Short description
@author: Moritz F P Becker
- pyrid.geometry.ray_march_util.nearest_triangle(pos, System)[source]
Updates a position vector to the plane of the nearest triangle.
- Parameters
- posfloat64[3]
position vector
- Systemobject
Instance of System class
- Returns
- int64
Triangle id of the closest triangle.
- pyrid.geometry.ray_march_util.ray_march_surface(pos, quaternion, dX, triangle_id, System, update_quat=False)[source]
Ray marches a direction vector across the surface of a triangulated mesh.
- Parameters
- posfloat64[3]
Position vector
- quaternionfloat64[4]
Rotation quaternion
- dXfloat64[3]
Direction vector
- triangle_idint64
Triangle id
- Systemobject
Instance of System class
- Returns
- int64
Index of the triangle the direction vector ended up on.
- pyrid.geometry.ray_march_util.ray_march_volume(pos, dX, System)[source]
Ray marches along a direction vector and tests and resolves triangle collisions. The algorithm is based on [5] : Amanatides et al. 1987 “A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing” Also see [6] : Ericson “Real-Time Collision Detection”, chapter 7.4.2 and 7.7
- Parameters
- posfloat64[3]
Position vector
- dXfloat64[3]
Direction vector
- Systemobject
Instance of System class
- Returns
- boolean
True if ray marching was successfull, False if absorptive boundary has been hit.
See also
- pyrid.geometry.ray_march_util.update_to_nearest_triangle(pos, quaternion, triangle_id, System)[source]
Updates a position vector to the plane of the nearest triangle.
- Parameters
- posfloat64[3]
Position vector
- quaternionfloat64[4]
Quaternion vector
- triangle_idint64
Triangle id
- Systemobject
Instance of System class
- Returns
- int64
Triangle id of the closest triangle.