the hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- measure : `string` observable / measure which to read from the hdf5 file. sampling : stepwise' or 'binned' or None Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None. molecules : `list of strings` List of molecule types for which to read the observable data. If set to 'All', all molecules found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. educt : `list of strings` List of reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to 'All', all reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. bond_pairs : `list of strings` List of bond pair types for which to read particle bond data. If set to 'All', all bonds found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. particle_educts : `list of strings` List of particle reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to 'All', all particle reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = 'All'. Reaction_Type : 'bind', 'enzymatic', 'conversion', 'conversion_rb', 'decay_rb', 'production_rb', 'release', 'fusion', 'enzymatic_rb' Type of the reaction whose data is read from the hdf5 file. step : `int64` Time step at which to read the observable data. Default = 0 save_fig : `boolean` Default = False fig_name : `string` Default = None fig_path : `string` Default = None sampling : stepwise' or 'binned' or None Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None. formats : `list of strings` File formats in which figures are saved. Default = ['png'] show : `boolean` If True, figures are shown directly after they have been plotted. Otherwise figures are not shown (make sure to set save_fig = True). Default = True. Returns ------- tuple(fig, ax) figure and corresponding axes object. """ # Measures = ['Position', 'Energy', 'Pressure', 'Volume', 'Virial', 'Virial Tensor', 'Number', 'Orientation', 'Bonds', 'Reactions', 'Force', 'Torque', 'RDF'] sns.set_style("whitegrid") if sampling is None: if measure in ['Position', 'Orientation', 'Torque', 'Force', 'Virial', 'Virial Tensor', 'Number','Energy', 'Pressure', 'Bonds', 'Volume']: sampling = 'stepwise' elif measure == 'Reactions': sampling = 'binned' self.read_observable(measure, sampling = sampling, molecules = molecules, Reaction_Type = Reaction_Type, steps = [step]) stride = self.Observables['stride'][measure] if molecules == 'All': molecules = [molecule for molecule in self.Observables[sampling][measure] if molecule != 'time'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,3), dpi=150) if measure in ['Energy', 'Pressure', 'Virial', 'Number']: df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure])[['time']+molecules] dfm = df.melt('time', var_name = 'Molecules', value_name = measure) g = sns.lineplot(x="time", y=measure, hue='Molecules', data = dfm, palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) plt.xlabel('Time in {}'.format(self.units['Time'])) legend = g.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., title='Molecules', prop=fontLgd) plt.setp(legend.get_title(),fontsize='x-small') elif measure in ['Force', 'Torque', 'Position', 'Orientation']: sampling = 'stepwise' ax.text(0.05, 0.95, 'time point: {0:1.1f} {1}'.format(step*stride*self.dt, self.units['Time']), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=1.0)) df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure][molecules[0]][step]) # df.columns = ['x', 'y', 'z'] if measure == 'Orientation': g = sns.lineplot(data = df[['q0','q1','q2','q3']], palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) else: g = sns.lineplot(data = df[['x','y','z']], palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) plt.title('Molecule: {}'.format(molecules[0])) plt.xlabel('Molecules') legend = g.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., title='Dimension', prop=fontLgd) plt.setp(legend.get_title(),fontsize='x-small') elif measure in ['Volume']: df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure])[['time', 'Volume']] g = sns.lineplot(x="time", y=measure, data = df, palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) plt.xlabel('Time in {}'.format(self.units['Time'])) elif measure == 'Reactions': if Reaction_Type in ['bind', 'enzymatic', 'conversion', 'conversion_rb', 'decay_rb', 'production_rb', 'release']: df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure][Reaction_Type][educt]) plt.title(educt+' | '+Reaction_Type) elif Reaction_Type in ['fusion', 'enzymatic_rb']: df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure][Reaction_Type][educt][particle_educt]) educt_1 , educt_2 = educt.split('+') particle_educt_1 , particle_educt_2 = particle_educt.split('+') plt.title(f'{educt_1}({particle_educt_1})+{educt_2}({particle_educt_2})'+' | '+Reaction_Type) df['time'] = self.dt*stride*np.arange(int(self.nsteps/stride)+1) dfm = df.melt('time', var_name = 'paths', value_name = measure) # g = sns.lineplot(x="time", data = df, palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) g = sns.lineplot(x="time", y=measure, hue='paths', data = dfm, palette = self.color_pallete[measure], linewidth = 1) plt.xlabel('Time in {}'.format(self.units['Time'])) elif measure == 'Bonds': if bond_pairs == 'All': bond_pairs = self.Observables[sampling]['Bonds'].keys() df = pd.DataFrame(self.Observables[sampling][measure])[bond_pairs] df['time'] = self.dt*stride*np.arange(int(self.nsteps/stride)+1) dfm = df.melt('time', var_name = 'bond pairs', value_name = measure) g = sns.lineplot(x="time", y=measure, hue='bond pairs', data = dfm, palette = self.color_pallete[measure]) plt.xlabel('Time in {}'.format(self.units['Time'])) legend = g.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., title='bond pairs', prop=fontLgd) plt.setp(legend.get_title(),fontsize='x-small') if sampling == 'stepwise': plt.ylabel(measure+' in {}'.format(self.units[measure])) elif sampling == 'binned': plt.ylabel(measure+' in {0}/({1}{2})'.format(self.units[measure], stride*self.dt, self.units['Time'])) if save_fig == True: if fig_name is None: fig_name = self.file_name + '' if fig_path is None: fig_path = self.fig_path for frmt in formats: if measure == 'Reactions': plt.savefig(fig_path / (fig_name+'_'+measure+'_'+Reaction_Type+f'.{frmt}'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi = 300) else: plt.savefig(fig_path / (fig_name+'_'+measure+f'.{frmt}'), bbox_inches="tight", dpi = 300) if show: return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_reactions_graph(self, Simulation, graph_type = 'Bimolecular', graph_subtype = ''): """Plots a reactions graph using the pyvis library. Parameters ---------- Simulation : `object` Instance of Simulation class graph_type : 'Bimolecular', 'Biparticle', 'Unimolecular', 'Interactions' Reaction graph type. Default = 'Bimolecular' graph_subtype : 'pair relations', 'product relations' Reaction graph subtype. Default = 'product_relations'. """ # np.dtype([('defined', bool), ('bond', bool), ('id', np.int64), ('enzyme', np.int64), ('rate', np.float64), ('radius', np.float64), ('cutoff', np.float64), ('type', 'U20'), ('type_id', np.int64), ('type_BP_BM', 'U2'),], align=True) self.graph_types = ['Bimolecular', 'Biparticle', 'Unimolecular', 'Interactions'] self.graph_subtypes = ['pair relations', 'product relations'] Nodes = dict() Nodes['index'] = [] Nodes['name'] = [] Nodes['color'] = [] N_particles = len(Simulation.System.reaction_args) Edges = dict() Edges['indices'] = [] Edges['rate'] = [] Edges['color'] = [] Edges['label'] = [] Product_Node_id = {} if graph_type == 'Interactions': for i in range(N_particles): for j in range(N_particles-i): j = (N_particles-1)-j if Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['defined']: reaction_id = Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['id'] bond = Simulation.System.reaction_args[i,j]['bond'] rate = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].rate radius = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].radius reaction_educt_type = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].reaction_educt_type educts = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].educts if bond == True: educts_id_i = [] educts_id_j = [] pname_i = Simulation.System.particle_id_to_name[i] pname_j = Simulation.System.particle_id_to_name[j] for molecule in Simulation.System.molecule_types: if pname_i in Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].types: educts_id_i.append(Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].type_id) if pname_j in Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].types: educts_id_j.append(Simulation.System.molecule_types[molecule].type_id) educt_pairs = [] for ei in educts_id_i: for ej in educts_id_j: if (ei,ej) not in educt_pairs and (ej,ei) not in educt_pairs: educt_pairs.append((ei,ej)) for educts in educt_pairs: Nodes['index'].append(int(educts[0])) i_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[0]] Nodes['name'].append(i_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[0]%24]) if educts[0]== educts[1]: educt_1_idx = 96000+int(educts[1]) else: educt_1_idx = int(educts[1]) Nodes['index'].append(educt_1_idx) j_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[1]] Nodes['name'].append(j_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[1]%24]) path = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].paths[0] rate = path['rate'] reaction_type = path['type'] Edges['indices'].append((int(educts[0]),educt_1_idx)) Edges['rate'].append(rate) Edges['label'].append('({0},{1})'.format(rate, radius)) Edges['color'].append(self.reactions_color[reaction_type]) if graph_type == 'Unimolecular': node_idx = 96000 for reaction_id in Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict: reaction_educt_type = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].reaction_educt_type bimol = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].bimol if bimol == False and reaction_educt_type == 'Molecule': educts = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].educts Nodes['index'].append(int(educts[0])) i_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[0]] Nodes['name'].append(i_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[0]%24]) for path in Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].paths: n_products = path['n_products'] product_ids = path['products_ids'][0:n_products] rate = path['rate'] reaction_type = path['type'] p_name = '' unique, counts = np.unique(product_ids, return_counts=True) for p_id, n in zip(unique,counts): p_name += '{0}{1}+'.format(n, Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[p_id]) p_name = p_name[0:-1] Nodes['index'].append(node_idx) Nodes['name'].append(p_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[unique[0]%24]) Edges['indices'].append((int(educts[0]),node_idx)) Edges['rate'].append(rate) Edges['label'].append('{0}'.format(rate)) Edges['color'].append(self.reactions_color[reaction_type]) node_idx += 1 if graph_type == 'Bimolecular': if graph_subtype == '': graph_subtype = 'product_relations' if graph_subtype == 'educt_relations': for i in range(N_particles): for j in range(N_particles-i): j = (N_particles-1)-j if Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['defined']: reaction_id = Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['id'] bond = Simulation.System.reaction_args[i,j]['bond'] rate = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].rate radius = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].radius reaction_educt_type = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].reaction_educt_type educts = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].educts if reaction_educt_type == 'Molecule': Nodes['index'].append(int(educts[0])) i_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[0]] Nodes['name'].append(i_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[0]%24]) if educts[0] == educts[1]: educt_1_idx = 96000+int(educts[1]) else: educt_1_idx = int(educts[1]) Nodes['index'].append(educt_1_idx) j_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[1]] Nodes['name'].append(j_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[1]%24]) for path in Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].paths: rate = path['rate'] reaction_type = path['type'] # print(i_name, j_name) Edges['indices'].append((int(educts[0]),educt_1_idx)) Edges['rate'].append(rate) Edges['label'].append('({0},{1})'.format(rate, radius)) Edges['color'].append(self.reactions_color[reaction_type]) # print(Edges) elif graph_subtype == 'product_relations': prod_node_idx = 96000 for i in range(N_particles): for j in range(N_particles-i): j = (N_particles-1)-j if Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['defined']: reaction_id = Simulation.System.reaction_args[i][j]['id'] rate = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].rate radius = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].radius reaction_educt_type = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].reaction_educt_type educts = Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].educts if reaction_educt_type == 'Molecule': node_idx = int(unique_pairing(educts[0],educts[1])) Nodes['index'].append(int(node_idx)) i_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[0]] j_name = Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[educts[1]] Nodes['name'].append(i_name + ' + ' + j_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[educts[0]%24]) p0 = node_idx # node_idx += 1 for path in Simulation.System.Reactions_Dict[reaction_id].paths: n_products = path['n_products'] product_ids = path['products_ids'][0:n_products] rate = path['rate'] reaction_type = path['type'] p_name = '' for p_id in product_ids: p_name += Simulation.System.molecule_id_to_name[p_id]+'+' p_name = p_name[0:-1] if p_name in Product_Node_id: p1 = Product_Node_id[p_name] else: Product_Node_id[p_name] = int(prod_node_idx) p1 = int(prod_node_idx) prod_node_idx += 1 Nodes['index'].append(p1) Nodes['name'].append(p_name) Nodes['color'].append(self.molecules_colors_hex[p_id%24]) Edges['indices'].append((p0,p1)) Edges['rate'].append(rate) Edges['label'].append('({0},{1})'.format(rate, radius)) Edges['color'].append(self.reactions_color[reaction_type]) # print(Edges) #%% if graph_type == 'Interactions': arrow_type = "to from" elif graph_type == 'Unimolecular': arrow_type = "to" elif graph_type == 'Bimolecular': if graph_subtype == 'product_relations': arrow_type = "to" if graph_subtype == 'educt_relations': arrow_type = "to from" # g.add_node('A', shape = 'ellipse', opacity = 0.5, fixed = True, font = '40px arial black', heightConstraint = 100, widthConstraint = 100, margin = 0) # g.add_node('B', opacity = 0.5) # g.add_edge('A','B', arrows = "to from", dashes = True, length = 200, shadow = True, smooth = True) # g.add_edge('B','A', arrows = "to from", dashes = True, length = 200) #'tmp.html') # g = Network(height="100%", width="100%", bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white", directed = True) g = Network(height="70%", width="50%", bgcolor="white", font_color="black", directed = True) for i in range(len(Nodes['index'])): g.add_node(Nodes['index'][i], title = Nodes['name'][i], label = Nodes['name'][i], shape = 'box', color = Nodes['color'][i], opacity = 1.0, font = '20px arial black')#, heightConstraint = 50, widthConstraint = 50) # g.add_nodes(list(Nodes['index']), title = list(Nodes['name']), label = list(Nodes['name']), shape=['box']*len(Nodes['index']), color = Nodes['color'], size = [10]*len(Nodes['index'])) #, weight = Edges['rate'][i]/max(Edges['rate']), value = Edges['rate'][i]/max(Edges['rate']) for i in range(len(Edges['indices'])): g.add_edge(Edges['indices'][i][0],Edges['indices'][i][1], title=Edges['rate'][i], label=str(Edges['label'][i]), color = Edges['color'][i], arrows = arrow_type, dashes = False, shadow = True, smooth = True) # g.add_edge(Edges['indices'][i][0],Edges['indices'][i][1], title=Edges['rate'][i], label=str(Edges['label'][i]), color = Edges['color'][i], arrows = "to from") # g.toggle_physics(False) # g.show_buttons(filter_=['edges', 'nodes', 'physics']) g.set_edge_smooth("dynamic") g.barnes_hut(gravity=-3000, central_gravity=0.3, spring_length=200, spring_strength=0.05, damping=0.5, overlap=0) try: os.makedirs(self.fig_path / 'Graphs') except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass # g.set_options('{"layout": {"randomSeed":0}}') / 'Graphs' / (self.file_name+'_'+graph_type+'_'+graph_subtype+'.html')))
#%% # if __name__ == '__main__':