
PyRID is a fast and flexible tool for particle-based reaction diffusion simulations with pair-interactions. However, a challenge remains in that PyRID is not able simulate processes that take several seconds or even minutes. However, in cell biology we find many processes that act on such time scales. This is true for signaling processes, for self-assembly processes, e.g., of clathrin, and for protein trafficking. Other tools that follow a similar approach such as ReaDDy [23, 86] also do not provide methods that would enable simulations on such long time scales. Tools such a MCell [10] and Smoldyn [102] enable simulations on larger time scales but do not resolve molecular structure and are not able to simulate protein binding and assembly. However, alternative reaction-rate based approaches have been developed that account for molecule structure, binding, and diffusion. A prominent example is NERDSS [103] that is able to resolve fast binding reactions as well as processes on large time and- spatial scales. In NERDSS, molecules are represented by rigid bodies, similar to PyRID. Also, excluded volume is accounted for by rejection sampling. However, NERDSS avoids any energy interaction functions but instead molecules “snap” into place in a predefined way when a binding reaction is executed. Thereby, assembly processes can be simulated very efficiently. Still, since the resulting assembly has a predefined form NERDSS is not able make predictions about the structure of protein assemblies. Also, binding reactions are not orientation dependent which can result in unrealistic binding events, whereas in PyRID orientation dependence is accounted for by construction. Also, with NERDSS, one relies on reaction rates that have been measured either in experiment or by molecular dynamics simulations to describe assembly and disassembly processes. However, also with PyRID such processes can not accurately be modeled without exactly specifying the energy functions of the binding interaction which can even be harder than estimating rates. At last, due to the lack of interaction forces in NERDSS, any physical properties that are derived from the interaction forces or the energy functions can not be computed and flexible chains of beads or molecules are not supported. Still, such solely rate based approaches are very promising if one is interested in the kinetics of complex assembly processes and could also be a valuable addition to PyRID. In principle the PyRID framework would allow rigid body assembly growth so this could be a useful future extension. However, as indicated above, there exist many settings in which we need to include energy functions and where, as a result, there is a an upper limit for the integration time step that we can choose. We can slightly shift this threshold towards larger time steps by using different approximations to the inter-molecular interaction energy functions but even then we are restricted to integration time steps \(\leq 1 ns\). As such we need to speed up computation, e.g. by parallelization. For very large system simulations many molecular dynamics tools such as LAMMPS support parallel implementations of their algorithms for the message passing interface standard (MPI). However, here, we only gain a benefit in speed for large systems as message passing otherwise becomes a bottle neck. For intermediate sized system such as those that we want to simulate with PyRID containing 10.000-100.000 particles, algorithms that run on the GPU are much more promising. A good example is the molecular dynamics tool HooMD [71] that is optimized for the GPU and that can reach speed ups of up to two order of magnitude compared to a single CPU and more than one order of magnitude compared to a modern multi-core CPU [71]. As such, bringing particle-based reaction diffusion simulations to the GPU could be the key for simulations on time scales of even minutes. The question remains to what degree the required algorithms and data structures can be efficiently ported to the GPU. However, this is beyond the scope of this work. At last, machine learning long found its way into MD simulations and is used in coarse graining, molecular kinetics and more [104].

On hydrodynamic interactions

As mentioned above, PyRID does not account for hydrodynamic interactions between molecules because, in this case, the kind of simulations for which PyRID has been developed would become unfeasible. Here, the 6Nx6N diffusion tensor of the entire system is needed to propagate the molecule positions. As the molecule positions change each time step, this diffusion tensor needs to be recalculated each iteration. A discussion on this topic in terms of many particle simulations can also be found in [105]. A new algorithm that scales \(O(N^2)\) has been introduced by [74] making larger simulations with hydrodynamic interactions more feasible.

Limitations of the Brownian dynamics approach

Brownian dynamics simulations come with some limitations that one should consider [106]: In BD, only time steps are considered that are much longer than the velocity relaxation time \(\tau_{rel} =\frac{m}{\gamma} = \frac{2 \rho r^2}{9 \eta}\). Due to the strong damping forces in a viscous fluid the kinetic energy of large molecules rapidly dissipates. Thereby, the erratic movement of the molecules in between two time steps is memory less and can be described as a Markov process. However, when accounting for interactions between molecules, the integration time step must also not be too small such that forces stay approximately constant in one time step. This becomes a problem for small interacting molecules or atoms, where the time step needs to be chosen small enough to resolve the interactions but large enough for the the approximation of over-damped kinetics. Thereby, if the molecules are of similar size as the solvent molecules, BD may not correctly describe the dynamics. Winter and Geyer [107] introduced a Langevin integration scheme that enables the accurate simulation of small molecules. Here, we will however use the well established BD scheme introduced by Ermak and McCammon [76]. Another thing to keep in mind is that BD is only applicable for Newtonian fluids. Also, since the details of the interaction between solvent particles and bead particles are neglected, simulations of molecule aggregation may not be correctly described. However, in the case where aggregation is dominated by the interaction between the proteins, the latter may be negligible.