# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Moritz F P Becker
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
from ..math import transform_util as trf
from ..geometry.intersections_util import ray_mesh_intersection_test, point_in_triangle_barycentric, edge_intersection_barycentric
from ..geometry.mesh_util import point_triangle_distance
def update_to_nearest_triangle(pos, quaternion, triangle_id, System):
"""Updates a position vector to the plane of the nearest triangle.
pos : `float64[3]`
Position vector
quaternion : `float64[4]`
Quaternion vector
triangle_id : `int64`
Triangle id
System : `object`
Instance of System class
Triangle id of the closest triangle.
a_n = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64)
pos_tri = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64)
new_pos = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64)
cx = int((pos[0]-System.origin[0]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy = int((pos[1]-System.origin[1]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz = int((pos[2]-System.origin[2]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[2])
# Determine cell in 3D volume for i-th particle
cell = cx + cy * System.cells_per_dim[0] + cz * System.cells_per_dim[0] * System.cells_per_dim[1]
triangles_list = System.CellList.get_triangles(cell)
dist_min = 1e6
new_Tri_idx = -1
for Tri_idx in triangles_list:
triangle = System.Mesh[Tri_idx]['triangles']
p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]]
p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]]
p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]]
dist, region = point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2,pos, pos_tri)
if dist<dist_min:
dist_min = dist
new_pos[:] = pos_tri
new_Tri_idx = Tri_idx
if new_Tri_idx != -1:
#Rotation into the plane of the triangle:
sin_phi, cos_phi = trf.quaternion_plane_to_plane(quaternion, System.Mesh[triangle_id]['triangle_coord'][3], System.Mesh[new_Tri_idx]['triangle_coord'][3], a_n)
pos[:] = new_pos
return new_Tri_idx
def nearest_triangle(pos, System):
"""Updates a position vector to the plane of the nearest triangle.
pos : `float64[3]`
position vector
System : `object`
Instance of System class
Triangle id of the closest triangle.
pos_tri = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64)
cx = int((pos[0]-System.origin[0]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy = int((pos[1]-System.origin[1]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz = int((pos[2]-System.origin[2]) / System.cell_length_per_dim[2])
cell = cx + cy * System.cells_per_dim[0] + cz * System.cells_per_dim[0] * System.cells_per_dim[1]
triangles_list = System.CellList.get_triangles(cell)
dist_min = 1e6
new_pos = np.empty(3)
new_Tri_idx = -1
for Tri_idx in triangles_list:
triangle = System.Mesh[Tri_idx]['triangles']
p0 = System.vertices[triangle[0]]
p1 = System.vertices[triangle[1]]
p2 = System.vertices[triangle[2]]
dist, region = point_triangle_distance(p0,p1,p2,pos, pos_tri)
if dist<dist_min:
dist_min = dist
new_pos[:] = pos_tri
new_Tri_idx = Tri_idx
pos[:] = new_pos
return new_Tri_idx
def ray_march_volume(pos, dX, System):
"""Ray marches along a direction vector and tests and resolves triangle collisions. The algorithm is based on :cite:p:`Amanatides87` : Amanatides et al. 1987 "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" Also see :cite:p:`Ericson2004` : Ericson "Real-Time Collision Detection", chapter 7.4.2 and 7.7
pos : `float64[3]`
Position vector
dX : `float64[3]`
Direction vector
System : `object`
Instance of System class
See Also
True if ray marching was successfull, False if absorptive boundary has been hit.
current_triangle = -1
poi = np.empty(3, dtype = np.float64) # point_of_intersection
dX_refl = np.empty(3)
passed_all = False
Max = 100000
cx_max = System.cells_per_dim[0]
cy_max = System.cells_per_dim[1]
cz_max = System.cells_per_dim[2]
count = 0
while passed_all == False:
count += 1
# Need to increase time_stamp such that for the follow up ray, no triangles are excluded from the intersection test.
# Problem: We may end up intersecting the triangle we are currently located on!
# Solution: Save the current triangle and exclude it from the intersection test!
System.time_stamp += 1
t_min = 1e10
triangle_of_intersection = -1
intersection = False
crossed_border = False
correct_intersection_found = False
# identifying the voxel in which the ray System.origin is found:
cx = np.floor((pos[0]-System.origin[0])/System.cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy = np.floor((pos[1]-System.origin[1])/System.cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz = np.floor((pos[2]-System.origin[2])/System.cell_length_per_dim[2])
cx_end = np.floor(((pos[0]+dX[0])-System.origin[0])/System.cell_length_per_dim[0])
cy_end = np.floor(((pos[1]+dX[1])-System.origin[1])/System.cell_length_per_dim[1])
cz_end = np.floor(((pos[2]+dX[2])-System.origin[2])/System.cell_length_per_dim[2])
cx_end -= cx_end//cx_max*cx_max
cy_end -= cy_end//cy_max*cy_max
cz_end -= cz_end//cz_max*cz_max
Next = not (cx_end == cx and cy_end == cy and cz_end == cz)
if Next:
cx_end_init = cx_end
cy_end_init = cy_end
cz_end_init = cz_end
cx_start = cx
cy_start = cy
cz_start = cz
# the variables stepX and stepY are initialized to either 1 or -1 indicating whether X and Y are incremented or decremented
stepX = np.sign(dX[0])
stepY = np.sign(dX[1])
stepZ = np.sign(dX[2])
# Next, we determine the value of t at which the ray crosses the first vertical voxel boundary and store it in variable tMaxX.
next_voxel_boundary_x = (cx+stepX)*System.cell_length_per_dim[0] if dX[0]>=0 else cx*System.cell_length_per_dim[0]
next_voxel_boundary_y = (cy+stepY)*System.cell_length_per_dim[1] if dX[1]>=0 else cy*System.cell_length_per_dim[1]
next_voxel_boundary_z = (cz+stepZ)*System.cell_length_per_dim[2] if dX[2]>=0 else cz*System.cell_length_per_dim[2]
tMaxX = (next_voxel_boundary_x - (pos[0]-System.origin[0]))/dX[0] if (dX[0]!=0) else Max
tMaxY = (next_voxel_boundary_y - (pos[1]-System.origin[1]))/dX[1] if (dX[1]!=0) else Max
tMaxZ = (next_voxel_boundary_z - (pos[2]-System.origin[2]))/dX[2] if (dX[2]!=0) else Max
# Finally, we compute tDeltaX and tDeltaY. TDeltaX indicates how far along the ray we must move (in units of t) for the horizontal component of such a movement to equal the width of a voxel.
tDeltaX = System.cell_length_per_dim[0]/dX[0]*stepX if (dX[0]!=0) else Max
tDeltaY = System.cell_length_per_dim[1]/dX[1]*stepY if (dX[1]!=0) else Max
tDeltaZ = System.cell_length_per_dim[2]/dX[2]*stepZ if (dX[2]!=0) else Max
# !!! The algorithm is a bit more complex than usually necessary, because we want to allow for meshes that extend the simulation box!
cell = int(cx + cy * System.cells_per_dim[0] + cz * System.cells_per_dim[0] * System.cells_per_dim[1])
intersection, t_min, triangle_of_intersection = ray_mesh_intersection_test(pos, dX, System, cell, t_min, triangle_of_intersection, current_triangle)
# If there is an intersection, check, whether this intersection occured in the current cell:
# if intersection: # We do not need to test t_min<=1.0, because this is already done in ray_triangle_intersection()!
if (tMaxX < tMaxY):
if (tMaxX < tMaxZ):
if tMaxX-tDeltaX<t_min<=tMaxX: # intersection occured in the current cell!
correct_intersection_found = True
cx += stepX
tMaxX += tDeltaX
if cx>=cx_max:
boundary_x = System.box_lengths[0]/2
tX = (boundary_x - pos[0])/dX[0]
pos[:] += tX*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tX*dX
dX[0] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tX*dX
pos[0] -= System.box_lengths[0]
crossed_border = True
elif cx<0:
boundary_x = -System.box_lengths[0]/2
tX = (boundary_x - pos[0])/dX[0]
pos[:] += tX*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tX*dX
dX[0] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tX*dX
pos[0] += System.box_lengths[0]
crossed_border = True
# So, in which cell did the intersection occur (only allow for cells inside the box)?
cx_end = cx_start+stepX*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaX)
if 0 <= cx_end <= cx_max:
cy_end = cy_start+stepY*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaY)
if 0 <= cy_end <= cy_max:
cz_end = cz_start+stepZ*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaZ)
if not 0 <= cz_end <= cz_max:
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cz_end = cz_end_init
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
if tMaxZ-tDeltaZ<t_min<=tMaxZ:
correct_intersection_found = True
cz += stepZ
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ
if cz>=cz_max:
boundary_z = System.box_lengths[2]/2
tZ = (boundary_z - pos[2])/dX[2]
pos[:] += tZ*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
dX[2] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
pos[2] -= System.box_lengths[2]
crossed_border = True
elif cz<0:
boundary_z = -System.box_lengths[2]/2
tZ = (boundary_z - pos[2])/dX[2]
pos[:] += tZ*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
dX[2] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
pos[2] += System.box_lengths[2]
crossed_border = True
cx_end = cx_start+stepX*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaX)
if 0 <= cx_end <= cx_max:
cy_end = cy_start+stepY*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaY)
if 0 <= cy_end <= cy_max:
cz_end = cz_start+stepZ*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaZ)
if not 0 <= cz_end <= cz_max:
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cz_end = cz_end_init
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
if (tMaxY < tMaxZ):
if tMaxY-tDeltaY<t_min<=tMaxY:
correct_intersection_found = True
cy += stepY
tMaxY += tDeltaY
if cy>=cy_max:
boundary_y = System.box_lengths[1]/2
tY = (boundary_y - pos[1])/dX[1]
pos[:] += tY*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tY*dX
dX[1] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tY*dX
pos[1] -= System.box_lengths[1]
crossed_border = True
elif cy<0:
boundary_y = -System.box_lengths[1]/2
tY = (boundary_y - pos[1])/dX[1]
pos[:] += tY*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tY*dX
dX[1] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tY*dX
pos[1] += System.box_lengths[1]
crossed_border = True
cx_end = cx_start+stepX*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaX)
if 0 <= cx_end <= cx_max:
cy_end = cy_start+stepY*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaY)
if 0 <= cy_end <= cy_max:
cz_end = cz_start+stepZ*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaZ)
if not 0 <= cz_end <= cz_max:
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cz_end = cz_end_init
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
if tMaxZ-tDeltaZ<t_min<=tMaxZ:
correct_intersection_found = True
cz += stepZ
tMaxZ += tDeltaZ
if cz>=cz_max:
boundary_z = System.box_lengths[2]/2
tZ = (boundary_z - pos[2])/dX[2]
pos[:] += tZ*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
dX[2] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
pos[2] -= System.box_lengths[2]
crossed_border = True
elif cz<0:
boundary_z = -System.box_lengths[2]/2
tZ = (boundary_z - pos[2])/dX[2]
pos[:] += tZ*dX
if System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
dX[2] *= -1
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dX[:] -= tZ*dX
pos[2] += System.box_lengths[2]
crossed_border = True
cx_end = cx_start+stepX*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaX)
if 0 <= cx_end <= cx_max:
cy_end = cy_start+stepY*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaY)
if 0 <= cy_end <= cy_max:
cz_end = cz_start+stepZ*np.floor(t_min/tDeltaZ)
if not 0 <= cz_end <= cz_max:
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cz_end = cz_end_init
cy_end = cy_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
cx_end = cx_end_init
if correct_intersection_found:
poi[0] = pos[0] + t_min*dX[0]
poi[1] = pos[1] + t_min*dX[1]
poi[2] = pos[2] + t_min*dX[2]
trf.collision_response(pos+dX-poi, System.Mesh[triangle_of_intersection]['triangle_coord'][3], dX_refl)
pos[0] = poi[0]
pos[1] = poi[1]
pos[2] = poi[2]
dX[0] = dX_refl[0]
dX[1] = dX_refl[1]
dX[2] = dX_refl[2]
current_triangle = triangle_of_intersection
Next = False
elif crossed_border:
if System.boundary_condition_id == 2:
return False
Next = False
# Loop until we reach end point
Next = not (cx_end == cx and cy_end == cy and cz_end == cz)
# if count>30:
# Next = False
# After we exit the while loop, we still need to check the las cell for any collisions if correct_intersection_found is still False:
if correct_intersection_found == False and crossed_border == False:
cell = int(cx + cy * System.cells_per_dim[0] + cz * System.cells_per_dim[0] * System.cells_per_dim[1])
intersection, t_min, triangle_of_intersection = ray_mesh_intersection_test(pos, dX, System, cell, t_min, triangle_of_intersection, current_triangle)
# if correct_intersection_found:
if t_min<=1: # There might have been an intersection in a past cell, therefore, here we check whether t_min <= 1 and not just whether intersection == True.
correct_intersection_found = True
poi[0] = pos[0] + t_min*dX[0]
poi[1] = pos[1] + t_min*dX[1]
poi[2] = pos[2] + t_min*dX[2]
trf.collision_response(pos+dX-poi, System.Mesh[triangle_of_intersection]['triangle_coord'][3], dX_refl)
pos[0] = poi[0]
pos[1] = poi[1]
pos[2] = poi[2]
dX[0] = dX_refl[0]
dX[1] = dX_refl[1]
dX[2] = dX_refl[2]
current_triangle = triangle_of_intersection
if correct_intersection_found == False and crossed_border == False:
passed_all = True
if count>100:
print('canceled while loop', pos, dX)
passed_all = True
pos[0] += dX[0]
pos[1] += dX[1]
pos[2] += dX[2]
return True
def ray_march_surface(pos, quaternion, dX, triangle_id, System, update_quat=False):
"""Ray marches a direction vector across the surface of a triangulated mesh.
pos : `float64[3]`
Position vector
quaternion : `float64[4]`
Rotation quaternion
dX : `float64[3]`
Direction vector
triangle_id : `int64`
Triangle id
System : `object`
Instance of System class
Index of the triangle the direction vector ended up on.
# pos_init = np.copy(pos)
# dX_init = np.copy(dX)
# quaternion_init = np.copy(quaternion)
# tri_id_init = triangle_id
crossed_border = False
a_n = np.empty(3)
face = triangle_id
p0 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][0]]
p1 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][1]]
p2 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][2]]
u,v = trf.barycentric_coord(pos, p0, p1, p2, System.Mesh[face]['barycentric_params'])
du,dv = trf.barycentric_direction(dX, p0, p1, p2, System.Mesh[face]['barycentric_params'])
in_triangle = point_in_triangle_barycentric(u+du, v+dv)
count = 0
while in_triangle == False:
count += 1
reflection = False
edge_id, t_edge = edge_intersection_barycentric(u,v, du, dv)
if System.Mesh[triangle_id]['border_edge'][edge_id] == 1:
crossed_border = True
if System.boundary_condition_id == 2:
return -1
if edge_id == -1:
print(pos, dX, quaternion, triangle_id)
# print('pos_init, dX_init, quaternion_init, tri_id_init: ', pos_init, dX_init, quaternion_init, tri_id_init)
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] = System.Mesh[triangle_id]['triangle_centroid']
print('Warning: triangle neighbour edge not found (surface distribute)! Ray marching has been discarded and the molecule has been repositioned to the current triangles` centroid!')
return triangle_id # -2
# Go to edge
u += t_edge*du
v += t_edge*dv
du -= t_edge*du
dv -= t_edge*dv
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] = trf.cartesian_coord(u, v, p0, p1, p2)
dX[0], dX[1], dX[2] = trf.cartesian_direction(du, dv, p0, p1, p2)
if crossed_border == False:
next_face = System.Mesh[triangle_id]['neighbours'][edge_id]
if System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
dim = System.Mesh[triangle_id]['border_dim'][edge_id]
next_face = nearest_triangle(pos, System)
crossed_border = False
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 1:
reflection = True
border_normal = System.Mesh[triangle_id]['border_normal'][edge_id]
dX = dX
dX_dot_n = dX[0]*border_normal[0]+dX[1]*border_normal[1]+dX[2]*border_normal[2]
dX[0] = dX[0]-2*dX_dot_n*border_normal[0]
dX[1] = dX[1]-2*dX_dot_n*border_normal[1]
dX[2] = dX[2]-2*dX_dot_n*border_normal[2]
crossed_border = False
if reflection == False:
if update_quat == True:
# Calculate sin_phi and cos_phi and in parallel upate the moelcules quaternion:
sin_phi, cos_phi = trf.quaternion_plane_to_plane(quaternion, System.Mesh[triangle_id]['triangle_coord'][3], System.Mesh[next_face]['triangle_coord'][3], a_n)
# Calculate sin_phi and cos_phi:
sin_phi, cos_phi = trf.axis_angle_parameters(System.Mesh[triangle_id]['triangle_coord'][3],System.Mesh[next_face]['triangle_coord'][3], a_n)
# Rotation into the plane of the triangle:
dX[0], dX[1], dX[2] = trf.rodrigues_rot(dX, a_n, cos_phi, sin_phi)
triangle_id = next_face
face = triangle_id
p0 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][0]]
p1 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][1]]
p2 = System.vertices[System.Mesh[face]['triangles'][2]]
u,v = trf.barycentric_coord(pos, p0, p1, p2, System.Mesh[face]['barycentric_params'])
du,dv = trf.barycentric_direction(dX, p0, p1, p2, System.Mesh[face]['barycentric_params'])
in_triangle = point_in_triangle_barycentric(u+du, v+dv)
if count > 100:
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] = System.Mesh[triangle_id]['triangle_centroid']
print('Warning: could not find target triangle for surface moelcule within 100 steps. Ray marching has been discarded and the moleule has been repositioned to the current triangles centroid!')
return triangle_id
u += du
v += dv
pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] = trf.cartesian_coord(u, v, p0, p1, p2)
if System.boundary_2d == False: # Still need to check whether a bloundary has been crossed
if System.boundary_condition_id == 0:
crossed_border = False
for dim in range(3):
if pos[dim]>System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
crossed_border = True
elif pos[dim]<-System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
crossed_border = True
if crossed_border==True:
#find nearest triangle:
# print('crossed border')
triangle_id = update_to_nearest_triangle(pos, quaternion, triangle_id, System)
elif System.boundary_condition_id == 2:
crossed_border = False
for dim in range(3):
if pos[dim]>System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
crossed_border = True
elif pos[dim]<-System.box_lengths[dim]/2:
crossed_border = True
if crossed_border:
return -1
return triangle_id