Short description
- class pyrid.evaluation.evaluation_util.Evaluation(file_name='PyRID', path=None)[source]
The Evaluation class has several methods that are useful for evaluating simulation results such as reading observables from hdf5 files, calculating MSDs and plotting observables and reactions graphs.
- Attributes
- file_namestring
file name
- self.pathstring
file directory
- self.fig_pathstring
Figures directory
- self.Observablesdictionary
Dictionary keeping the observables / system measures (except rdf).
- self.rdfdictionary
Dictionary keeping the rdf data.
- self.Measureslist
List of all available observables / measures
- self.time_MSDdictionary
Dictionary keeping the time vectors for the MSD data.
- self.MSD_datadictionary
Dictionary keeping the MSD data for each molecule type.
- self.time_P2dictionary
Dictionary keeping the time vectors for the P2 data.
- self.P2_datadictionary
Dictionary keeping the P2 data for each molecule type.
- self.P2_tdictionary
Dictionary keeping the theoretical P2 data for each molecule type.
- self.molecules_colorsfloat64[:,4]
Molecule colors rgba [0,1].
- self.molecules_colors_rgbfloat64[:,3]
Molecule colors rgb [0,255].
- self.molecules_colors_hexlist
Molecule colors hex.
- self.reactions_colordictionary
Reactions colors used in reaction graph plots.
- self.color_palletedictionary
Color palettes used for the different observable plots (Energy, Pressure, …)
- self.unitsdictionary
Unit system
- self.Tempfloat64
- self.box_lengthsfloat64[3]
Simulation box lengths
- self.dtfloat64
Integration time step
- self.etafloat64
- self.kbtfloat64
Boltzmann constant times Temperature.
- self.nstepsint64
Number of simulation steps.
- self.Moleculesdictionary
Molecule data per molecule type (bead position, bead radii, molecule volume, mobility tensors).
- self.hdfobject
hdf5 file loaded using the h5py library.
load_file(self, file_name, path = None)
Loads an hdf5 file and extracts simulation properties such as temperature and simulation box size.
Reads molecule data from the hdf5 file (mobility tensor, bead position and radii, etc.)
Loads any hdf5 file from self.path directory.
Closes the hdf5 file.
MSD(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule)
Calculates the Mean Squared Distance (MSD) from the molecule positions and from theory.
plot_MSD(self, Simulation, molecule, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None)
Plots the molecules’ Mean Squared Distance (MSD).
P2(self, time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, Delta_t = None)
Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 from the molecule orientations and from theory.
plot_P2(self, Simulation, molecule, theory_only = False, save_fig = False, fig_name = None, fig_path=None, limits = None)
Plots the rotational time correlation function P2.
plot_rdf(self, mol_pairs, steps = [0], save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, average = False)
Plots the radial distribution function (RDF) from the hdf5 file.
read_observable(self, measure, sampling = None, molecules = ‘All’, educts = ‘All’, Reaction_Type = None, steps = ‘All’, file_path = None)
Reads an observable / measure from the hdf5 file.
plot_observable(self, measure, molecules = ‘All’, Reaction_Type = None, educt = None, bond_pairs = ‘All’, particle_educt = None, step = 0, save_fig = False, fig_name = None , fig_path = None, sampling = None, formats = [‘png’], show = True)
Plots an observable / measure found in the hdf5 file.
plot_reactions_graph(self, Simulation, graph_type = ‘Bimolecular’, graph_subtype = ‘’)
Plots a reactions graph using the pyvis library.
- MSD(time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule)[source]
Calculates the Mean Squared Distance (MSD) from the molecule positions and from theory.
- Parameters
- time_intervalint64
The time step until which the molecule positions are sampled for the MSD calculation. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0.
- strideint64
Stride with which the molecule positions are sampled.
- Simulationobject
Instance of the Simulation class.
- moleculestring
Name of the molecule type.
- P2(time_interval, stride, Simulation, molecule, theory_only=False, Delta_t=None)[source]
Calculates the rotational time correlation function P2 from the molecule orientations and from theory.
- Parameters
- time_intervalint64
The time step until which the molecule positions are sampled for the MSD calculation. Note: Currently sampling always starts at time step 0.
- strideint64
Stride with which the molecule positions are sampled.
- Simulationobject
Instance of the Simulation class.
- moleculestring
Name of the molecule type.
- theory_onlyboolean
If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False.
- Delta_tfloat64
Time step.
- load_file(file_name, path=None)[source]
Loads an hdf5 file and extracts simulation properties such as temperature and simulation box size.
- Parameters
- file_namestring
Name of the hdf5 file.
- pathstring
self.path is set to this directory. By default, self.path = Path(os.getcwd()) / ‘Files’. Default = None.
- plot_MSD(Simulation, molecule, save_fig=False, fig_name=None, fig_path=None)[source]
Plots the molecules’ Mean Squared Distance (MSD).
- Parameters
- Simulationobject
Instance of the Simulation class.
- moleculestring
Name of the molecule type.
- save_figboolean
Default = False
- fig_namestring
Default = None
- fig_pathstring
Default = None
- plot_P2(Simulation, molecule, theory_only=False, save_fig=False, fig_name=None, fig_path=None, limits=None)[source]
Plots the rotational time correlation function P2.
- Parameters
- Simulationobject
Instance of the Simulation class.
- moleculestring
Name of the molecule type.
- theory_onlyboolean
If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False.
- save_figboolean
Default = False
- fig_namestring
Default = None
- fig_pathstring
Default = None
- limitsfloat64[2,2]
x- and y-axis limits. Default = None.
- plot_observable(measure, molecules='All', Reaction_Type=None, educt=None, bond_pairs='All', particle_educt=None, step=0, save_fig=False, fig_name=None, fig_path=None, sampling=None, formats=['png'], show=True)[source]
Plots an observable / measure found in the hdf5 file.
- Parameters
- measurestring
observable / measure which to read from the hdf5 file.
- samplingstepwise’ or ‘binned’ or None
Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None.
- moleculeslist of strings
List of molecule types for which to read the observable data. If set to ‘All’, all molecules found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- eductlist of strings
List of reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to ‘All’, all reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- bond_pairslist of strings
List of bond pair types for which to read particle bond data. If set to ‘All’, all bonds found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- particle_eductslist of strings
List of particle reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to ‘All’, all particle reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- Reaction_Type‘bind’, ‘enzymatic’, ‘conversion’, ‘conversion_rb’, ‘decay_rb’, ‘production_rb’, ‘release’, ‘fusion’, ‘enzymatic_rb’
Type of the reaction whose data is read from the hdf5 file.
- stepint64
Time step at which to read the observable data. Default = 0
- save_figboolean
Default = False
- fig_namestring
Default = None
- fig_pathstring
Default = None
- samplingstepwise’ or ‘binned’ or None
Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None.
- formatslist of strings
File formats in which figures are saved. Default = [‘png’]
- showboolean
If True, figures are shown directly after they have been plotted. Otherwise figures are not shown (make sure to set save_fig = True). Default = True.
- Returns
- tuple(fig, ax)
figure and corresponding axes object.
- plot_rdf(mol_pairs, steps=[0], save_fig=False, fig_name=None, fig_path=None, average=False)[source]
Plots the radial distribution function (RDF) from the hdf5 file.
- Parameters
- mol_pairsnested list of strings
Molecule pairs for which the rdf is plotted.
- stepsint64[1]
Time steps. Default = [0]
- theory_onlyboolean
If set to True, only the theoretical values for P2 are calculated. Default = False.
- save_figboolean
Default = False
- fig_namestring
Default = None
- fig_pathstring
Default = None
- averageboolean
Average over rdfs at different points in time if more than one time step is given in parameter “steps”. Default = False
- Returns
- tuple(fig, ax)
figure and corresponding axes object.
- plot_reactions_graph(Simulation, graph_type='Bimolecular', graph_subtype='')[source]
Plots a reactions graph using the pyvis library.
- Parameters
- Simulationobject
Instance of Simulation class
- graph_type‘Bimolecular’, ‘Biparticle’, ‘Unimolecular’, ‘Interactions’
Reaction graph type. Default = ‘Bimolecular’
- graph_subtype‘pair relations’, ‘product relations’
Reaction graph subtype. Default = ‘product_relations’.
- read_molecule_data()[source]
Reads molecule data from the hdf5 file (mobility tensor, bead position and radii, etc.)
- read_observable(measure, sampling=None, molecules='All', educts='All', Reaction_Type=None, steps='All', file_path=None)[source]
Reads an observable / measure from the hdf5 file.
- Parameters
- measurestring
observable / measure which to read from the hdf5 file.
- samplingstepwise’ or ‘binned’ or None
Sampling method used. If None, the sampling method is chosen automatically based on the measure type. Default = None.
- moleculeslist of strings
List of molecule types for which to read the observable data. If set to ‘All’, all molecules found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- eductslist of strings
List of reaction educts for which to read the reactions data. If set to ‘All’, all reactions found in the hdf5 file are loaded. Default = ‘All’.
- Reaction_Type‘bind’, ‘enzymatic’, ‘conversion’, ‘conversion_rb’, ‘decay_rb’, ‘production_rb’, ‘release’, ‘fusion’, ‘enzymatic_rb’
Type of the reaction whose data is read from the hdf5 file.
- stepsint64[:] or All
Time steps at which to read the observable data. Default = All
- file_pathstring
File path. Default = None